The winning bet of 100,000 credits made all the students suddenly a piece of cake.

Even the mentor was shocked.

You must know that credits are the most precious resource of Jilin Academy. It is no exaggeration to say that in the inner courtyard, credits are everything.

And the meaning of 100,000 credits...

Let's put it this way, the exchange price of a low-grade spirit weapon in the inner courtyard is about 20,000 to 30,000.

The cultivation blessed land is about 50,000 yuan.

One can imagine how many things 100,000 can do.

And let’s say nothing else, how many tasks must be completed for these 100,000 credits?

Zhang Yuxuan's expression is also a little ugly: "One hundred thousand credits?"

He does not have as many credits as 100,000.

"Why, dare not?" Lin Tian raised his eyebrows.

Zhang Yuxuan snorted coldly: "Don't regret it!"

One hundred thousand credits is really difficult for other students, but for Zhang Yuxuan, it is not too much trouble.

Because of his special status.

The young master of Blizzard City Alchemy Guild, a half-step alchemist.

This allows him to trade with various students through alchemy.

Although he doesn't have 100,000 credits, he can still get it in a short time through trading.

But Zhang Yuxuan suddenly recalled.

Worry yourself.

For the young master of the small city of Shanglintian, I'm afraid that even a profound-level alchemist is enough.

How could I lose?

"Lin Tian, ​​don't regret it, I won't bully you, let me tell you. I started to set foot in the alchemy world at the age of five, learning pill books and seals, at the age of ten, I entered the Huang-level alchemist, at the age of fifteen, to the profound stage, and sixteen. Even the profound-level master pill! Now twenty years old, he is still a half-step earth-level, and can refine a master-level half-step earth-level pill!"

Zhang Yuxuan said proudly.

The students onlookers couldn't help but admire.

This resume is indeed rich.

It can even be said that in the inner courtyard of the Extreme Spirit Academy, apart from the old senior elders of the alchemy department, in fact, no one can compare Zhang Yuxuan.

Faced with Zhang Yuxuan's show off, Lin Tian just chuckled, "You should prepare for 100,000 credits, I'm afraid you won't be able to get them out."

"I will make you regret it! Tomorrow at noon, it will be this arena! I will eat all your credits!" Zhang Yuxuan said fiercely.


It's not that he doesn't want to frustrate Lin Tian, ​​but he is afraid that after Lin Tian becomes angry, he will suffer by then.

After Zhang Yuxuan left, he didn't watch.

Many old students also left.

They want to continue to learn from each other here.

But looking at the ring, it was half destroyed by Lin Tian, ​​and there was nothing to fight.

It can only be repaired by the instructor of the soil attribute power in the inner courtyard.

The old students have lost a lot.

Lin Tian planned to go to the Danlou again.

At this time, a pair of long snow-white legs stepped on high heels and came over.

"Class guide?" Lin Tian was taken aback.

Han Shuangyue was like passing by, ignoring Lin Tian.

There was no expression on her beautiful cold face.

Lin Tian rolled his eyes. You passed by me and didn't speak. What about making trouble?

As a result, Han Shuangyue really went so far.

Leaving fragrant wind gusts.

Lin Tian didn't care about her either. As a result, a cold voice came from a distance: "Since the cowhide has blown out, don't lose the game, don't shame us for Class 25."

Lin Tian chuckled, "Isn't class 25 shameful enough? A batch of vegetables."

Han Shuangyue: "......"

25 students who have not gone far: "..."

Nima, will you die if you don't tell the truth?

Han Shuangyue, who could predict Lin Tian's thinking, turned her head and stared at Lin Tian fiercely: "Boy, if you dare to lose, I will make you regret it in three days!"

After all, I really just left.

Ouyang He pursed his lips and chuckled: "Lin Tian, ​​you can breathe the Ice Demon to such a degree. You have not been injured yet. You are the first one."

Lin Tian smiled and said nothing.

