The old man in white pointed to the first person on the left of the team and arranged:

"Let's start with you. Everyone will show the basic sword moves, and let me see what you have mastered."

The first person on the left of the team was a young boy, about fourteen or fifteen years old, wearing a blue sportswear.

He took a few steps forward and came to the spacious place to stand still.

Before he started, his body was shaking non-stop. He accidentally dropped the sword on the ground. He quickly bent down to pick it up, but almost fell due to excessive force.

Seeing this, the other applicants gasped. Contagious by the tense atmosphere, they clenched their fists unconsciously.

Chen Yiming didn't feel it. With the blessing of level 1 swordsmanship talent, the basic sword moves are at his fingertips, and he is 100% sure to pass the test.

After counting interest.

"Stop, next one." The old man in white said.

The boy in the blue sportswear withdrew his sword in embarrassment, and returned to the team with a dejected expression.

He had just used two basic sword moves before he was stopped, and he didn't need to wait for the result to know that he had failed.

Next, the next applicant stepped forward to test.

Compared with the performance of the first applicant, the second applicant performed worse because of the influence of the previous applicants.

He didn't even have the courage to raise his hand to demonstrate. He stood there for a few breaths before giving up and returning to the team.

Chen Yiming ranked sixth, and the performance of the first five people was not good, and their movements were far from the standard requirements.

This made him breathe a sigh of relief, and he was worried that the martial arts school would control the number of students recruited. If many people could complete the standard basic sword moves, he might be squeezed out.

It can be seen that adding so many applicants out of thin air is just seeing that the world is going to be chaotic, and emergency medical treatment is a waste of money.


As soon as the old man in white uttered his voice, Chen Yiming directly attacked with a stabbing sword, and he rushed more than half a meter away in an instant.

With the explosive power of the whole body, the wooden sword pierced through the air barrier in an instant, making a vibrating sound, and then the body took advantage of the momentum to make another jump cut...

The whole set of movements is smooth and smooth, without any bluntness. Compared with the previous few people, it is clear that they are superior or inferior.


The old man in white gave an evaluation without waiting for Chen Yiming to show all the basic sword moves.

Chen Yiming returned to the team with a lot of enthusiasm, and he planned to use the combo he created later, but the host didn't treat him differently and asked him to show it for a while.

Wait until everyone is done testing.

As expected, the latter two also failed, and only Chen Yiming passed.

The other seven people spent the equivalent of 5,000 yuan to let the owner comment on the mastery of basic sword moves.

The seven of them were very frustrated. They failed to become martial arts students, which meant that in today's chaotic world, they couldn't get close to the big tree of martial arts.

The old man in white was very calm from the beginning to the end, and commented at the end:

"Basic sword moves, as long as you study hard and practice hard, everyone can master them. Those who failed this time will still have a chance next time, especially those who are fourteen or fifteen years old and new to martial arts."

He paused for a while, so that the applicants could listen to his words, and continued:

"A person's energy is limited, and there is no way to be proficient in everything. The most important thing for a novice in martial arts is to stick to one direction and solve a difficulty when encountering a difficulty. Never switch to boxing and saber practice when you are frustrated in swordsmanship. The energy is scattered until the end. You can't do anything well."

Finally, it is emphasized that:

"The Mantis Snake Sword Art is also composed of basic sword moves. Newcomers should polish the foundation patiently at this stage. When the foundation is laid, they can rejoin at any time. I hope that more of you will pass the next time."

The old man in white spoke sharply and pointed at the essence of cultivation. The emotions of the seven losers were instantly controlled, and hope was rekindled for several of them.

After listening to it, Chen Yiming felt that it made sense on the surface, but after thinking about it, he felt a little puzzled.

According to the owner of the gym, the original body also has the opportunity to join the martial arts gym.

But from the original body's memory, he also started practicing swords at about fourteen or fifteen years old. However, when he crossed over, this body was almost eighteen years old, and the progress in mastering basic sword moves was still slow.

For example, the sword stabbing movement, the original body has been practicing for several years, but the stabbing is still not accurate, no matter how many times I practice.

Another example is when stepping forward, the original body just can't grasp the distance and rhythm of each step, resulting in either rushing too far, or the distance is short.

This is a manifestation of lack of talent, far from what the old man in white said, patience and perseverance will be useful.


On the first floor, in the storage room.

This is where the consumables and sundries used by the martial arts school are stored.

Chen Yiming was wearing a brand-new white loose exercise suit with a golden sword logo printed on his chest, and a pair of cloth shoes made of exotic animal fur on his feet.

According to brother Wang Bowen, this kind of special cloth shoes don't have to worry about damage at all, and you can use as much force as you want.

The salesman Shen Jia's eyes were shining, holding the other two sets of exercise clothes, standing beside Chen Yiming, helping to straighten them in front of the mirror, and she quickly put them on.

She is the salesman who signed the contract with Chen Yiming. She knows the fixed phone number of Chen Yiming's home, so she can get the first month if she is close to the water.

Senior brother Wang Bowen cast a glance at Shen Jia, leaned against the wall and joked:

"Junior Brother Chen, don't take what Master said just now, it's all in a nice way."

"What are you talking about?"

Chen Yiming turned his head with a puzzled expression.

"It is to pour chicken soup for the soul of those applicants who have not passed, and fool them into thinking that they will do it again next time, and come here to apply again."

"So it is!"

Chen Yiming opened his mouth wide.

He didn't expect that his doubts turned out to be true, and the owner of the museum was clearly fooling people into wasting money.

Wang Bowen didn't take it seriously, and continued:

"Don't talk nonsense when you go out. Master can say some things, but we can't say them, or others will trouble you."

"This kind of thing is the default rule in the circle. The test fee is 5,000 a time, and it will be a lot over the years. No martial arts gym will let it go. This is money earned at no cost."

"You must know that martial arts is the most important thing about talent. If you can do it, you can do it. If you can't do it, you can't do it. Unless you have been eating exotic animal meat for a long time to improve your physique, but ordinary people have no way to buy this stuff."

After listening to it, Chen Yiming confirmed his previous doubts, and said sincerely:

"It turns out that's the case, so I'll ask my senior brother to take care of me from now on."

Wang Bowen waved his hand and responded:

"It's a trivial matter. We will spend a lot of time together in the future. According to your information, you live in the east of the city, so you must be assigned to the east branch of the city to practice first. The seventh junior brother and I are in charge there."

"Your foundation is very solid. Although you are a bit older to enter the martial arts school, you still have a bright future in cultivation."

"But let's talk about it first. My requirements are very strict in terms of cultivation. You can do whatever you want. Don't be lazy and play just because you have a good foundation. I don't know how to show affection."

Wang Bowen first said good things to some sweet dates for the students who were about to come to the branch library he was in charge of, and then put a stick in language to establish his dignity.

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