I Created the Myth of the Old Ruler

Two hundred and eighth. The name is strange

There seemed to be a person standing in the dark corridor.

The man was wearing tattered clothes and was holding a rusty sharp knife that was still dripping blood.

He had very little hair, his face was covered with stitches, and his flesh was bloody.

He was still dragging a few chains with his right hand, and the metal chains scratched across the floor, making a fine rubbing sound.


The lights in the corridor flickered suddenly, as if the electrical appliances were aging and about to fail.


The lights flickered again, and this time they went off for a longer period of time.

When the lights turned on again, it was seen that the person had advanced a certain distance and arrived at the entrance of the projection hall.


The lights went out again, and the man disappeared from the corridor.

In the next shot, in the aisle of the projection hall, the guy with the tip of the knife still dripping with blood is slowly walking in.

From the perspective behind him, the four people sitting in the cinema can be seen, it is Lu Jian and the others.


I don't know if it was in the movie or in the projection hall, but the ear-piercing sound of chains dragging on the ground echoed.


Subconsciously, Zitang turned her head to check, then uttered a scream and disappeared from the seat.

When she reappeared, she had already come to Remington's side, and there were chain marks on the exposed thighs and neck of the cheongsam. This mark was not just an illusion, but a real pain, just like someone had just used iron. The chain whipped mediocre.

The woman couldn't help but hugged her arms and trembled. She looked at the big screen, only to find that she was doing the same thing inside!


Trembling and letting out a suppressed exclamation, Zitang disappeared on the seat again.

This time, she didn't appear right away.

Remington swallowed.

"Can't even fear and trembling..."

He didn't expect that even such details could not be repeated from the movie.

This is the same as watching a horror story and not showing fear. How can it be possible.

Even if you are not afraid in your heart, people will always react like a conditioned reflex to something that suddenly appears. This is human instinct. Who can control themselves?

not to mention......


Shouts came from the row in front of Remington. He saw that Zitang had returned to her seat, but her body was covered in blood. Her cheongsam was torn, and her exposed skin seemed to have been severely whipped by an iron chain. The bloody body was no longer as graceful as before, but became more terrifying and hideous.

Remington suppressed his emotions. He also heard the sound of the chains. He saw that in the movie, the humanoid monster with a sharp knife in his hand had come to him.

It doesn't seem to be able to see very clearly, and looks for prey only by smell.

When it came to the rear side of the Remington, it stopped.

Remington resisted the urge to turn around to confirm, and just stared at the movie screen.

The monster turned its head for a moment, then turned in Remington's direction.

It comes closer.

Cold sweat broke out on Remington's forehead.

The sound of the chains sounded, and he didn't know if it was the monster really behind him, or if it was just a deceiving illusion on the screen.

Holding the armrest tightly with his left hand, Remington held his knife with his right hand. His whole body was like a bowstring stretched to the extreme, which would either be released or collapsed in the next moment.

The guy's head came closer, and his breath seemed to be right next to his ears. Remington heard someone's heartbeat, thumping, and the speed was so fast that his eyes were red, and the blood rushed to his head.

Very close, very close.

Remington seemed to smell the stench, the sourness of blood mixed with metal, the rotten breath, and the sharp cold blade.

In the movie, the monster's head is beside Remington, and he can see it as long as he turns his face slightly.

In the video, Remington was about to turn his head. He suppressed his nervousness, his eyes widened, and he watched the monster's blade lift up and cut towards his throat.

"Do not move......"

Lu Jian just issued a reminder that Remington had already swung the blade in his hand, but there was no feeling of hitting.

"Oh shit..."

He only had time to yell and curse before he disappeared from his seat.

At the same time, Lu Yi also disappeared because of the reminder.

The first to appear was Lu Lian.

There were three knife wounds on his chest, the skin was cut, revealing a little bit of flesh and blood, but soon, new green grass and trees spread out from the wounds, covering the hideous wounds.

"My new clothes."

Lu Jian felt a little distressed.

Moments later, Remington appeared.

He sat beside Zitang, looking at his right hand in disbelief.

The right hand that was holding the knife was all wounded, as if it had been put into a meat grinder and spun a dozen times. The blade mixed with bones, blood vessels, and muscles, and it was already horrible.

This was out of pain, leaving Remington pale, blood dripping onto the floor with a muffled sound.

It was fake just now!

Only then did he finally understand Lu Jian's reminder.

This movie does not directly affect reality at all and create the power of monsters. It only relies on the rendering of the atmosphere and the sense of fear brought on the screen to make people have corresponding actions, so that they fall into their own rules.

Da da--

The crisp footsteps echoed in the projection hall, and Lu Jian saw that Feng Yu stood up again and walked to the seat next to him.

"How are you hurt?"

She leaned over to check Lu Lian's wound, and couldn't help laughing when she saw the vegetation on it.

"So you really know how to grow grass."

"So why are you exempt from the rules here?"

Lu Jian was still curious.

Although I know that Feng Yu may be some kind of existence higher than human beings, but seeing her come and go so freely, I am still a little confused.

If Feng Yu was really not afraid of these weird things, why did he stay here, wouldn't it be easier to leave with Lu Jian and others?

Or is this weird movie theater the work of Feng Yu?

"I told you that we act according to the rules here. Even if it's weird, we can't bypass the rules and attack us. Don't you see what happened just now is to influence people's hearts through movies?"

Feng Yu explained earnestly, like a silly son who refused to listen to repeated education.

"So, the rule here is that if you immerse yourself in a horror movie, you will encounter the same thing as in a horror movie, so just act as if there is no horror movie."

"Just like I just didn't care about what was shown in the movie, and just walked over on my own. There are no similar shots and pictures in the movie."

Hearing Feng Yu's words, Lu Jian suddenly became enlightened.

In fact, to put it simply, Lu Juan and others are now trapped in a horror movie. If they follow the development of horror movies, they will suffer from various tragic events and eventually die here.

However, Lu Jian and the others don't need to follow the development of horror movies.

Lu Jian gradually understood everything.

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