I Can Incarnate Everything

Chapter 178 Oak Tree Level 3 State

【The first incarnation of the oak tree】

【Adam State】(Expand)

[Life Level: 3 (Legendary)]

[Vitality: 538 (maximum 1000)]

[Tree height: 1584 meters (upper limit 3000)]

[Characteristic ①: Size Doubling (High)] (Great qualitative change in status, extreme increase in size)

[Characteristic ②: Sacrifice Gain (High)] (Believers and family members can give gifts to the maximum when offering sacrifices. Gifts increase the mental state so that believers and family members can easily break through the second-level state.)

[Characteristic ③: Guidance Resonance (High)] (The intensity of guiding the evolution of the lower-level species is the largest increase, and the lower-level species can easily break through to the third-level state of the mortal rank.)

[Characteristic ④: Strong Toughness (High)] (The external and internal toughness has been greatly increased.)

[Characteristic ⑤: Regional Radiation (Special)] (The maximum radiation range can reach a radius of ten kilometers, and the maximum radiation concentration is enhanced.)

[Characteristic ⑥: Solid state activation (high)] (The branches, leaves and root system can soften and move to the greatest extent, but it is recommended that the main root and the surrounding 50 branch roots should not be moved lightly. The huge high-level air flow will easily cause the main body to fall.)

[Characteristic ⑦: Powerful Devour (Special)] (This characteristic is derived from Strong Absorption (High) and Exuberant Vitality (High).)

(The root system can be used to devour most substances and even life to enhance the state of life or restore the state extremely quickly, please use it with caution.)

[Characteristic ⑧: Legendary Field (Special)] (The field expands and can cover an area within 15 kilometers of the oak tree at most. Under the effect of the field, the ability consumption is extremely high, but the field can strengthen itself and even all family members and believer's ability.)

(Note 1: At present, it is recommended that the strongest in the field be activated for no more than ten minutes.)

(Note 2: The field can increase the state of your own unit by five times in a short period of time. Under this increase, your own unit will be backlashed to varying degrees when it loses the increase. Please use this increase state reasonably.)

[Characteristic ⑨: Lord of Planes (Special)] (Identified with the origin of the world, a collection of thousands of pets, one of the preparatory members of the planet god.)

(Note 1: The actual location of the plane is the location where the oak tree is now rooted, and a space barrier has been formed within a radius of five kilometers where the oak tree is located.)

(Note 2: The world of the oak tree plane is split from the land of the blue star, and the origin of the planet is damaged. In a short period of time, the speed of the extraordinary recovery of creatures in this world will be reduced to the weakest level.)

[Special Reminder: Warm suggestions from the game, please do not promote the third avatar to the third level within a month. The origin of the planet is the operation of the rules. Although it will reward the player's avatar without any flexibility, it will hurt itself , please pay attention to this matter. 】

When Ji Yu woke up from his sweet sleep, he was not immediately driven out of the slightly magical space of consciousness.

The huge ball of light dancing in front of Ji Yu's eyes still existed, but he saw the change of the oak tree for the first time.

Not surprisingly, Oak has successfully entered the third level.

Looking at Oak's data panel, Ji Yu was both excited and speechless at the same time.

The last note and reminder on the data panel really came very timely for Ji Yu.

"I don't know how to work around? The source is damaged?"

Ji Yu was speechless, and at the same time looked again at the huge colorful light ball in front of him.

If you don't look carefully, it's really hard for Ji Yu to see the difference between this ball of light and what he saw before.

But if you pay attention carefully, it is not difficult to find that there are countless fine cracks inside this colorful light ball.

These cracks spread like transparent threads on the left side of the colorful light ball.

The number of main cracks is not many, only three, and countless cobweb-like threads are finely scattered on the main cracks.

They appear irregularly in the third area of ​​the left surface of the photosphere. Although they look inconspicuous, they are signs of damage to the photosphere.

Seeing this, Ji Yu was a little speechless.

It's only been nine days since Blue Star's recovery was full.

Xiaolu's promotion led to the recovery of Blue Star's original source, and at the moment of the original source's recovery, it gave Xiaolu a floating plane world, which was definitely not a small consumption.

And this time?

Nine days later, Oak was promoted again, and his benefit was slightly worse than that of Fawn, but overall it was not too bad.

After all, there is a plane world, even though it is the land that Lan Xing divided from himself.

What benefits can Oak's promotion to the third level bring to Blue Star Origin?

Ji Yu is not very clear about this point, but the promotion of Xiaolu caused the original recovery of Blue Star, so Ji Yu can know that the promotion of life to legend will definitely have some rewarding benefits for Blue Star.

But this benefit is probably not as great as the plane world that Blue Star created for them.

Just like now, Blue Star Origin couldn't come up with a plane world similar to Xiaolu last time, but directly divided a part of itself, and then created a "divine kingdom on the ground" for the oak tree?

