I Created the Salvation Organization

Chapter 186: Shen Yi's strength level

Chapter 187: Shen Yi's Strength Level

The pride is real.

The power produced by the system.

Regardless of the technological side or the mysterious side, they all come from human beings!

Even if some are used by non-humans, they are all attached to humans. For example, some demon cultivation methods on the mysterious side are also created by humans.

Shen Yi's pride seemed to have infected several people present.

That's right.

Their martial arts masters were not opponents of beasts at the beginning, but after generations of hard work, countless people tried one after another to create various martial arts and various methods of practice, and finally evolved into martial arts masters who could easily kill wild beasts. As for the master, he has reached a certain limit of living beings.

"Sir." The totalitarian Reed suddenly said, "Can I ask, what rank is the Beastmaster?"

"Fourth level." Shen Yi said, "The Beastmaster is the ultimate power that Nirvana in your world can create. If you can pass the last hurdle, you will be able to defeat the Beastmaster."

However, this hurdle is not so easy to cross.

Everyone needs at least thirty more cards.

The reason why Shen Yi is stuck at this level is firstly to give them a goal, and secondly, these people are after all the best people in the human civilization of this entire world.

If they can pass by themselves, it will save a lot of points.

This is part of the meaning of selecting top talents.

"Fourth rank." Reid memorized this number, but his eyes suddenly turned a little hot when he looked at Shen Yi, and he said again, "Sir, may I take the liberty to ask, what rank are you?"

The rest of the people also looked at this question.

They were all on TV and had seen the spectacular sight of the Wanlei descending.

Don't talk about them now.

Even if they reach the fourth level, they feel that they cannot do it at all.

At least level five!

"Me?" Shen Yi smiled faintly, "The sixth level."


Morris of the North League couldn't help but take a breath.

The rest of the people were also slightly surprised.

The gap between the first level and the second level is huge, and even more so from the second level to the third level, and the sixth level has reached an unimaginable level.

Surpassed the Beastmaster by two full levels!

"Compared to you at the sixth level,

It is indeed very strong, I can launch an attack on any corner of the world in an instant, I can see every region in the world, I can peek into the future, see fragments of fate, even the beast king, I can easily kill ——However, I can't eliminate the strange beasts all over the world, and I can't stay in your world for a long time, and when I leave, there will be more and more strange beasts, and the king of beasts will still appear one after another. "Shen Yi explained.

In fact, if there are two or three cities, they are facing ruin at the same time.

Then Shen Yi was helpless.

His current strength is a bit like the Forbidden Curse Mage in the novel.

With full force, the destructive power can destroy a small country in an instant.

Killed tens of millions of people.

Definitely a human nuke.

However, compared to the entire world, this power is still far from enough.

He could defend the two cities in front of the tsunami, but he couldn't stop the tsunami sweeping the world. It was the same this time. When the endless tide of beasts surged from the sea, his strength was useless.

And this power.

It has reached the limit of what a professional card can achieve. According to the inheritance, going one step further is the realm of gods.

Shen Yi doesn't have any clue yet, maybe he still has to pin his hopes on the card pool draw.

After all, he is not a genius.

He just has to hang.

As for Shen Yi's words, it can be considered that these people who have just stepped into Transcendence not long ago have a general concept of real power.

In addition to shock, there is yearning.

Perhaps, only with such power can one become an official commissioner of the association.

Go to the doomsday world alone to save humanity.

"Go, it's time to bring hope and confidence to people." Shen Yi finally said.

"Yes!" There seemed to be flames burning in everyone's eyes.

They have lofty goals, but also have a battle that is close at hand.

With their current strength.

It is bound to shock the whole world and bring endless cheers!

And right now.

The Grandmaster Association has held another announcement to the whole world.

This time, they announced the exciting high news.

[The Pan-human Guardian Association will send an air combat unit to support us and officially join the battlefield! 】

This piece of news finally brought a different emotion to the world that was fighting fiercely.

The fighting situation has become so fierce that even ordinary people can feel that it is in danger.

Every city can only fight on its own.

Facing the seemingly endless attacks of alien beasts.

The number of victims is increasing every day.

And once it reaches the point where it runs out of ammunition, it will face the same result as those small cities in the Northern League.

People don't know how long the city they are in can last, nor how long this war will last. They don't dare to think about it, dare not ask, because that kind of wordless despair will fade away little by little. devour them.

but now.

This mysterious, powerful, pan-human guardian association that only exists in the mouths of the Grand Master Association and many extraordinary people, is finally about to make a move?

All of a sudden, various voices appeared.

"The Pan-human Guardian Association should be very powerful, after all, it comes from a parallel world!"


"Is there only one air combat unit?"

"Didn't the Grandmaster Association say that they guard many worlds and resources are tight. This support is sent for the sake of our hard work. It is not certain whether it will be useful."

"Any support is invaluable!"

"Thank you for your support, but from the day the alien beast appeared, I will no longer pray to anyone."


Some people are looking forward to it and are very excited, some people are grateful, and some people don’t dare to have any hope anymore. This news seems to have received a lot of attention, but it has not brought mankind as expected. Too many positive influences.

after all.

In this world, the Pan-Human Guardian Association does not appear frequently in front of everyone.

People only know that there is such a thing.

I only know that the power of the extraordinary is brought by this association.

To say that the biggest shock was the thunder that descended on that day.

However, it only happened once, and the miracle did not happen after the city was broken. The cruel reality and the huge sacrifice cast a lingering shadow on this war from the very beginning.

Even the soldiers on the battlefield did not dare to have too much expectation.

But that's when.

Shen Yi came to the Sky Fortress.

Raise your hand.

A FT-A deformed fighter appeared on the deck of the fortress.

50/82 There are only four updates today. I wasted some time reading the novel. I read the new book of the air-conditioning master _(:з」∠)_ Fortunately, I finished reading it. I will continue with the fifth update tomorrow ()

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