In the first few minutes, they could still feel very clearly, but it hasn't been long before this happened, how can this not shock them.

But what to say at the moment? It seems to be useless.

"Will this? It's that kid's clone technique. In fact, that day, the strong Yuan is the direction we should pursue."

"What if that is also a cover?"

For a time, the three of them were so angry that they felt like they were being played around. Lin Tian, ​​this guy, was too much.

For them, this is simply unforgivable.

"We chase! Follow the direction just now, I don't believe he can run to the ends of the world."

The three powerhouses acted again, they were the powerhouses of Jinguangjiao, Xuanwu Island, and Niujiaoling. They are now here to chase down and kill Venerable Lin Tian and Qingyue.

As for the Northern Shengzong and the Northern Ice Sword Palace, they will be pursued elsewhere.

But the people of the Zhang family were a little helpless. Because they don't have a strong Tianyuan, only the peak of Emperor Yuan.

For them, the peak of Emperor Yuan Dynasty was already their strongest strength.

Above a wilderness, Lin Tian finally did not feel that there was anyone behind.

"It seems that the two of us still need to dress up well."

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian and said, the meaning of these words is that the two people's ability to hide their breath is still not strong enough and needs to be improved.

"Well, it's okay, when I arrive at Tianyuan, no one will find me."

With that, Lin Tian suddenly looked at Venerable Qingyue.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

For Lin Tian's expression, Venerable Qingyue was a little strange.

"I have a way to hide my breath, do I need to give it to you? Qingyue."

"It's okay, what I have hidden is pretty good."

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian, ​​thinking that the exercises given by Lin Tian should not have much effect.

As for this, Lin Tian smiled slightly, and said, "Are you sure? With my technique, you are at the same level, and almost no one can find you."

This is so mysterious.

"Really? Is it so magical?"

Venerable Qingyue at this moment expressed his disbelief very much.

Lin Tian believed in the exercises given by the system.

"Of course, do you want to try?"

"Well, yes."

Venerable Qingyue believes in Lin Tian inexplicably, don't know why? This may be what that sentence says, trust for no reason, just so suddenly.

"Okay, you are ready."


In an instant, Lin Tian passed his own practice to the mind of Venerable Qingyue.

Venerable Qingyue accepted it, and the whole person was instantly indulged in it, unable to extricate himself.

Because she discovered that the hidden techniques Lin Tian taught herself were so profound that she had never seen it before.

As far as Lin Tian was concerned, the system was passed to him, and he still understood it, but the Venerable Qingyue in front of him didn't understand it at all.

Therefore, it is still a bit difficult to understand.

After half an hour, Lin Tian was a little bored.

"Huh, this technique is really amazing."

The aura on Venerable Qingyue suddenly disappeared, becoming nothingness.

Lu Chen looked at Venerable Qingyue and felt that the person in front of him was a fake.

This hidden energy is really unique and powerful.

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian with a look of horror: "How did you get this technique? This is a priceless treasure."

Being able to hide his breath and almost turned himself into an ordinary person, it is no wonder that before Lin Tian, ​​no one could catch him when escaping, Venerable Qingyue finally understood.

In addition to Lin Tianyirong, unless a strong Tianyuan realm sees it, this is even more incredible.

"This... don't worry, we will continue on our way."

Lin Tian didn't want to explain too much, because the more explanations, the more unclear.

The Venerable Qingyue in front of him didn't ask too much. This is everyone's inner secret, so she shouldn't ask too much.

The two continued to move forward, and Lin Tian at this moment found that they were already approaching the Extreme Spirit Academy.

It's just that there is another place that must be passed by close to the Jilin Academy.

"Blizzard City, here I am."

Lin Tian looked into the distance with a smile on his face.

This place was once the place where he was chased by the Zhang family. At this moment, he just wants to go back and see, is that Zhang family okay?

With his current strength, there is no problem in cleaning up the Patriarch of the Zhang Family.

A lot of blood shook the river, and the people who killed were panicked. This is what Lin Tian thought in his heart. The Zhang family used to be chased and killed, and he has not let go for so long.

The two walked across the void, and the void trembled.

Without any hesitation, I came to the distance and saw the city buildings in the distance. Among them, the lofts were tall, the crowds were flowing, and they were extremely prosperous.

Lin Tian took Venerable Qingyue in, and Venerable Qingyue said lightly: "You are here to prepare to kill, are you?"

"Hey, you guessed it."

Lin Tian smiled faintly.

Venerable Qingyue stopped speaking. The reason why he guessed it was because when Lin Tian came here, a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

The two were walking on the street, Lin Tian and Venerable Qingyue at this moment looked very slow, and there were still many vendors around, making this place extremely lively.


Suddenly, Lin Tian's eyes were taken aback, because he found a familiar figure in the distance.

Lu Ming?

Lin Tian's eyes were taken aback, and he met this guy here again.

I asked him to find the spiritual tool for myself, I don't know what happened to it? Or is it still looking for?

Lu Ming at this time seemed to have experienced a lot more vicissitudes than before, but his shrewd eyes remained unchanged.

"Hey, let me tell you, this spirit weapon is the best in the ground, as long as you get it, it will definitely open your eyes."

At this moment, Lu Ming is selling the spiritual weapon in front of him.

A group of people were watching, very interested.

But Lin Tian could tell at a glance that this guy was making a fake, and that spiritual tool was at best a mysterious-order spiritual tool, just because it looked quite new.

"One price, two hundred and third-rank spirit stones, you take it, it's definitely not a second price."

"Hey, boss, you're too bad, this is obviously a mysterious weapon."

The person next to him just opened his mouth, obviously suspected of being pitted.

"Hahaha, don't talk nonsense, brother, I'm all genuine."

Lu was obviously calm.

"Oh, boss, look at the glossiness of this spiritual tool, and the aura that it radiates. Do you still want to deceive us."

The young man pointed out the problem again, and immediately everyone saw it and was dubious.

This made Lu Ming's face sink, he didn't expect to meet an expert.

Looking at the youth, Lu Ming said uncomfortably, "Brother, if you talk nonsense here, don't blame me for being rude."

"Haha, the boss passed the award, are you called Lu Ming, I have something to tell you."

Lin Tian smiled faintly, this young man was naturally him.

The people around listened to the conversation between the two and left. Because they were afraid of being tricked, Lu Ming became even more angry when they watched everyone leave.

"You bastard, do you know how many days I haven't opened? Finally, once, you made me dirty."

Lu Ming looked so angry that he had the heart to kill Lin Tian.

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