I Created the Salvation Organization

Chapter 149: Entering the state of preparation for war

Chapter 150 Entering the State of War Preparation

this day.

The media of the whole world is occupied by the same news.

[Four thousand three hundred and twenty-one people were killed! The war has begun! 】

As soon as the news came in, it was an extremely shocking scene. A part of the entire city had been reduced to complete ruins.

The roads cracked, the buildings collapsed, bloodstains were everywhere on the ground, and it was even covered with pieces of white cloth.

People know what it is.

Dead person.

People also know what happened.

The huge corpses of alien beasts on the street are enough to explain everything!

There really are strange beasts rushing into the city!

This scene of dead bodies everywhere is enough to make everyone living in peacetime feel cold all over their bodies!

Just from this miserable scene, it is not difficult to imagine what happened to these people and this city!

Coupled with the large number on the headline, silent tremors swept through everyone who saw the news.

Strange beasts are not just a matter of a country or a place!

There are monsters like this all over the world!

The whole world suddenly boiled.

"In the end what happened?"

"How did this monster come from?"

"This is definitely not a new species!"

"Why did this kind of monster appear in the city?"

"Can you give me an explanation!"


Blood and death are the signs that a war has really begun, but countless people want to know what is going on, why the war started, and what kind of monsters their enemies are! How many such beasts will there be!

No one wants to fight an inexplicable war.

No one wants to die inexplicably.

They didn't have long to wait.

Originally, some people were also waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to tell everyone about the war.


An announcement to the whole world was held.

People turn on the TV on time.

In the picture are some famous masters all over the world.

From the Eastern Alliance, to the Northern Alliance, and then to the Western Alliance.

The grandmasters of the three camps almost all gathered together.

There has never been such a scene!

Some people feel strong unease from such an unprecedented lineup.

It was Gu Qishui who started talking.

A grandmaster who is well-known to everyone in the world, and even has the title of the strongest grandmaster. He is now seventy-eight years old, and he is also the most famous person in the entire world.

His hair was already grey.

There was a long scar on his forehead that had merged into wrinkles.

"This is a statement of preparation!"

Gu Qishui's voice was still full of air, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he declared the truth mercilessly.

"Some kind of change is taking place in our world, and this change has brought about our enemy, the alien beast!

Alien beasts, currently powerful creatures mutated from ordinary wild beasts, have far surpassed humans, surpassed all creatures, and reached another level of creatures.

But a beast is a beast after all.

They cannot communicate, are full of wildness, and have an irreconcilable hostile relationship with all human beings.

This war is not for wealth and power, but for the position at the top of the food chain, and for the survival of the entire race!

Either he dies, or I die."

The statement this time mainly tells the world two news.

The first one, Alien Beast, is currently mutated from wild beasts.

Second, the war has begun, and there is no escaping it!

The first message clarified the existence and characteristics of the alien beasts, and the second message stated that the world will officially enter a wartime state! And this time, it is an alliance of the three major camps in the world!

this war.

It is a war between humans and alien beasts.

It's a battle for survival at the top of the food chain!

All humans are allies.

All alien beasts are enemies!

This day is destined to be remembered in the history of mankind.

Countless people are watching this declaration of war.

They were terrified by the arrival of the word war, and also confused by this sudden war.

Some people are still questioning whether it has reached the stage of war!


Those bloody pictures are the best reason for this war declaration!

It is telling everyone.

The war has already begun, and the flames of war have already burned.

They have no choice.

The enemy, who knows when will rush to the front!

And what started at the same time as this statement was a series of instructions, which was the full mobilization of all camps!

The first thing to start is the conscription order!

In some countries with underpopulation, there is direct compulsory conscription, or selection of martial arts masters with certain strength, or lottery. Those who are selected may not directly enter the battlefield, but may also enter related fields.

Such as weapons development and production.

Such as the construction of defense facilities.

And for a camp with a large population and prosperous martial arts like the Eastern Union, it will give priority to summoning martial arts masters!

Here, martial arts practice has already been integrated into the whole society.

Even though there are not many people who are actually going to become martial arts masters, at this moment, just gathering these people is enough to form a huge team!

The whole world, from this day on, is fully mobilized!

Of course, this requires a process.

But everything is moving as fast as possible to a state of war!

Shen Yi saw all of this in his eyes.

To be honest, he is quite satisfied.

This is the benefit of summoning the master before.

At least, like the whole world, the whole society is preparing for war, they know what to do.

That's fine.

The enemy this time, at first glance, is not invincible.

It is different from the devastating natural disasters in the previous world.

Although people fear war.

But not out of order.

At least, in the eyes of most people, this may be a dangerous, bloody, and even a war that will change the entire history of mankind, but it is not the end of the world, nor is it the despair of all mankind.

The unity and efficient actions of the three major camps in the world also gave people a certain amount of confidence.

That's why we can enter the state of combat readiness efficiently and orderly.

However, it is different from people who are full of confidence.

Grandmasters, clearly know the horror of this war.

Know the horror of alien beasts!

They are equally active.

Just the same day that the announcement was made.

A group of martial arts masters from all over the world were sent to Gongguang, which is in front of Shen Yi.

The first batch of martial arts masters totaled 5,000 people.

There are men and women, old and young, without exception, they are all talented or powerful martial arts masters, and they all enjoy a certain status in the whole world.

but now.

Everyone standing in this fairyland on earth is full of apprehension and anxiety.

They already know where this is.

We knew what kind of existence there is here.

He even knew the horror of this war, and even knew the purpose of their coming.

It can be said.

Compared with the people outside, they are the first soldiers who really stepped into this doomsday war!

I'm fascinated by watching it, the last one tonight will be a little later ()

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