I Can Incarnate Everything

Chapter 214 Redemption and Rebirth (1)

"Uncle Doro, do you think we have a chance to go to the world of God Envoy?"

Sitting around the edge of the black lake, Beth, the daughter of the patriarch of the Doro family, is looking at Doro with hopeful eyes, and her face is full of a vision of imagining a beautiful world.

Looking at the thin girl who was less than sixty centimeters tall in front of him, Doro was actually not sure.

This is not because Doro thinks that it is impossible for his family to enter the beautiful world mentioned by the envoy Irisviel in the future.

However, after Doro saw the many exquisite food and supplies brought by Irisviel, he began to hesitate instead.

Because, the Sax family can no longer be regarded as normal life.

In the terrifying world of Ziyue, after thousands of years, their family has already changed their appearance, even undergoing a huge genetic degeneration.

Big head without hair, dark body, protruding eyeballs, short stature, and most of them have deformities of one kind or another. For such a group, if they go to the normal world, will they be accepted by life in the normal world?

Doro is not stupid, and according to ancient records, he only needs to think about this kind of thing to come to a conclusion.

But, even so, Doro still hopes to see what the normal world looks like with his own eyes.

For the normal world, Doro is full of many imaginations, but these imaginations are always like seeing flowers in a fog.

Without inherited knowledge, without extensive cognition, he has existed in Ziyue World for a long time, and his imagination of the normal world is really very poor.

Even what he longed for, hoping to see the sun and sunlight in the records, he couldn't have a clear understanding of what kind of scene it was for him.

He just relies on the beautiful description of the normal world in the records to generate his desire.

In the world of Ziyue, in the area around the Black Lake, there are really too few things that Doro, the Sax family, can recognize.

Even the so-called colors, they actually know very little.

Here in the Black Lake, the colors they can see are usually purple and black, and the other colors they occasionally find are quite a surprise to them.

And it is precisely because of this that when Irisviel appeared from the black lake and shone with clear light all over her body, the Doro family finally knew what is bright and what is the color of crystal glass.

For Irisviel, the Doro family felt the most fear at the beginning, but after getting along for a month, the Doro family had already begun to develop a fanatical belief in Irisviel.

And all of this is naturally related to the large amount of food and clothing that Irisviel provided them.

In Ziyue's world, the Doro family has never had enough to eat. Even if they are fishing in the Black Lake, they are always worried about whether they will be caught back by the fish in the Black Lake.

Therefore, in the continuation of this struggle to survive, the appearance and help of Irisviel directly brought about earth-shaking changes in their three views and cognition.

Doro still remembered, at the very beginning, the scene when he first saw exquisite bread and gorgeous clothes.

Doro may never forget this scene in his lifetime.

He trembled, and touched the food and clothes brought by Irisviel with great care.

That move was because he was afraid that if he was not careful, he would dirty the food and clothes that looked like treasures.

That kind of cautiousness and timidity made him feel full of sadness and sadness when he recalled it now.

Once upon a time, my own family also had its own powerful country, everyone lived and worked in peace and contentment, everyone had ample food and clothing, and people could even chase powerful creatures to fight and kill them.

But now?

Thousands of years are really too long for an ordinary life.

The Sax family has long forgotten all glory, and even broke all inheritance.

They are struggling to survive in this abyss-like world.

The population is less than 1,000, and most of them are so poor and weak that others can fall over with a little push.

If there is no accident, in fact, they may disappear as a whole in a hundred or even two hundred years.

But at this moment, Irisviel arrived.

With her coming, the Sax family saw the light, felt the heat, and at the same time realized what it means to live comfortably.

Regarding what the world Irisviel lives in, in fact, Doro and several elders of the Sachs family still have a clear understanding.

They can also maintain a rational view of Irisviel, and will not regard Irisviel as the god and divine envoy in their inherited beliefs.

But for other tribesmen, for those tribesmen who have lived in fear all their lives, the appearance of Irisviel just made them find their spiritual home.

For Alice Faier, these tribesmen became very fanatical, and they spoke one by one of the envoys, and shouted that the gods would save them in the end.

