I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 258: Ice Sculpture

Eggplant couldn't believe it and replied:

"Fuck, what are you talking about? Are they all real people? Chen Ke, are you scared out of your mind?"

Ji Han didn't quite believe it either. If he was freezing people here, it would be understandable.

Even if these icemen come to life and turn into some kind of iceman and ice monster, I can accept it. After all, this is an otherworld where all kinds of strange things can happen.

But if you have to say that this is the result of a real person, it is indeed a bit far-fetched.

If it is a frozen mummy, then the color of the skin, flesh, flesh and bones must be distinguishable, and the ice sculpture in front of everyone now is as delicate and transparent as the fake.

You can even feel the liquid melting when you touch it. If you say this is a real person, it is really puzzling.

Chen Ke didn't say anything, but was so frightened that he gasped for air, picked up the ice cubes on the ground, ran towards everyone quickly, and showed everyone the broken ice in his hands.

That was no ordinary broken ice, it was a broken finger from an ice sculpture.

Eggplant did not forget to joke:

"Fuck, you are destroying cultural relics. After all, this is a thing that embodies time and art."

Chen Ke was no longer in the mood to joke with him, but put his broken finger in front of everyone and asked:

"This was broken. I picked it up on the ground. What do you think of this finger carving?"

Ji Han nodded and said:

"The carving is very detailed and perfect. What's wrong?"

"What if you see it that way?"

As he spoke, Chen Ke dropped some kind of red liquid on the surface of the finger ice sculpture.

The red liquid spread along the lines of the ice sculpture, and then the red lines slowly expanded to form something that everyone is most familiar with.

Fingerprints on fingers.

Ji Han and the other three were also stunned.

"This? Isn't it?"

Chen Ke swallowed and then continued:

"I really can't believe it if the ice sculpture can be as detailed as this. And you can see where the ice sculpture is broken."

As he spoke, he showed everyone the cross-section of his finger. Under the red liquid rendering, the exercise area looked like a real broken surface of a finger, and the bones and flesh could be clearly seen.

This is indeed an exaggeration. Even the best sculptor cannot carve out all human fingerprints, bones, and flesh.

Add to that the actual clothes on the outside, and the horrified expression on the face.

Chen Kecai made this judgment:

"Is there a possibility that these ice sculptures are the result of some special accidents suffered by real people?"

Ji Han also believed in Chen Ke's judgment and reminded:

"Everyone should keep a certain distance from these ice sculptures. Whether they are real or fake, this thing is indeed weird."

Chen Ke also turned around, poured some water on the broken finger, and glued it back to the ice sculpture.

He even bowed casually and said:

"Too many interruptions, too many interruptions!"

However, this matter also left a question in Ji Han's mind.

How is it possible to completely turn a person into an iceman? strong sacrifice reading sacrifice

But after passing dozens of icemen again, the front became empty again.

The fact that those ice men didn't come alive to attack did make Ji Han feel a little relieved.

It wasn't until we walked nearly fifty meters that a huge building silhouette began to appear in front of us. At this time 99b Chapter Si

The blue light source above the head seemed to be brighter, and it seemed that everyone was moving towards the light source at the same time.

Turning on the flashlight and using the light source above his head, he finally saw this huge palace emitting soft white light.

The entire palace is made of gray, blue-white, and some kind of jade stone that shines with a certain white light. Even the tiles above the head are also blue, as if they were carved from a single piece of beautiful jade.

The white smoke all around is still floating and moving, and the blue light source above the head gives people a feeling of being thousands of miles high in the sky.

The entire palace seemed to be floating in the sky. If the four people hadn't found this place, even if they really showed the scene again, they would still only be able to tell that this was a fairy palace in the sky.

Although Ji Han deduced that this fairy palace was inside the mountain, he didn't expect it to be so real. Even if he stood face to face in front of him, he felt like he was in a heavenly palace.

"It seems that this is the truth about Yuxu Immortal Palace."

Eggplant couldn't help but cursed:

"Oh my god, oh my god, isn't this effect more realistic than the one synthesized by computer special effects?"

Chen Ke kept recording the amazing scenes around him.

The four of them could not help but admire the skills of the ancients, who were able to depict things so vividly and realistically.

Song Qian reminded:

"Okay, let's not forget the mission. Go in and take a look as soon as possible, and don't let the people from the Consciousness-only Society catch up."

Everyone walked along the jade steps towards the palace. As depicted in the nine-star mirror of the pre-Qin Dynasty, no one was seen in the empty fairy palace.

Not much smoke entered the fairy palace, so it looked relatively transparent.

The quiet and empty palace also made the four of them feel chilly.

Before entering the palace, everyone found the target they had been wondering about before: Blackstone Mountain.

The rocks of Blackrock Mountain poke out directly from the ground of Asgard.

Each pierced Blackstone Mountain rock will be enclosed by a jade fence by the palace builders.

The natural landscape of Blackstone Mountain and the cultural landscape of the power supply complement each other. If it weren't for the shadows left by everyone in Changbai Mountain on the corpses sealed in Blackstone Mountain, then this scene is still worth appreciating.

"The people here are quite open-minded. They are not frightened by the strange phenomena of Black Stone Mountain."

"It's hard to say, maybe the whole palace was built to suppress this Black Stone Mountain."

Knowing that there was something strange about this mountain, everyone didn't dare to stay for too long. They hurried forward and wanted to pass through the empty palace.

According to the image prompts in the ancient mirror, just when they were about to run to the huge ice gate, rows of black shadows suddenly appeared in front of them, blocking the way.

At first, everyone thought that there were some monsters in front, but when they got closer, they found that the rows of black shadows were actually black ice men.

Unlike the transparent ice men encountered outside, the ones here are not in different shapes, but neatly blocked in front.

Seeing this formation, they knew that they were definitely not good people. The four of them drew their weapons tacitly.

This is obviously a mechanism or monster arranged here to block or guard the huge gate not far behind.

Just when everyone was thinking about whether to attack remotely or spread out two wings, Chen Ke called everyone.

"Wait a minute." Eggplant joked: Master the Big Owl. "What's wrong? Chen Ke, don't tell me this time that these black ice men are transformed from African blacks." "No, look at the finger of the ice man on the far right in the first row." Everyone followed Chen Ke's hint and saw that the finger of the black ice man on the far right in the first row was painted red.

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