I Can Rewind

Chapter 433 Death of Morrison

Chapter 433 Death of Morrison

Nearly half of the second floor of the shopping mall was instantly covered by Death's restricted area, and the three people including Zhang Xiaomo, as well as Guo Youliang, were all under his firm control.

The powerful magnetic current extended along the ankles of the people, trying to grab the deadliest parts of these people, and then hit them hard.

Guo Youliang slammed the ancient sword on the ground with his backhand. The ancient sword didn't look sharp at all, but it was directly inserted into the floor tiles.

A stronger chill spread out along with the ancient sword inserted into the ground, pushing back the magnetic current beside Guo Youliang's feet, combined with Guo Youliang's own extreme technique, struggling to support the surging magnetic current around him.

Here, he fell into a stalemate, and he had no time to care about him.

At the same time, three magnetic currents quickly climbed up to the feet of Zhang Xiaomo, Xiang'er and Kuzai, circled around the waist, penetrated into the back, and quickly followed the position of the heart.

It took only three or four seconds for all this to happen from the opening of the Reaper's restricted area.

Sensing the unprecedented danger, Xiang'er instinctively separated her main body from the body of the perfect female corpse in an instant, and was about to dash forward in the form of an ugly woman.

But as soon as the main body appeared, she immediately found that she was surrounded by magnetic currents, and the whole body of this strange body was unable to move.

Not only that, but there was also the sound of electric current crashing around the body.

A sense of fear of falling into a catastrophe descends!

After Xiang'er appeared in the form of an ugly girl, exclamations came from the people who had gathered on the opposite side of the mall, and some timid ones turned around and ran away immediately.

At the beginning of a series of changes here, these people did not connect this conflict with weirdness at all, but believed that there was hatred among these capable spirit removers and they were killing each other.

Tourists who are far away gathered a large number of people on the opposite side of the mall floor, pointing to this side.

After seeing the ugly girl, who was obviously a weird woman covered with a lot of long hair, many people became terrified.

At this moment, the first and second floors of the entire shopping mall suddenly fell silent.

The horrified faces of the onlookers on the opposite side could be seen, and they were yelling, but no sound came out.

The strong magnetic current and the cold air emitted by the ancient sword inserted into the ground were glued together, and there was a crackling sound at first, but there was also no sound at this moment.

Zhang Xiaomo's surprised expression remained on his face, and Ku Zai let out a terrified cry before dying, and also opened his mouth, unable to make a sound.

Guo Youliang, who was struggling to hold on, raised his head slightly, obviously shocked by the sudden silence of the audience at this moment, like a conditioned reflex, he immediately looked at the slowly ascending escalator.

The blond Grim Reaper in a windbreaker also subconsciously turned his head to look at this moment, because he suddenly discovered that a strange turmoil had occurred in his Reaper's restricted area, and something disturbed the outer field of the magnetic flow.

He pricked up his ears, but he couldn't hear a single sound around him, and all the pictures he saw in front of him seemed to suddenly slow down a lot at this moment.

next second.


A large number of voices suddenly appeared, pouring in like a tide, pouring into their ears frantically, and everyone on the first and second floors of the shopping mall shook violently.

The Reaper's forbidden zone, which covered most of the area of ​​the second floor, suddenly disintegrated at this moment, the magnetic currents collided and dissipated, and lightning flashed visible to the naked eye, flying up, crackling and exploding around Zhang Xiaomo and others.

The magnetic current blow that was about to reach the hearts of their bodies also collapsed at this moment.

The blond Grim Reaper suddenly looked shocked, ignored Guo Youliang, and turned directly to face the ascending escalator.

"Silent magnetic field!" He muttered to himself, "Reaper? Huaying Dadu Reaper!?"

The Reaper's restricted area in this area no longer exists, but the escalator he was looking at, although it has been running, no one has appeared.

The blond Grim Reaper was stunned for a moment, realizing something was wrong, and immediately raised his hands, a strong magnetic awn instantly formed between his hands.


There was a violent collision sound above the head, and the magnetic awns shattered into fragments and splashed everywhere.

The blond god of death stepped back a few steps and stared at it. Where he was standing just now, there was a thin man in black clothes who was nearly two meters tall.

The figure of this man is illusory, with a dreamlike feeling, and there is black air around his body.

"Projection clone!" The blond god of death suddenly realized, looked at the tall and thin man's appearance again, and said, "Your Excellency, is it Han Yu?"

In his impression, there was a tall and thin Grim Reaper in Huaying Dadu, who mastered a special silent magnetic field called Han Yu.

The tall and thin man walked slowly, walked around in a circle and a half, stood beside Guo Youliang, and nodded slightly: "Megali Dadu, Death God Morrison."

His voice did not come from this projection clone, but electromagnetic bubbles appeared around his phantom visible to the naked eye. When these bubbles exploded, one or a few words came out intermittently. form a sentence.