Regarding this, several elders of the Sachs family and Doro just watched quietly.

Because, even if they know the reality of the world, they can't be more reluctant to break the last illusion of the clansmen.

Even Doro and these elders began to pray silently, praying that the world where Irisviel lived would not be swallowed by the Ziyue world, thus falling into their situation.

And it was also during such a process that Doro and these elders cooperated as much as possible and told everything about the Ziyue world they said they knew about each time Alice Feier came.

However, as a weak race, as an intelligent life that does not want to be assimilated by Ziyue, they really know too little about the outside world.

All information is inheritance, and it is really too difficult to be sure of how much of it is true and how much is not.

But there is one thing that Irisviel and the Sachs family know, that is, if they want to know more information about their family and even the Ziyue world, they must return to the refuge city they first came to this world to establish.

Although the city has long been in ruins, there are always more or less useful information under the ruins.

For example, Doro relied on a recording slate he found in the ruins before.

By the lakeside, Doro looked at the frozen lake and thought about everything that happened recently, feeling like a dream.

Some are unreal, but they are full of fascination and hope.

"Master God Envoy will definitely save us, Beth, you will definitely see the normal world one day in the future."

Doro stretched out his withered hand to touch the top of the thin "girl" in front of him and said with a smile.

And the "little girl" Beth happily narrowed her mutated and shrunken eyes at this moment.

Beth's whole body is really too skinny, and the degree of mutation is also very high.

Her eyes are different from most Saxophones, they are already a little gray and cracked, inside the big orbital skeleton, the small eyes are deeply sunken, completely ghost-like.

But she looks so scary on the outside, but she is actually a very ordinary girl with insecurities in her heart.

Beth is already in her twenties now, but such a 'girl' in her twenties is less than sixty centimeters tall, and a gust of strong wind can even blow her down.

It is conceivable that for such a girl, the appearance of the olm Irisviel is a kind of spiritual salvation for her.

In this month, the Sax people have already received five material "rescues" from Irisviel. It stands to reason that their physical condition should have become more mellow.

But the reality is that even though they have plenty of supplies, they are still reluctant to eat, let alone wear.

Because they were afraid that the envoy of Irisviel would suddenly disappear one day, and then they would fall into the precarious life before.

Therefore, after receiving sufficient supplies, all the Sax people quickly dried and stored all the food that could be dried and preserved, and they arranged the delicate clothes in a place where only the envoy of Irisviel appeared. It's time to dress up.

These miserable sax people have really experienced too many hardships.

Therefore, I have a clearer understanding of what kind of attitude to live better in Ziyue's world.

Not wasting, or even frugal, is their attitude towards life.

Regarding this, Irisviel didn't know what to say.

Because after seeing the life in the human world of Blue Star, and comparing the life of these monster-like Sax people, really, this huge contrast made Irisviel feel an extremely sympathetic attitude.

However, Irisviel did not interfere with these Sax people's attitude towards life.

Because the previous Irisviel couldn't guarantee anything for these people, let alone provide protection at any time, so Irisviel just watched their own life attitude and form of existence.


Under the dim light of the purple moon.

By the frozen lake, a cool breeze gradually blew through the gaps between the dead branches of Hessian trees.

The cool wind whistled across the street of the Saxophone's gathering house, and produced a whimpering sound similar to ghost howling.

Under the illumination of the purple moon and the sound of howling ghosts, Doro and Beth by the lake at this moment are looking at a certain huge hole in the center of the lake quietly and longingly.

Doro stroked Beth's head, full of thoughts in her heart, while the little girl Beth dreamed about the normal world with bright eyes.

And at the back of the lake, several elders were sitting on a stone platform, looking at the backs of the two with unprecedented peaceful eyes, each in a state of melancholy.

Today will be the once-a-week meeting with the 'God Envoy', and all the Sax people have already put on gorgeous clothes and waited quietly.

And it was in this kind of quiet and hopeful waiting, when the purple moon gradually slanted down to the south of the sky, accompanied by a trembling of the frozen ice on the lake, Irisviel's sacred figure was revealed again in these Saxophone eyes.

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