This night, it was destined not to get drunk or return. Lin Tian's return can be said to be the source of everyone's happiness.

Some people who have seen Lin Tian upset are here to celebrate at this moment.

Because of Lin Tian's non-existence, Ji Ling Academy felt inexplicably deserted in this year.

Therefore, everyone wanted Lin Tian to come back. At least Lin Tian made the name of the Extreme Spirit Academy very famous in other continents.

Everyone knows that there is a Lin Tian from the Extreme Spirit Academy. It is very terrifying. When the Holy Spirit Island opened the secret realm of Nine Suns, he came out and got the first place, the first place in the Xuankong list.

Such achievements will continue for thirty years.

Others know that when Lin Tian was chased and killed in the Holy Spirit Continent, even if the Yuan Emperor peaked his shots, even the powerhouses of the Tianyuan realm, they all shot one after another. From these points of view.

It suffices to show how terrifying and famous Lin Tian is.

"Drink and drink..."

A group of people, drinking crazy, Lin Tian felt a little drowsy.

No one noticed, the Venerable Qingyue in the corner was completely ignored.

At this moment, Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian's appearance, and it was a moment of spurning. When this guy drank, he did not expect to be so vigorous. In Venerable Qingyue's heart, that was what he thought.

"Boss, you don't know how much we miss you after you leave." At this time, Lin Heng was more talkative than before.

At this time, facing Lin Tian, ​​he was complaining for a while.

At this, everyone smiled.

But no one laughed, because their hearts are the same.

Everyone in this yard hoped that Lin Tian would come back and bring them back to the excitement, instead of being unknown in this academy.

It can be said that when Lin Tian is there, they feel like their lives. Full of meaning.

But without Lin Tian, ​​everyone practiced hard every day, as if there was no feeling of excitement, even if Lin Tian asked them to single out and fight, it would be happy.

"Well, I'm back this time, I won't leave easily, drink!"

The daughter Hong everywhere, although Lin Tian was bleeding this time, he was still extremely happy.

Venerable Qingyue in the distance looked at this scene, feeling inexplicably that Lin Tian was really in his heart this time, without any pretense.

In this way, a night of madness, in the end everyone fell on the ground and couldn't get up directly, and Lin Tian was the same.

But they are happy to enjoy this kind of enjoyment. When they open their eyes on the ground, there are stars in the sky, and then when they wake up, it is the early morning sky.


When day came, everyone woke up.

"Boss, look like you sleep, hahaha..."

At this time, Qiao Lang looked at Lin Tian with a smile on his face. Lin Tian just woke up and found that he was really embarrassed, but Mou Yan and Lin Heng, who were next to him, hugged him directly.

"Is it the same when they two drink? Hahaha..."

Lin Tian laughed, and everyone woke up for a while.

Immediately, everyone went back to sleep and rested, not to mention daughter Hong's wine spirit, it was still very strong.

After a while, the entire yard was finally much cleaner.

At this time, Lin Tian sat on the stool and recovered slightly. For a moment, his whole body was refreshed.

"You woke up."

Venerable Qingyue's voice came, and it sounded a little uncomfortable.

For these words, Lin Tian smiled slightly, and then said: "Why don't you drink?"

"Do you think I should huddle with your group of men?"

" seems unnecessary."

Lin Tian realized at this moment that there was not a single woman who had come to welcome her.

Whether it was Zhou Shanshan or Ouyang He, both of them disappeared, and they don't know where they went?

Regarding this situation, Lin Tian was naturally puzzled, but he knew that these doubts would be gradually resolved, because he would definitely ask, what happened?

During the year that I disappeared, too much seemed to have happened.

"Do you still drink now?"

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian, ​​his words once again revealed his discomfort.

"Okay, Qingyue, I won't drink anymore. By the way, do you want to rest? My bed is inside."

"No, I can rest like this."

Lin Tian found that Venerable Qingyue spoke with anger.

But he can understand. Sometimes women don’t really understand. What are they thinking?

Regarding this situation, Lin Tian looked at Venerable Qingyue with a depressed expression.

"Okay, I'm going to meet people, can you wait for me here?"

Lin Tian looked at Venerable Qingyue and said so.

Regarding this, Venerable Qingyue was slightly taken aback, and then said slightly indifferently: "You go to you, don't worry about me."

With that said, Venerable Qingyue went directly into Lin Tian's room.

Isn't it not going in?

Lin Tian looked at it with a stunned expression on his face. It seemed that this situation really made people unclear what the woman was thinking. No wonder people say that a woman's heart is a needle on the seabed.

Feeling helpless, Lin Tian could only go outside. At this time, he was a little puzzled, and there was nothing he could do.

When Lin Tian went out of the courtyard, he went to Elder Mi's residence.

Because when he returned, Elder Mi told him that Lin Tian must be asked to look for him. Lin Tian naturally remembered very clearly, so he must go to Elder Mi once.

At this time, Venerable Qingyue entered Lin Tian's room, and she could feel that there was indeed Lin Tian's breath in this room, and it should be the place where Lin Tian slept.

Without any dislike, the Venerable Qingyue at this moment directly meditated in it.

Faster, Lin Tian came to the outside of Elder Mi's room.

"Come in, your kid came very quickly."

Obviously, Elder Mi has noticed that Lin Tian is here.

Lin Tian didn't have any politeness, just walked in.

As soon as he entered, he saw Elder Mi slowly got up and pulled a stool to Lin Tian.

"Let's talk about it, what happened during such a period of time? It was so easy for me to find at the beginning. How did your kid come over this year?"

Elder Mi is still the same, he looks a little bit more energetic, Lin Tian guessed that it was Elder Mi's cultivation base that had broken through again.

Because the last time he shot, Lin Tian felt different about him.

"Hehe, actually the space debris exploded, and I almost died. When I woke up, I found that I was lucky, but I didn't die..."

Lin Tian began to talk about how miraculously he came to life.

But regarding the system, he went straight ahead, lest Elder Mi ask questions.

After half an hour, Lin Tian's saliva was almost dry, and finally said everything that should be said.

Elder Mi at this moment still has not finished listening.

"Hey, what's the matter with your kid, Venerable Azure Moon?"

Elder Mi looked at Lin Tian with another meaning in his eyes.

When asked about this, Lin Tian was shocked for a while.

Because he didn't know what to say, it was really a difficult story to tell about Venerable Qingyue.

Because it involves the system.

"Venerable Qingyue is my friend. The two of us have had an ulterior secret, so don't be curious about it, elder."


Elder Mi's eyes instantly turned evil.

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