Moreover, the rules for dividing the land and building planes also caused the Blue Star itself to suffer losses.

Regarding this, how should I put it, Ji Yu felt a little outrageous.

Ji Yu wanted the oak tree to be rewarded from the plane, but he didn't want Blue Star to mess with himself like this.

Quite contradictory.

However, now that the reality is like this, Ji Yu has nothing to do.

After all, according to the prompts in the game, it will take about a month for Blue Star Origin to recover from the damage this time.

Whether it is long or short, one month is fine.

And just when Ji Yu was thinking wildly, suddenly, he who stayed in the consciousness space suddenly felt a burst of dizziness, and then opened his eyes and blinked for a moment, Ji Yu's vision returned to the rainforest where the oak tree was originally located.

The oak tree returns to the rainforest for a split second.

Ji Yu suddenly felt a strong and peculiar touch.

And at the moment when he felt this specious and peculiar feeling, the huge halo that was originally formed suddenly converged down from the high altitude where the oak tree was.

The huge halo descended and became smaller and smaller, finally descended to the crown of the tree and gradually descended to the center of the trunk of the oak tree, then suddenly converged and disappeared into the trunk of the oak tree.

The Oaks' promotion didn't have the same exaggerated celebration as the Fawns.

The reason for this is very simple, it is the damage of the original Blue Star.

However, compared to oak trees and fawns, Blue Star's origin is that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

Therefore, besides the plane world, the oak tree has benefited from the huge energy gathered by the halo just now.

As soon as these energies entered the oak tree's body, all the lower oak trees in the whole world that Adam had previously guided and resonated with had undergone extremely eye-catching changes at the same time.


American National Natural Park.

At this moment, under the nearly 13,000-year-old Jurupa Oak tree, there is a huge crowd.

This Jurupa oak tree was one of the first lower oak trees to enter the second-level state. At this moment, its tree height is close to a hundred meters.

The trunk is huge, and the branches and leaves are even more lush.

When a breeze blows, the oak flowers on the canopy will even emit a fragrance.

The fragrance surrounds the entire park, which makes people feel refreshed.

Of course, the fragrance is not due to this second-grade jurupa oak.

Because this natural park is very large, covering an area of ​​about 530,000 square meters.

There are nearly 130 other jurupa oaks in this park.

These Jurupa Oaks have also bloomed long ago and have continued to bloom like the secondary Jurupa Oaks in the center of the park.

In the park, most of these oak trees are over fifty meters high.

But they feel a bit underwhelming compared to the second-grade jurupa oak.

Because of the miraculousness of the oak trees and the huge size of the park, the natural park has a lot of people every day.

In this park, the flow of people received every day will exceed 100,000.

The flow of people walks through the fenced aisles on both sides of the delineation, and they have to feel the magic of this park like a horse and a flower.

But even so, these crowds are still going on, and every time someone arrives, they will loudly say that the trip is worthwhile on the Internet.

Most people cannot go to the Bana Federation like the rich, and it is even more impossible to enter the vicinity of the small town of Boisdo.

However, these people can go to places with oak trees all over the world for a little psychological comfort.

Now that the world has announced the truth about Ziyue, the psychological needs of human beings are even more serious.

And it is precisely because of this that areas like the American National Park, where there are a lot of oak trees, and most of them have mutated, are almost hard to find.

In the world of capital, where there are oak trees now, they are all profitable places.

And this has caused many people on the Internet to hype oak tree species in disguise, and sell them at high prices to make a profit.

Entrance to American Park.

At this moment, a man is whispering to a couple who just came out of the park:

"Hi, beautiful lady and handsome gentleman, do you want to buy acorns? I have a lot of them here. The ones that just arrived only cost fifty dollars apiece. Do you want them?"

"Fifty dollars?"

The middle-aged couple was a little moved. After all, some common oak tree species on the Internet have been sold for $70 each.

Some of these acorns will be made into amulet-like objects, while others will be taken back and planted in their own yards or nearby.

When the heart was beating, the middle-aged man in the couple immediately asked in a heartbeat:

"Do you have a seed of one of these oaks in the park? I'd give five hundred dollars if I did."

Hearing the middle-aged man's question, the peddler suddenly showed a teasing expression on his face.

"Oh my God, what are you thinking sir?"

"Do you think the acorns in the park can be bought for five hundred dollars? And even if I tell you, would you believe me?"

"There is no way to prove the source of this thing. If you don't want to be deceived, sir, I don't think you should consider how to obtain the fruits of the oak trees in the park."

"Furthermore, the oak trees that have mutated are not limited to these in this park. In my small town, we also have a few white oak trees that have undergone changes, but now those oak trees are blooming like here. There's no sign of results."

"So, I think, the seeds of these oak trees are actually the same before the mutation occurs."

"Even a sapling of an oak tree has the opportunity to have similar changes to the oak trees in the park."

"What do you think of my inference, sir?"

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