I Created the Salvation Organization

Chapter 482: Start the second level assessment

Wanting to guide an entire world is not an easy matter.

You cannot simply use force, you cannot simply deceive, and you cannot simply tell the truth.

It is necessary to come up with an arrangement that fits the characteristics of this world and can achieve the purpose.

Just like Lin Yiran and Gu Yan arranged for the identity of "Qi practitioners going out to save the world".

Quintina and Su Yao have already figured out how to guide them.

——A transcendent who has returned from another world to absorb fresh blood!

First of all, the returned identity can avoid being vigilant and rejected to a certain extent. Secondly, showing the existence of another world can increase the mystery of oneself. Finally, the purpose of absorbing new blood is completely used to stimulate desire.


When this purpose was really revealed, everyone was shocked.

This is the sky full of gods and Buddhas who went to other worlds, and came back to recruit disciples!

In ancient times, this is the real fairy fate, everyone can clearly feel the desire beating in the heart.

Become a fairy and become an ancestor, live forever and live freely in the world!

Not many people can resist this dreamy future!

By contrast.

Even if it is imperial power, or even the king of the world, it is not worth mentioning!

However, when people begin to accept this reality and feel their inner desire, they also have to face their most concerned issues.

"Excuse me, are our enhancers really destroying our cultivation talent?" A strong enhancer couldn't help but ask.

From the very beginning, these two mysterious fairies, who were like immortals, have been saying this all the time.

Including the trial just now.

If it weren't for the fact that most of the strengtheners are determined and battle-tested, it is absolutely impossible for more people to pass this test than ordinary people. After all, the difficulty of the assessment they face is completely different.

"It can be said so." Quentina nodded directly, with a regretful tone, "The foundation is quite important in the journey of practice. Although your strengthening potions seem to be able to strengthen the body, they are actually poison and not medicine.

It does not contain the slightest spiritual power, but more of squeezing the potential of the body. In other words, even if it is talented, it cannot be manifested at all because the potential is squeezed and destroyed. "

This sentence is generally flickering and generally true.

The purpose is naturally to suppress the use and research of enhancers.

But in fact, Quintina and Su Yao deliberately chose an extraordinary profession that required fine control over their bodies, and strengtheners were weak in this aspect.

Moreover, this kind of medicine can change the cell structure of the human body, and even accelerate the mutation of genes, which is completely suitable for the definition of poison rather than medicine.

Otherwise, the humanity of this world would not be destroyed by this potion.

"Can it be supplemented?" Someone couldn't help asking.

"Of course." Quintina did not completely extinguish the hopes of these people, she just said slowly, "If not, you are not qualified to participate in this assessment, but the means of making up for it is not so easy , The destruction of the foundation needs at least ten times, a hundred times the resources to make up for it, and when you can't see your true talent clearly, why waste these resources on you."


Many enhancers were completely silent all of a sudden.

The logic of this is already clear.

Maybe they used to be talented people, but after using the enhancer, they can only disappear from the crowd, or even not as good as the crowd, and they can't see the talent at all.

Then don't even think about getting those precious resources.

Some people already showed an expression of frustration. They knew that the strengthening agent would destroy their own foundation, so they would not use it at all.

But those ordinary people don't care about this aspect at all.

Seeing that someone asked a question and got an answer, they couldn't help asking their own questions one by one.

"Excuse me, what is it like outside the world?"

"Are all the gods and Buddhas we are familiar with real people?"

"How do you see your qualifications?"

"What can the most powerful individual do?"


One question after another, kept asking.

Everyone is full of curiosity about the extraordinary world.

However, Quintina only answered a question or two casually.

Then he raised his voice and said directly:

"Okay, these things, after you pass the assessment and become non-staff members, you will naturally know it slowly, but if you don't pass it, knowing it is meaningless. Next, we will proceed to the second level."

In a word, the audience suddenly fell silent.

Everyone was secretly nervous.

It's fine if you don't know anything, but now you already know the secrets of the world and the extraordinary truth.

Let them go back to be ordinary people, live, grow old, get sick and die, I'm afraid they will really regret it all their lives.

"As I said just now, what we want are talents."

Quentina's first sentence caused many enhancers to change their expressions slightly.

They already know that their talents are definitely not strong.

"The talent here does not simply refer to the talent in practice. Of course, the talent in practice is an extremely important part, but the rest of the talents are also under consideration. Have you seen the hall in front of you? Go in and choose yourself Do what you are best at, and then accept the assessment.”

As Quentina said, she waved her hand, and the hall, which had been closed before, suddenly opened.

It was clearly night, but inside it seemed like day.

Some ordinary people who are not strengtheners finally became excited.

"Can you choose what you are good at?"

"With music, I am on top of the world!"

"I don't know if there are any detectives."

"This level shouldn't bother me."


These people, who are eligible to receive the invitation, must have achieved a dragon in a certain field and are the best in the whole world.

Although in the previous first level, the performance was not very good.

But this level, they all have sufficient confidence.

And in fact, it is true.

Quintina and Su Yao, in this level, made full use of their own artificial intelligence, coupled with a virtual reality server exchanged with salvation funds, it is enough to arrange a comprehensive assessment.

Everyone will be unconscious the moment they enter the hall.

And consciousness is thrown into virtual reality.

There, they can choose what they are best at, and then accept the assessment of artificial intelligence.

Painting, music, detective, scientific research...

The needs of the members of the association are varied. As long as they are elites, most of them can be used.

As for those enhancers.

Of course, most of them will choose the path of fighting, and the assessment of this path is also the most stringent.

After all, suppressing the strengtheners was originally the focus of this assessment of non-staff members.


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