Fusang's artillery shelling did not hurt the Chinese army, but the Chinese army's shelling was extremely deadly to Fusang.

After several rounds of shelling, the Fuso warriors on the fort died and fled, but there was no one left.

The artillery threat was resolved, and the Chinese troop carrier entered the port and began to land under the protection of warships.

Qiu Dao Kiyoshi's people did not dare to come to the pier to stop them. As soon as they emerged, the artillery of the Chinese army would sound.

No way, Qiu Dao Kikuji could only put the battlefield in a place where the Dahua artillery could not hit, and gave up the advantage of attacking the unsteady landing troops.

His approach is correct, but in the face of absolute strength, it is useless to do the right thing.

The Chinese army leisurely completed the landing. Nearly two to five hundred soldiers landed on the island. They did not attack, but directly camped and rested.

After a day at sea, many soldiers were tired, and some even felt uncomfortable.

Therefore, Cheng Tianbo, the brigade commander who led the team, chose to play steadily and adjust the state of the soldiers first.

Anyway, as long as the enemy is reluctant to part with this island, it is impossible to escape.

In the evening, Cheng Tianbo asked people to strengthen the guard, and then went to rest carelessly.

He was not at all worried about Qiu Dao Juji's attack at night, and he was even a little eager.

The troops that dared to take the initiative to attack the Chinese army often retreated in tears in the end.

At night, Qiu Dao Kikuji's heart fell into extreme struggle.

A voice is saying that we must seize the opportunity to attack at night, otherwise we will be defeated tomorrow.

Another voice was saying that this must be the Chinese army's trick to lure the enemy, and if he goes, he will die.

Neither of the two voices could convince the other, and in the end he didn't know when he fell asleep in a daze.

He didn't wake up until someone shook him suddenly.

"My lord, the enemy is arranging, and it looks like they are going to kill him."

Qiu Dao Kikuji's personal soldiers hurriedly said.

The Chinese army was finally about to launch an attack, which seemed like a catastrophe to them.

"Ready to fight."

Qiu Dao Kikuchi didn't care about washing and eating, he put on his armor and left the house to the hillside where they were stationed.

It is said to be a hillside, but it is actually more like a small mound, the kind that is no more than ten meters perpendicular to the ground.

Even if both sides are cold weapons, there is not much advantage to stand on it.

However, Akimichi Kikuji had no choice.

He also wanted to put the battlefield in the mountains to the north, but the problem was that the port was here, and the essence of Ryukyu was here.

If he took people to the mountains to the north, Hua Jun might not even pay attention to him.

Qiu Dao Kikuji came to the front line and took the lead.

He saw Hua Jun approaching slowly, so leisurely.

Such an army probably has no fighting power.

Qiu Dao Kikuji doubted for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, he began to hear gunshots.

At this time, Hua Jun was still more than 150 meters away from them.

At this distance, they do not have any countermeasures.

Qiu Dao Kikuchi could only endure temporarily until Hua Jun approached.

However, Hua Jun did not do as he wished.

Hua Jun did not approach at all, just stood at a distance and shot.

Anyway, there is no specified time for their mission to complete this time, so naturally there is no need to pursue efficiency, but they have enough patience to reduce casualties.

The best way to reduce casualties is to stay away from the enemy.

As long as the enemy can't hit you, then you are absolutely safe.

As a result, they just stood in the distance to aim and shoot, forcing the Fusang people to take the initiative to rush down.

The charging of the flintlock troop is a dead end, and the charging of the breech gun with a greatly increased rate of fire is even more dead.

In the age of cold weapons, the reason why archers are so expensive and scary is because of one attribute, long distance.

I can hit you, but you can't hit me, which can easily make the other party collapse.

It's really more efficient than killing the enemy, and the bow and arrow are better than the big sword in hand-to-hand combat.

If ten bows and arrows can hit and destroy one enemy, it can already be thankful.

The current Huajun belongs to this situation, I can hit you, but you can't hit me.

More importantly, their killing efficiency is much stronger than that of bows and arrows.

At a distance of 150 meters, well-trained soldiers can already do two shots, or even one shot.

Even those recruits can always hit one if they aim a few shots.

After two rounds of shooting, Fusang had suffered heavy casualties.

"Hide, hide."

Akimichi Kikuji shouted.

But the other samurai are confused, where to hide?

On this small dirt bag, there are no trees, no big rocks, not even a deep pit.

They were above, completely exposed to Hua Jun's field of vision.

After Qiu Dao Juji shouted, she also knew that she had shouted in vain, and she was in a hurry like an ant on a hot pot.

He didn't dare to lead the army to charge, their number was small, and if they gave up the location and rushed over, they would definitely lose.

At this time, he can only let his subordinates endure.

He has also faced the bullying of the archers before, as long as he endured until the archer's hand on the opposite side lost his strength, or until the opposite side lost his arrows, that is

It rained and it was fine.

Although his idea was stupid in the past, it wasn't too much of a problem.

However, he still underestimated the performance of the Huajun rifle.

With this kind of gun, although it is tiring to shoot dozens of shots at a time, it will definitely not lose your strength.

And although the bullets are relatively expensive, you can only buy ten bullets for 1 yuan, but the military can definitely use them.

Their bullet consumption is actually not much, because the enemies of this period are relatively stupid and will not dig trenches to avoid.

In future wars, sometimes dozens or hundreds of bullets cannot kill an enemy.

At present, the Huajun can kill an enemy with an average of five bullets, which is already quite good data.

The value of a soldier's life is more than ten times, or even dozens of times, higher than five bullets.

"Why are these people so stupid that they don't know how to hide or escape?"

On the Huajun side, ordinary soldiers even complained when they fired, showing how relaxed their mentality was.

"No way, barbarians, how smart can they be. I heard that they don't even have words yet, they use Dahua's words."

said a sergeant.

This made several illiterate soldiers a little embarrassed. The sergeant's words sounded like he was saying that illiterate people are stupid.

Although there is nothing wrong with this view, a few of them are still unhappy when they hear it.

However, they also secretly made up their minds that they have to work harder in their usual cultural classes, so that they can't be looked down upon.

And knowing the characters also has many practical benefits. Just like the sergeant in front of him, he is not much better than others. He was promoted to sergeant just because he knew the characters.

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