I Created the Salvation Organization

Chapter 572: Funeral in the Snow

But no matter what, the upgrade of psionic power will inevitably affect the disaster level of the entire world.

Such worlds are rare.

That's why Shen Yi said that he had won the lottery. This is a self-deprecating statement. Originally, he just wanted to find some six-level difficulty worlds to give the association a period of rapid development.

But now, there is no room for regret.

If you detect and come to this world, you can't stop the flow of time. If you don't do something, it won't be long before the human beings in this world will become extinct.

"Let's go." Shen Yi was already ready to face the challenge.

He and Lilac disappeared into the kingdom of God.

At the same time, everyone in God's Country also received the news that the president was going to save the world with level six difficulty, and they will also enter a state of preparation for battle. Once Shen Yi gives an order, they must fight with all their strength.


At this time, the whole earth is in the cold December.

And this year's weather is colder.

The whole world is shrouded in ice and snow, and the howling storm seems to freeze every inch of land.

If it was in the past, just such a climate would have been enough to bring about a huge disaster, and it was even called a "once in a hundred years" or "once in five hundred years" snow disaster.

but now.

Not many people care about this anymore.

Because they have bigger crises.

Ten Thousand Clans War!

Since five years ago, six voids connected to other planes began to appear on the earth, spreading across the six directions of the sphere of the earth.

Four at the equator, one at each pole.

On the opposite side of those hollows, there are not human beings, but powerful races one after another. There are goblins who make all kinds of powerful weapons, giants with a height of 100 meters, and winged humans with wings on their backs... Humans don't know how many races there are.

Just refer to them collectively as aliens.

And they face,

It's just six of the countless planes.

It is said that similar situations have appeared in every plane.

Those voids connected with the plane are constantly expanding.

It tells everyone a clear trend.

The countless planes will be completely merged to form a big world that is not a planet, but is vast and accommodates thousands of races.

As a result, the war broke out without warning and of course.

Alien races have wisdom no less than that of human beings, have their own civilizations, and have incomparable power. The strong try to conquer other races, while the weak are unwilling to be slaves and resist to the death. The smell of blood permeates the heads of all intelligent life. Unprecedented huge war!


Human beings belong to the weak in this war.

This is a cruel reality that is clearly recognized by everyone.


Everyone in the third war zone snuggled up with family and friends in this extremely cold weather, watching the pictures on TV in silence, sadness, and bewilderment.

That was a funeral.

It is a state funeral held by the country for the true heroes of this war zone, a total of 4.3 million martyrs.

These are not all the victims of the beginning of the war, but only the victims of this year.

Sorrow and joy, together with long snowflakes, permeated the sky of the funeral. The funeral procession walked on the wide avenue. What the soldiers carried were not coffins, but huge stone tablets with only the names of the victims written on them. However, there is still a long queue.

Some family members who rushed to the scene couldn't help crying loudly.

And right in front, under the flying national flag, several elected and respected elders were reciting the heroic deeds one by one.

"Ding Xiuqi, only 28 years old, squad leader of the 17th Company and 19th Squad of the Heroic Soul Regiment, guarded the nuclear weapons on the frontal battlefield and charged into the flank of the giants. He successfully detonated them and killed thousands of enemies! Gain precious time for retreat on the frontal battlefield , recommended Xuanyuan with his blood!!"

"Chen Yangjia, only 22 years old, the commander of the 23rd Company of the Heroic Soul Regiment, stayed behind during the retreat, fought to the last moment, and died with the mountain giant with nuclear weapons in his arms! His merit will go down in history!!"

"Huang Hong, only thirty-two years old, one of the top ten generals of the Heroic Soul Corps! He fought a bloody battle with fifteen totem giants for three days and three nights, beheading seven of them! He died of exhaustion! But he still showed our power!!"

"Fang Bowen, only twenty-four years old..."

Those who can face the whole country at the funeral and read their names must be heroes who have made great contributions. Therefore, almost all of them are soldiers of the Heroic Soul Corps.

On the battlefield with alien races, most of the weapons used by humans in the past have lost their original functions, especially long-range weapons. No matter how powerful nuclear weapons are, their own fragility determines that they cannot break through the defense of the unstoppable giant witchcraft. Only those with strong cultivation among the race can protect the nuclear weapons, rush into the enemy, and die together.

And this is the reason why the Heroic Soul Group was created.

The heroic soul is originally the dead.

It was used to name the legion, which means that it is no longer a life of nine deaths, but a life of ten deaths!

During these five full years, the human race was able to barely persevere by relying on this kind of tactics, and relying on the few victories that were exchanged for their lives by countless disadvantages.


The battlefield of all races is getting more and more intense!

The number of victims is increasing day by day, and the length of the funeral procession is far longer than before.

Even De Lao, who was reciting the great achievements of the heroic soul, gradually became hoarse at this time.

However, the chanting that was so hoarse that it almost looked like a cry made people feel unbearably sad.

I don't know how many people's eyes are red, I don't know how many people burst into tears, and I don't know how many people clenched their fists and stared hard.

Grief, unwillingness, anger.

Humans have never offended any race. They released goodwill towards every race at first, but that’s how the invasion happened. Those savage giants even regarded humans as food, and they stuffed a lot of humans into their mouths. The scene is so eye-opening!

They are not superior, nor are they invincible.

But they are so arrogant.

Arrogant enough not to consider humans as intelligent beings at all.

Instead, they are treated as animals, as ants!

As the long funeral procession finally completed the entire journey, and as the stone tablets filled with the names of the heroic souls were erected in the tomb of the heroic souls, the anger that people endured seemed to have reached its limit.

"If you don't avenge this revenge, you swear you won't be a human being!" A roar resounded from the crowd, and the huge roar seemed to shake the world.

The camera followed, and it was a young man with a cropped head. Circles of air waves rolled around him, piercing his crown and canthus, and there was a faint golden light on his body.

"It's General Lei!"

Someone has already recognized the young man.

"He has broken through to the fourth level!" Someone also shouted in surprise.

There was a commotion among the crowd.

It seemed that a little sadness had been diluted, and many people trembled with excitement.

"Great! After half a year of retreat, I made a breakthrough in one fell swoop!"

"My human race has another strong man!"

"General Huang has a successor!"

"Kill those giants and avenge General Huang!"

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