The people around the mall had already run away, and they all retreated to the gate of the mall.

Outside the street, a patrol car from the Security Bureau arrived and blocked the door, but at the same time, they had received a notification from the headquarters of Huaying District, knowing that the turmoil here involved the Spirit Eliminator, so no one came in for a while.

"A clone? Isn't your body in the Tianmeng?"

Morrison grinned, and let out his death forbidden area again.

At the same time, the silent restricted area of ​​the god of death cold rain was also distributed.

The silent forbidden collision between the two gods of death broke out at the same time, and no sound came out. Even the electromagnetic sound belonging to Morrison's restricted area was completely silenced.

However, Zhang Xiaomo and Ku Zai, who were not far behind Han Yu, were pushed away by a strong force just before the collision in the restricted area, and fell into the elevator not far away.

The ugly girl screamed, but was not pushed away.

"Please sir, don't kill that weirdo!" Zhang Xiaomo shouted back after falling to the ground, desperately.

Han Yu was startled, without looking back, and saw the screaming ugly girl wrapped in a layer of fluctuating breath, and pushed into the stairwell together with the perfect female corpse that fell on the ground.

"Go downstairs first!"

The sound of Han Yu's bubbles bursting came out.

The three remaining people on the second floor of the shopping mall were all frozen in place.

The collision between Morrison and Han Yu's penalty area was extremely violent. Neither of them made any movement, they just stood there, but the silent breath collided and repeated back and forth, which made Guo Youliang feel as if he wanted to vomit blood.

Morrison didn't expect Han Yu's restricted area to be so powerful, even if the opponent was a projection clone, he could fight him.

And Han Yu is also a little anxious at this time, his body is far away from his hometown in Yannan District. If he hadn't received Zhang Chengjing's request for help just now, he wouldn't have used this avatar at all.

In the past, the avatar was placed here in accordance with the requirements of the Huaying Exorcist Corps. Strictly speaking, Han Yu is not under the jurisdiction of the Exorcist.

This guy's body awakened very early. At the beginning of the weird outbreak, he awakened almost simultaneously, and his body was extremely alienated. Because his strength was too strong, he was not under the jurisdiction of any organization.

But the entire top management of the Spirit Elimination Corps knew that although Han Yu had a cold temper, he was kind-hearted, and he was the only one among the Reapers who voluntarily accepted the management of the Corps.

He set up the avatar in the Tianmeng to protect an important weapon there, and this time he used the avatar for the sake of personal friendship.

But Han Yu is very clear that he can't consume much time. If it is this kind of death-level forbidden collision, he can hold on for a while at most, and this clone will dissipate.

At this moment, he put his left hand behind his back, and gently waved towards Guo Youliang.

Guo Youliang had already made preparations, although it was already very uncomfortable for him to be trapped here.

Seeing the hint of Han Yu, Guo Youliang immediately tried his best to wrap his whole body with the magnetic light, and there was an inexplicable chill in the magnetic light.

Holding the hilt of the ancient sword that had been inserted into the ground with both hands, he pulled it up abruptly, stepped forward, his right hand muscled up, and threw a sword at Morrison, who was about seven or eight meters away.

The tip of the ancient sword brought a chill, and a silent breath of silence cleared the way where it passed, breaking through the magnetic current controlled by Morrison in an instant.

Morrison's pupils shrank slightly, and he immediately took two steps back, embracing his arms forward.


A large group of gray magnetic clusters formed, freezing the ancient sword that was about to approach him with only one meter away in mid-air.

The two sides fell into a stalemate again.

Suddenly, Morrison's expression changed, his face twisted instantly, and a mass of black rose from his neck, covering Morrison's entire face in a moment.


The magnetic field between the two sides exploded, creating a layer of air waves, and the ancient sword fell to the ground.

In fact, Morrison still has spare power, but at this moment, he can't use it anyway.

All the white skin on his body was covered with a layer of toxin. This toxin appeared inexplicably and permeated his whole body at an extremely fast speed.

Morrison looked at his hands and found that they had withered away visibly.

He wanted to howl, but his throat was also infected by toxin, he couldn't make any sound and quickly withered and sunken.

Morrison knelt directly on the ground, under the eyes of Han Yu and Guo Youliang, his face was distorted and slowly shrank into a ball.

The tight and handsome black windbreaker seemed to be polluted by the black toxin, and became stiff into one piece.


Guo Youliang watched this scene inexplicably, not understanding what happened.

Morrison, who was still in the upper hand just now, suddenly died as if he had died of poison at this moment.

Han Yu's phantom trembled violently twice, and he couldn't figure out what happened to Morrison's body, but now this clone obviously couldn't support it after the fierce attrition war.

He took a deep look at Morrison's completely shrunken corpse, and was deeply impressed by the black toxin that suddenly appeared in his mind.

