I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 219 Eight Bronze Doors

Ji Han and the others turned off the lights, carefully walked out of the stone house and took a look, confirming that the divine bird and the resentful spirit fire bone were not there.

Eggplant asked:

"Where do we go down? There are two stone covers in the two cages. Those blue bones just came out from the negative side. Which side do we go down from?"

Ji Han thought:

"Since those people were burned to death by Yin Fire, and there are obviously resentful fire bones underneath, I don't think we can try the Yang Gate side."

The four of them opened the cage on the side of the Yang Gate, opened the door and searched the ground, and sure enough they found a stone cover in a symmetrical place.

In order to prevent any accidents after opening, everyone first raised the stone cover. Ji Han asked everyone to step back and use the devil's tentacles to slowly lift the stone cover.

Fortunately, after opening it, it was still dark below. It seemed to be relatively peaceful here, but I could feel a rush of heat coming towards my face.

Under the stone cover was a large pit four to five meters wide. A lighting rod was thrown down, and the lighting rod fell more than ten meters before falling to the ground.

From the sound of landing, there should be a stone platform below. There are very narrow stone steps on the edge of the pit that you can follow.

Chen Ke said curiously:

"According to the records on the stone tablet, this pit should be a fire-breathing pit. How come there are steps? Could it be that there are still people who go down and burn themselves?"

Ji Han replied:

"The presence of stone steps means that we are on the right track. It means that the yin and yang poles of fire are not natural, but made by someone."

After saying that, he took the lead and walked down the stone steps.

But what's strange about Ji Han is that it stands to reason that the Yin Ji Wraith Fire is so powerful, the fire in this Yang Pit should not be much different.

But even this step is very intact and has not been burned. Is it possible that the Yin and Yang poles are still selective in burning things?

Everyone walked down the narrow stone steps little by little, while Eggplant leaned completely against the wall of the pit and walked sideways down the stone steps, with his big belly protruding out of the pit.

"Brother Qie, can you do it? Or you can wait for us up there?"

"Men can't say they can't do it. Let's go! Let's go!"

When we reached the end of the stone steps, we were still about 3 meters above the ground.

Ji Han jumped off first to make sure there was no problem, and then everyone jumped off in turn.

It does feel very hot when we get here, as if someone kicked us out of an RV in the desert.

By the light of the lighting rod, the four of them found that they had arrived in a space of thirty or forty square meters, which seemed to be airtight.

There are irregular walls all around. There are thick metal doors embedded in the stone walls, either in different directions or even diagonally downwards.

In the very center of the space, almost facing the entrance of the pit where everyone came down, is a large breathable stone layer like honeycomb briquettes.

Through those pores, you can clearly feel the heat rising from below. When you turn off the flashlight, you can still see the faint dark red reflected from below.

Song Qian guessed:

"There should be a magma layer below this."

Ji Han had not measured the distance between this city and the magma below in detail before, but judging from the situation, that was probably it. However, it seemed that the magma below was still flowing.

Chen Ke looked at the surrounding metal doors and they seemed to be made of bronze.

"Brother Ji, how do we get down? The fire should have come up from the briquette ground. If we get down, we have to find another way."

Eggplant picked up the Destroyer and said:

"This kind of door shouldn't be very strong. How about we all go up and I can blast him from above?"

Ji Han shook his head and said:

"Since there must be a reason for setting up these copper doors, and if you shoot from above, it will definitely collapse, and it will fall into the magma when you come down, so let's see if these copper doors can be opened?"

Everyone carefully leaned on the copper doors and observed carefully. These copper doors looked very old, but they still felt extremely heavy when they were knocked. It would be quite difficult to open them without using the Destroyer.

In the center of each copper door, there is a keyhole as thick as a finger.

At this time, Chen Ke found a small polished figure next to the keyhole.

Although it is very rough, you can still identify that it is the Kan hexagram in the Bagua graphic.

"Brother Ji, there seems to be a hexagram engraved on this bronze door!"

"Yes, I have one here too!"

"Same here."

Soon everyone found the respective graphics of the Bagua in the same position on the bronze door.

Yes, everyone understands the meaning from the last experience at Tanah Lot Temple on Rota Island.

This time even Eggplant gave the correct result:

"Ji Han, according to what you said before, the sacred pillar hidden in the crater should be Li Gua, right?"

"That's right, there should be no one more suitable than Li Gua to control the fire."

The bronze door engraved with the hexagram Li Gua is the one on the far left diagonally downwards.

Song Qian was a little uneasy and said:

"Brother Han, there seems to be something wrong. Counting the black stone puzzle we saw when we came down, the people here seem to be guiding us step by step to find the divine pillar."

Ji Han also feels this way. Although the hexagrams of the divine pillars of the Sea Temple on Rota Island are also carved out, that is because the divine pillars are their sacred objects.

And here is a password puzzle and a bronze door with one of eight choices, which seems to be choosing the person who should take away the sacred pillar.

As the divine pillar is a magical object, they shouldn't treat it this way, right?

"Indeed, the situation here seems to be different from what we have encountered before. No matter what, everyone should be careful."

Eggplant lightly hit the copper door with the butt of his gun, making a dull sound.

"Good guy! The door used to hold serious criminals is nothing more than this. Ji Han, what are you going to do with this door since we don't have the key?"

Unexpectedly, when Ji Han heard this, he took out a piece of wire from his pocket and said:

"Who said you can't open the door without a key?"

Eggplant smiled and said:

"Okay, you kid, tell me the truth. How many doors have you secretly opened to many girls from good families?"

"You don't need this to open a door for a good girl. Okay, stop talking so much. Just in case you retreat to the stone steps first, we can also handle it if there are any anti-theft measures or unexpected situations."

Song Qian worriedly said:

"Brother Han, I'd better stay with you."

"Don't be stupid, I have devil's tentacles that can hold on to the wall here and get out. Be obedient and go up first."

The three of them then retreated back to the stone steps one by one.

Ji Han made several bends in the iron wire according to the lock-picking guide given in this level of game, slowly penetrated into the keyhole, and began to try to open the ancient copper door.

Unexpectedly, the lock-picking encyclopedia given by this bureau was used here. Ji Han suddenly felt that compared with those monsters and monsters, this creative game talent was really terrifying. It seemed to know everything he needed before and after.

Unless it is a high-dimensional existence, it is absolutely impossible.

Although I was thinking wildly in my mind, I did not stop working on my hands.

Feeling the slight vibration, I held the iron wire with both hands and pulled hard to the side, and then I heard a "click" sound from inside the copper door.

But the bronze door itself seemed to be quiet.

Could it be that it has been rusty for too long?

Thinking about it, Ji Han pushed the old bronze door hard, it didn't matter if he didn't push it, but with a push, the door and frame fell down with a "click".

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