At this time, Ouyang Icebreaker finally came to the arena, but he didn't see the battle.

After all, he had to report many things to Ouyang's family after he returned, and he came a little later.

In the end, Ouyang Bingbing heard a lot of people talking, and immediately felt the position of his sister.

Found it.

"Your brother is here, I will leave first." Lin Tian said.

He rushed to the Danlou, without much effort to say hello to Ouyang Breaking the Ice.

When Ouyang He saw Lin Tian run away, he was furious for a while.

After Ouyang Breaking the Ice arrived, he looked at his sister with a dazed expression.

A quarter of an hour later.

Lin Tian came to the Danlou.

At the front desk, there is an old man in Tsing Yi who is raunchy, who seems to be an elder.

He glanced at Lin Tian: "Jade card."

Lin Tian handed out the blue jade card.

The old man in Tsing Yi raised his eyebrows: "When will the alchemy master out of Class 25? Don't you come to do damage again?"

Lin Tian was too lazy to speak. Since he swept Class 25, he actually didn't think he was from Class 25.

He still had that idea in his mind.

The idea of ​​forming a class by yourself.

"Go around by yourself. The first floor and the second floor are pill medicine, the third floor and the fourth floor are pill medicine, the fifth floor is the alchemy room, and the sixth and seventh floors are not allowed. Don't do damage, don't violate discipline, or you will deduct your credits." The old man Tsing Yi returned the jade brand man, and then read his book.

Lin Tian stepped upstairs.

Soon I felt the breath of the strong pill.

At a glance, a dazzling array of various elixirs.

There is also a requirement to exchange credits next to it.

In the past, the average Xuan-level pill is about 3,000 credits, but it still depends on the effect and quality. The rare pill of ultimate quality will basically exceed 10,000.

As for the perfect quality, Lin Tian didn't see it.

Lin Tian guessed that Ji Ling Academy might have someone who could perfect Huang Ji and Xuan Ji pill.

But it is estimated that it will not be taken out.

The pill is placed along the grid, the higher the grade, the higher the credits and the higher the rank.

Lin Tian saw that the basic price of Di Tier Pills had broken 20,000 yuan, let alone higher quality ones.

Of course, there is no Heavenly Pill.

Of course, Lin Tian would not exchange the pill, just a rough look at the level of the pill in the inner courtyard of the Ji Ling Academy.

The pill of ultimate quality is not uncommon, but it seems to have extraordinary strength.

Lin Tian then went to the third and fourth floors.

He intends to find the pill of earth.

Lin Tian had already practiced a lot of pills in the secret realm, and he felt that his control over alchemy had improved.

Maybe it was an opportunity to break through the ground-level alchemist.

The system only provides the ability to transform the cultivation base of the practice points, not the ability to transform the alchemy experience.

So Lin Tian is still a half-step alchemist.

He wanted to find an alchemy master to beat him up, but it was an academy after all, so it was not easy to start.

There is no reason!

Lin Tian decided to keep a low profile when he first arrived.

But he didn't seem to have forced the count, and his two battles in the arena were high-profile enough.

The high-profile old Fengxue Ghost, who is number one on the top list, can't even compare to him.

There are more ground-level alchemy on the fourth floor, and there are fewer students on the fourth floor.

It can even be said that there are not many students in Danlou.

Because the alchemist is actually a rare profession.

Even Ji Ling Academy has gathered a large number of talented alchemy students.

It is not as good as the Alchemist Union.

Moreover, most of these alchemy students were concentrated in the early stages of Huang and Xuanjie.

So the place where they stay is basically the alchemy room on the fifth floor.

As for the Danfang floor, few people go.

If you can't do anything at all, don't ask for trouble.

Therefore, the elder on the fourth floor could not help being curious when he saw that there were rare students coming up.

The blue-robed elder saw Lin Tian watching the Danfang on the ground floor, and he couldn't help but said: "This classmate, I advise you to look for it on the third floor."

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