I Can Rewind

Chapter 154 Mountain Park No. 2

Chapter 154 Mountain Park No. 2

After a while, Yan Junze negotiated with the Li family, the Zhao family and the Lin family. Except for Lin Hong, the young man of the Lin family, who wanted to go back to seek advice from his family members, the two other families agreed on the spot.

Later, Yan Junze came to install a camera at home.

After leaving the Haoting gate, Yan Junze immediately called Bao Jie, first briefly explained the situation of her aunt's house, and then asked her to borrow some more camera equipment.

Whether it's a camcorder or a camera, as long as it can record video, he will borrow it.

Bao Jie usually likes to play with these things, not to mention that he can actually lend out five sets, regardless of the size, style, clarity, etc., anyway, as long as they can be used, Yan Junze doesn't care.

With the addition of a video camera and a camera of his own, the equipment is more or less adequate.

Of course, he didn't reveal to Bao Jie the real supernatural fact he discovered, he just used the possessed spirit as an explanation.

Everyone knows about the possessed spirit. At the beginning, teacher Zhang Tiantian was possessed by a possessed spirit. I heard that she is now in the rehabilitation hospital and her condition has improved, but she doesn't know when she will be able to come out.

The use of camera equipment to capture the strange situations encountered by the other three families has two main functions. One is to let Yan Junze determine whether the weird situation of these people is the same as that of Bao Yunjing's family, because it involves the "strange silk" mentioned in the mission.

If the odds were different, he'd need to redo the plan.

Shooting with camera equipment can be quickly collected. If one family goes to personally experience it, it will not only take too long, but may cause other troubles. If the time is prolonged, it may also have a life-threatening impact on these families.

The second function is that after shooting the video, it can be uploaded to the video platform after processing and blocking. It is believed that after Tang Zhengyi’s professional team makes and edits, these few similar encounters will form a good-looking and exciting type of short film.

Yan Junze still remembered that in his last life there was a horror movie about a family's house being haunted, and then the owner bought a DV and put it in the bedroom while sleeping at night, and captured a series of scary scenes.

These pictures give people a strong sense of reality. After the release, the box office has been booming, and the investors have made a lot of money.

Of course, it was a film shot, but now it is real here, and it is still a series of short films. I believe that after editing, the effect will definitely be better.

Later that day, Yan Junze, holding a video camera, visited the Li family, the Zhao family and the Lin family successively.

Among them, Mr. Li from the Li family went to Bao Yunjing's house to check, and after confirming that Yan Junze was telling the truth, he immediately gave him a deposit of 10,000 yuan.

After the installation, I debugged it, and there was no problem, and Yan Junze also warned the people of the three families not to touch the installed camera equipment. Early the next morning, I would come over on time to collect it, and then take action to solve their troubles.

After Yan Junze asked Bao Yunjing the address of the mountain park, he came to No. 2 Leisure Mountain Park in Haoting Menyuan.

This mountain park is located in the area close to the garden house, covering a large area. In addition to transforming a small mountain into a mountain park, there is also a large square at the foot of the mountain, where a lot of exercise equipment is installed.

When Yan Junze came to check the spot, the square was full of people. In such a luxurious place, if something strange happened, it would usually be resolved quickly.

So people who live here don't have much to worry about.

Of course, they didn't know that an extremely weird and terrifying monster was hidden in the underground space of the mountain park.

What is an underground space, Yan Junze is actually not very clear, according to the literal meaning, it should be that when the mountain park was built, a separate space was opened under or inside the small mountain.

Or the interior of the mountain was originally empty, and it may have been reused to build an underground space to store sundries.

Yan Junze walked around the mountain park, and found that on the opposite side of the square at the foot of the mountain, near the foot of the mountain, there was a closed iron gate.

This iron gate is a bit like the school gate of the old school, but it is closed, and there is nothing inside. There is only a warning posted on the outside of the gate: no one is allowed to enter.

In terms of underground space, this place is probably the place most similar to the underground space of this mountain park.

But unfortunately, because the outside of the door is relatively spacious and flat, it has been occupied by a group of old men and women playing spinning tops at this time.

There were at least a dozen huge spinning tops whirring and whistling on the ground, and even Yan Junze saw an old man in a vest and shorts, with a whip in each hand, whipping two giant spinning tops at the same time.

He turned and left.

With such a group of old men and women here, it is basically impossible to come to pick up tasks during the day, only at night when no one is around.

In addition, the weather is very good today, the moon is likely to appear at night, and the video is still being filmed, Yan Junze is not planning to act tonight.

When I got home, I threw the money in two envelopes to my mother Li Man: "Mom, I just earned it. This time, we really don't have to worry about the tuition fees for college. The money you saved will be kept Go buy something you like."

"Son, are you shooting videos again?" Yan Daguo walked over with his eyes bright.

"Yeah." Yan Junze nodded, "The video shot this time is very easy, and it is a series of videos. It is expected that the money earned will break through the sky, so you should be mentally prepared."

In order to dispel his parents' worries, he has always been ambiguous about making money from making videos, and he plans to include the remuneration from the four families in the video remuneration.

This night, the Yan family couple were very excited. They didn't expect their son to be so handy in this job, and looking at it, it seemed that he was not as dangerous as imagined.

He didn't sleep much at Bao Yunjing's house the night before, so Yan Junze climbed into bed early and had a good sleep.

After waking up the next day, he rushed to Haoting Gate and visited the Li family, the Zhao family and the Lin family successively.

He didn't take the video away immediately, but sat in their respective homes. After checking it, he found that the strange situation was recorded, and then he took the equipment away.

Back home, I copied all these videos into the computer, and made a rough video clip for each family segment to ensure that they would not be messed up.

Through careful observation, the strange things encountered in these three families are basically not much different from Bao Yunjing's family. If they are affected by some strange things, they should all have the same effect.

Then Yan Junze called Tang Zhengyi, saying that everyone in the video must not be exposed, and some valuables in the room should be blurred. After waiting for the video to be received, it will be passed on here and handed over to the platform professional. The team will handle the production.

Of course, he had to watch the sample afterward, and then upload it to the platform after confirming it.

Tang Zhengyi attaches great importance to this series of videos, because such videos rarely appear, and said that he will personally supervise the editing to ensure that the most authentic, weirdest, and most terrifying effects are restored.

As long as people are serious, the speed is bizarre.

In the second half of the day, the video had been produced and reviewed by Tang Zhengyi, and then passed to Yan Junze.

Yan Junze read it carefully twice, pointed out a few places that needed to be revised and adjusted, and then showed it to Bao Yunjing before agreeing to hang up on the platform.

Originally, he planned to start action on this day, and completed the four branch tasks, but he didn't know that the weather has been very good for the past few days, and the moonlight is bright and bright every night.

At this time, he didn't dare to go out to perform this task casually. After all, the main task was "Scared (M)", and it would be best if there were no other dangerous factors during the sub-tasks.

If at a critical moment, the moon was bright, Fang Ning suddenly appeared and made another stab, it might become the last straw that crushed her.

So Yan Junze has been patient and restrained.

Although he failed to go out to carry out the mission, there was suddenly important news from the video platform.

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