Immediately, the clone phantom disappeared without a trace as if blown away by the breeze.

At this moment, almost all the glass on the second floor of the shopping mall has been damaged, and there is a mess everywhere.

Soon the security guards and the spirit eliminators came in, and Yan Junze also arrived at this moment.

Zhang Xiaomo, Ku Zai, and Xiang'er, who had re-entered the female corpse, were sitting on the first floor, their faces pale, their thoughts a little wandering, obviously out of their minds, and feeling terrified.

To be honest, Zhang Xiaomo had never seen such a level of battle against spirit eliminators, and she didn't even dare to imagine it. It took her a while to digest it.

And because Xiang'er had just entered the perfect female corpse from the form of an ugly girl, her weird body had been injured, and the magnetic field interference was serious. She was very weak at the moment, thanks to the strong outer body of the female corpse.

She sat curled up with her legs crossed, bearing the pain alone without saying a word.

As for Ku Zai, he looked so frightened that he almost lost his mind, his mind was full of who am I? where am i Aren't we here to exorcise spirits? How could he be attacked by the spirit remover?

From this moment on, Ku Zai suddenly felt a strange feeling, but became very kind!

Before entering the shopping mall, Yan Junze had already collected the back-body girl and Ke'er as income nodes. The moment she got close to these people, Zhang Xiaomo raised her head, was taken aback for a moment, and then her face flashed with joy, and she stretched out her hands to Yan Junze.

"Are you all right?" Yan Junze walked over, squatted down, and reached out to grab her hand.

He felt that Zhang Xiaomo's hand was extremely cold and still trembling slightly.

Xiaomo looked at him seriously, and shook her head lightly: "When you didn't appear, I always felt heart palpitations, but now it's gone. You...how did you go behind the mirror and disappear?"

"Something happened, it's very mysterious. I still told your father to let the god of death come to rescue you." Seeing that they were all fine, Yan Junze smiled, "The matter is a bit complicated, and I can't explain it clearly at the moment."

"Huh? Are you... injured?" Zhang Xiaomo's expression changed when she approached Yan Junze, because she noticed that Yan Junze's body smelled very bloody.

Yan Junze said softly: "It's okay, I forgot to tell you, I am now a half-spirit again. Well, a very special half-spirit."

Zhang Xiaomo was stunned.

At this moment, Guo Youliang was transported down on a stretcher.

Because he was seriously injured, an ambulance arrived and carried him off the second floor on a reinforced stretcher.

Guo Youliang did not lose consciousness. After reaching the first floor, he turned his head to look this way.

After seeing Yan Junze's figure, Guo Youliang showed shock and glanced at the second floor.

Yan Junze waved to him and said, "Old Guo, I'll go to the hospital to see you later."

Guo Youliang also wanted to wave his wrist, but just as he moved, his upper body became numb immediately, so he could only nod his head.

After he left, Yan Junze asked Zhang Xiaomo and the others: "The god of death, how did he die?"

"How do you know he's dead?" Zhang Xiaomo was surprised.

Xiang'er was in a state of confusion in her body at the moment and didn't want to speak, while Ku Zai was in a state of complete bewilderment, and didn't know if she heard what Yan Junze said.

Only Zhang Xiaomo's reaction was fairly quick.

Yan Junze froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "Poisoned?"

Zhang Xiaomo nodded: "It seems that just now his whole body including his clothes were pitch black."

Then he pointed to the second floor, "The body is still up there."

As soon as the words fell, I heard a security officer returning from the second floor to the first floor just to say to another security officer: "The body has completely turned into a black liquid, including the person's clothes. Now that area is temporarily blocked, and the area is closed. Before the arrival of biochemical experts, no one should touch it."

Zhang Xiaomo shook her head when she heard this.

"Can you still go?" Yan Junze looked at the other two.

Xiang'er nodded slightly, but her expression was ugly.

Kuzai: (O_o)??

"This kid, it may take a week to recover." Yan Junze stood up and grabbed his arm.

Zhang Xiaomo supported Xiang'er, and the four of them walked out of the mall slowly and got into the SUV parked by the roadside.

While Yan Junze was driving, the others put the car seats flat and lay down quietly without saying a word.

Zhang Xiaomo's eyes rolled, Yan Junze knew that she wanted to know a lot, but it's not easy to ask now.

"Send you back, or go back to HKUST with me?"

"Go back to HKUST."

Xiao Mo almost didn't think about it, and just blurted out an answer.

Yan Junze froze for a moment, then smiled, while Zhang Xiaomo turned her head away in embarrassment, pretending to sleep.

The SUV starts and walks slowly.

Through the rearview mirror of the car, Yan Junze glanced at the gate of Shengshi Shopping Mall.

Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, the moment when Morrison was infiltrated by the black poison in the outbreak came to his mind.

He pursed his lips and smiled, kicked the accelerator, and the SUV accelerated away.

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