Only those who have made mistakes, or who have been defeated in political struggles, will be up and down.

Now Ouyang Shiqi doesn't account for either of these. If the DPRK wants to promote him, it must be promoted to a more important and promising position than the leader of Shanghai, and it is impossible to be transferred to an unimportant department.

Whether it is the current Dahua or the former Daming, there is actually a complete set of mechanisms for the promotion of officials.

Unless there is an exceptional promotion by the emperor's order, the promotion of officials is basically based on that set of mechanisms.

For example, in the Ming Dynasty, under normal circumstances, if you want to be promoted to the cabinet, you must be born in the Hanlin Academy.

First-class jinshi, their promotion trajectory is clearly stipulated, first to enter the Hanlin Academy, starting from the study.

Then raising hope for a period of time, and then assisting others to preside over an imperial examination is also raising hope.

Afterwards, he went to Zhanshifu or Guozijian to raise him for a period of time, and when he had enough prestige, he was responsible for presiding over an imperial examination, and then he entered the Sixth Division as a waiter, and then he went to Shangshu.

The top three or two top-ranked scholars are generally sent to a county magistrate, and they will be assessed for three years. If they have a little political achievement, they will be promoted to the prefecture, then to the prefect, then to the governor, and finally to the governor.

They want to enter the cabinet, unless there are special circumstances, such as outstanding ability, special appreciation of the emperor and so on.

And those who are relatively poor among the top three jinshi, and those who are directly elected officials, it is even worse, starting from the county magistrate or the registrar.

Even if it is a political achievement, the credit is the county magistrate.

Moreover, they are generally responsible for trivial matters that are not very important, and it is basically impossible to make political achievements.

Their promotion trajectory is completely different from the first-class and second-class Jinshi.

Although Dahua's promotion rules are somewhat different from Daming's, they also have a set of rules. Except for the chaos in the early days, they are basically done according to this set of rules.

Dahua's current training method for key talents is a combination of central and external deployment. First go to the local government for a period of time, then go to the central government, then go to the local government, and change every three years.

For example, when Ouyang Shiqi has served in Shanghai for three years, he will be transferred to an important position in the central government if he does well, and he will be transferred to an unimportant position in the central government if he does not do well.

After three years, if done well, it will be devolved to the local government again. At that time, it may basically be a governor or a commissioner.

If it is transferred back to the central government, it is basically a book of ministers.

One advantage of such a promotion trajectory is that it can increase local governance experience.

In the previous Ming Dynasty, he rose all the way from the Hanlin Academy and had no experience in local governance. When formulating national policies, it was easy to deviate from reality.

And if a local official does not have the experience of serving as an official in the central government, he may not have a deep understanding of the central government's policies when governing the locality.

In short, experience in both areas is best.

Relatively speaking, it is definitely better for Dahua.

Only when you go deep into the local area, understand the local area, and then when the cabinet formulates national policies, will it be more secure, and will not promulgate some policies that seem to be good but are not in line with reality.

After these businessmen in Shanghai discussed it properly, they began to use their personal connections to carry out activities, trying to keep Ouyang Shiqi in the center or transfer him to other places as much as possible when Ouyang Shiqi was debriefing.

These big businessmen have a lot of energy, and they have contacts with some high-ranking officials in the DPRK.

They only need people from the Ministry of Personnel to give Ouyang Shiqi some advice that is beneficial to them when selecting officials.

In the fifth year of Yongxing, Ouyang Shiqi was recalled to Nanjing to report his duties.

When other people report their jobs, they all go to the Ministry of Personnel.

But Ouyang Shiqi was a disciple of the emperor and the champion appointed by the emperor.

Going to the Ministry of Personnel to report on duty is just a routine matter.

The real highlight is the emperor's summons.

Wu Changqing is satisfied with Ouyang Shiqi's three years in Shanghai.

Courageous, decisive in doing things, peculiar in thinking and novel in methods, these are the impressions Ouyang Shiqi left on him.

After the examination by the Ministry of Personnel, the final opinion given by the Ministry of Personnel was that Ouyang Shiqi should be promoted to the right servant of the Ministry of Commerce, and he was the third grade.

Dahua's servants are actually quite different from those of the Ming Dynasty.

Wu Changqing pondered that in the future, he would have time to change all the official titles of Dahua.

But for the time being, he was lazy to toss.

Ouyang Shiqi was promoted to the right servant of the Ministry of Commerce, and his specific responsibility was the national economic planning and planning. The main person in charge of this plan was Hong Chengchou.

In other words, Ouyang Shiqi is laying hands on Hong Chengchou to accumulate experience.

There is a big difference between developing a local economy and developing a national economy.

These are all things Ouyang Shiqi needs to learn.

In one place in Shanghai, Ouyang Shiqi can be drastic and aggressive.

But there is much more to consider when formulating a national economic development plan.

These are also the places Ouyang Shiqi needs to learn and explore.

Hong Chengchou may not be better than Ouyang Shiqi in terms of economic development, but Hong Chengchou is better than calm.

From a direct-administered leader, he was directly promoted to the right servant. This promotion can be said to be a leap.

The next time it is released, at least it will be from the leader of the second rank, and then back to the center, that is a book.


Information, it is also a matter of time before entering the cabinet.

This speed can basically piss off 99% of Dahua officials.

As smooth as him was Li Yao in the same period. Li Yao's trajectory was changed from that of Ouyang Shiqi. He went to the center first and then to the local.

First, he worked in the Ministry of Household for three years, and he was brilliant in the land reform, which once attracted more attention than Ouyang Shiqi.

Now he has been sent to Guangzhou, and he is the prefect of Guangzhou Prefecture, and he is also a third-grade man.

The prefect is not the point, the point is the prefect of Guangzhou.

This position is doomed to Li Yao's future.

The two of them are the two rising political stars of Dahua. They are the targets of major parties, and they are ideal husbands among many women.

Coincidentally, neither of them are married yet, and they are extremely popular right now.

Even Wu Changqing's younger sister, Princess Wuyou, wanted to marry Ouyang Shiqi, but Wu Changqing didn't allow it.

Wu Yu's husband is destined to not be a very promising person. This is a tradition in China for many years, and Wu Changqing has no time to change it.

Compared to Ouyang Shiqi and Li Yao, the others on the same list of Jin Scholars are a little less mixed.

The one who has been promoted to the highest level is only the director of the fifth rank.

Of course, that is to say, they are worse than the two of them. In fact, as Dahua's first batch of Jinshi, their overall promotion speed is not slow.

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