I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 13 My Name Is Sean Wales

"Zi...Lu, can you hear me?...Zi, over"

The Jenners were startled by the sudden sound, and they were relieved when they realized that it was Lu Jiayi's walkie-talkie.

Picking up the walkie-talkie, Lu Jiayi replied: "Zizi... Received Xiao En, this is Lu, I can't go out for the time being, I suggest you search for a safe open space nearby, and stay here for now. Will be looking for you as soon as possible. Over"

"Zi... Sean received it."

"Zi... Hello, Lu, my name is Loli, and I'm Rick's wife. How is Rick doing?"

"Zi... Rick is fine, I've placed him in place, and he will be well taken care of here, don't worry! It's over."

"Zizi... Thank you Lu, I..." Loli's voice trembled a little, obviously emotional, she paused for a moment, and the intercom sounded again.

"Zizi... this is Xiao En, Lu, I will find a safe place as soon as possible, we will keep in touch! Over!"

"Zi... Received! Pay attention to safety! It's over."

"Zi...you too, bro! Over"

After putting away the walkie-talkie, Lu Jiayi didn't explain too much, but said that these were also his friends.

The Jenners can only sigh that Lu Jiayi really has a lot of friends.


At this time, outside the city of Atlanta, on the road some distance away from the urban area, a caravan was slowly moving towards the outskirts of the city. Dale was sitting in the cab with his eyes wide open. Staring at the rearview mirror, the huge fireball grew bigger and bigger in his pupils, and cold sweat quickly seeped out from his forehead.

"Oh my god, the world is crazy, how could they do that!"


Inattentive driving often has consequences, especially when following a car, Dell's RV crashed into a car in front without any suspense.

The two girls who got off the car were Andrea and Amy.

However, Dell didn't notice it, and looked out the window at the city behind. The two sisters in the car in front also looked shocked at the fireballs that erupted in the city center.

The shocking scene caused countless people to get out of their cars and stare blankly at the "hometown" behind them. The fireball engulfed not only a city, but also countless people's homes.

Half an hour after the incendiary bomb was dropped, the cars on this road had completely stopped. Some people were packing their things and planning to leave on foot, while others gathered together to discuss where to go next.

Next to Dell's RV, there was also a group of people gathered at this time, including Dell, Andrea, Amy, an Asian boy, a black burly man, a black woman, two gangster-looking guys, and A family of four.

Originally, it was just Dale discussing things with the two sisters and others nearby, but many people came over without knowing it.

Dale was still whining. After the crowd gathered, it seemed that he had found an outlet. His eyes were as wide as copper bells, and the beard at the corner of his mouth trembled as he spoke.

"This incident is absolutely extraordinary. Let me tell you, otherwise the military would never have dropped incendiary bombs on the city. This is so immoral. Where are our human rights! Why did they destroy our city!"

"Fucking human rights, old man! They don't care about your damn human rights, what they care about is whether you can bring them money, money! Do you understand? Money~" The older of the two gangster-like youths was full of foul words , The people around who listened frowned.

"Mole! He is very old, can you show some respect, for God's sake." Andrea stood beside Dell and said with some reproach.

Moore smiled evilly, "Beauty, I listen to you! Do you know why? Because you are beautiful, I like beautiful women!"

Andrea had an ugly smile on her face,

Then after turning her face, she immediately turned into a disgusted expression. Amy was about to say something, but Andrea grabbed her and swallowed the words. Seeing her sister's expression of forget it, although Amy stopped talking, her face was indeed full of anger.

Dale was also stunned enough, his eyes widened even more, and he just looked at Moore like this.

Moore didn't say anything, he just laughed strangely, but Darryl behind him suddenly said.

"I don't care what nonsense you say, no one here wants to talk about those goddamn walking corpses on the street? In my opinion, those freaks have already burped, why are they still running around eating people ? Doesn’t a normal person here care about this?”

Hearing this, the Asian boy stuttered about what he had seen and heard.

"Speaking of which, in the past two or two days, I encountered this kind of, okay, walking corpses. They seem to be unable to die. I saw soldiers shoot dozens of bullets on them, but they can still jump over and eat people. , and even some of the internal organs have come out, and they can still move freely.”

"You said you saw these things the other day? Did you, Glenn?"

The strong black man next to him also spoke.

"Yes, to be precise, yes, I heard that roar, exactly the same! In a residential house."

"It's a total mess in the city right now, just hope the army comes to our rescue soon... oh god bless us..."

"Don't dream, T dog, haven't you seen that the army has suffered heavy losses? They are helpless, otherwise why would they throw bombs in the city!"

The black actress standing next to Tdog also spoke, and only heard her continue talking.

"I work in the city hall. A method like this that completely destroys a city will only be used at the last moment. There is no way."

"Jacquie, are you saying that the city hall is useless now?"

Glenn was keenly aware of the meaning of Jacqui's words, and asked out.

Jacqui was silent for a while, then nodded: "Almost, before I left the city hall, the staff there had almost left..."

"Okay, let's discuss what to do next. My name is Ramoles, and this is my wife, son and daughter. I think instead of worrying about this, we should first discuss how to deal with the current situation. What do you all think?" The man in the family of four next to him suddenly said.

"Haha, how to deal with it? I'll tell you how to deal with it! Those bastards in the city hall, we brothers never count on these beasts in clothes, you know? Our brothers were born for this kind of world, we can hunt and survive in the wild , I think you all just listen to us in the future, as long as you are obedient, we brothers promise to let you live, what do you think? Beauty!"

Moore was lighting a cigarette, puffing out clouds and talking nonsense, and raised his eyebrows at Andrea with a lewd smile, which made Andrea feel chills.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly heard a deep male voice behind him!

"I don't think so, and I'm sure people don't think it's a good idea either."

This is a tall white male standing behind Andrea, wearing a uniform, and the badge on his chest indeed told everyone present his identity.


Before anyone could ask, the person who came first spoke.

"Hello, my name is Sean Welsh. I'm a county sheriff in King County, a suburb of Atlanta. I just overheard your discussion. Excuse me, I have a place to go now. I wonder if you are interested?"

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