I Build an Aircraft Carrier in the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 605 Helpless Shimadzu Mitsuhisa

Seeing the soldiers who had escaped from his side, Shimadzu Mitsuhisa did not blame him.

He saw that his soldiers had behaved heroically.

But it didn't work, Dahua had too many guns and they fired too fast.

In the short ten minutes, they suffered heavy casualties, and there was no way to fight back.

In particular, there is a soldier in the Chinese army who sprays flames, which makes him even more frightened.

The lethality of that kind of Pyro is not particularly large, but the perspective effect created is very scary.

The other soldiers were shot directly and fell down, wailing a few times at most.

However, the person sprayed by the flamethrower will not die or fall down for a while, but will only scream and scream like a headless fly.

That look is quite scary.

The Fusang warriors were defeated, and the Hua army did not pursue them.

For them, a smooth and successful landing is the most important thing.

As for expanding the results, there will be opportunities in the future.

And Shimadzu Mitsuhisa took the remnants out of Kagoshima port first, retreated to Shiroyama Mountain, and used the terrain to garrison.

At the same time, he issued an order to mobilize troops from other places.

The weapons are not as good as the opponent, and now he can only fight for the number of people.

There are about 50,000 soldiers in his entire territory. If they are recruited temporarily, there can be more.

This strength can be ranked in the top three among the many famous names in Fusang.

The only ones stronger than them are the Shogunate and Kanazawa Domain. There are many others with similar strength, such as the Changzhou domain, the Fukuoka domain, and the Hiroshima domain.

"Lord, looking at the scale of the enemy, there are at least 10,000 people, and the weapons are much better than ours. Even if we have reinforcements, it will be difficult to fight them. Let's ask other lords and the shogunate for help."

His subordinate Shinji Koizumi suggested.

Just relying on the strength of one of them, it is definitely impossible to compete with Dahua.

And Dahua invaded Kagoshima, this is not just the matter of their Satsuma domain.

"Oh, it's useless, how can other big names come. As for the shogunate, I don't know if they are willing to come or not, and even if they are willing to come, how will they come.

The sea has been blocked by Dahua, and when they take the land mountain road, when they arrive, the war is over. "

Shimadzu Mitsuhisa sighed. After thinking about it for a while, he realized that the situation he was in was extremely bad, and it was difficult to count on others.

To contend against Dahua alone, he is not happy with this.

Not to mention whether it can be beaten, even if it is won, the loss will be immeasurable. If it's not good, other big names will take the opportunity to occupy his territory.

After all, Shimadzu Mitsuhisa still sent people to inform the surrounding clans and ask for help.

In case anyone has an opinion on Dahua, come over to help, it may be.

After the Chinese army went ashore and built a base camp, they attacked the hill where Shimadzu Mitsuhisa was.

Keeping an enemy army near you is always a hidden danger.

Stationed on the mountain, Shimadzu Mitsuhisa finally occupied a little advantage of the location, and could throw some big rocks and the like down.

Condescending, you can also take advantage of the point when tearing and killing.

However, the effect is extremely limited.

Hua Jun did not rush to charge, they just slowly marched up the mountain, and then fired a shot when they saw someone emerging.

Although the hit rate is not high, it also forced the Fuso people to use stones to counterattack at will.

Moreover, as the distance gets closer, the Huajun's suppressing ability becomes more prominent.

After entering 50 meters, the Fuso warrior no longer dared to look up.

Just look up and a bullet greets you immediately.

"Baga, this battle can't be fought."

A samurai scolded, too embarrassed.

"Let them come up and fight with knives, and then they won't be able to shoot."

Another samurai made a suggestion.

They are still discussing countermeasures here, and the Hua army is approaching.

After approaching, Hua Jun did not rush forward.

With equipment advantages, war can also become very elegant.

In this battle situation, the Hua army can fight extremely patiently.

They didn't rush up and fight recklessly with the husband and the three of them. Although they could win even in this fight, the loss was definitely not small, and it was unnecessary.

After they approached the Fuso Samurai, they threw grenades at the enemy's position. First carry out a wave of bombing to blow up the enemy's morale, and this battle will be easy to fight.

First the artillery, then the musket, and now the grenade.

Shimadzu Mitsuhisa's subordinates almost collapsed, and all kinds of novel weapons made them completely unable to adapt for a while.

"Rush out, rush out and fight them."

Some generals shouted that hand-to-hand combat was their only hope.

When they rushed down, what was waiting for them was the well-organized Chinese army.

Almost all of the Chinese troops used the squad as a group to fight cooperatively on this hillside.

As for the warriors of Fusang, all of them fought on their own, and did not cooperate at all.

The two sides seemed to be fighting together, and there were a lot of warriors in Fuso.

However, in the local area, the Chinese army is basically fighting with more and less, and some Fuso warriors have found that the enemy cannot be found and there is no attack position.

They were strayed on the battlefield, quite embarrassed.

even enter

In the fairest hand-to-hand combat, Shimadzu Mitsuhisa was also surprised to find that he had no advantage at all.

With the arrival of professional grenadiers and fire soldiers from the Chinese army, these Fuso warriors were even more difficult.

The lethality of these Pyros is actually not particularly terrifying, but it is full of deterrence.

And those grenadiers are the real main force to kill the enemy.

When the enemy can't threaten them, these grenadiers are like small artillery turrets, and the grenades they throw are small bombs.

The Fuso Samurai couldn't hold it anymore, and turned around again and started to run away.

Escape to the mountain is not a small difficulty, and most people are eventually captured.

And Shimadzu Mitsuhisa had already fled first, and he couldn't see any hope.

The battle ended in less than an hour, and the Chinese army completely occupied the port of Kagoshima, as well as some important surrounding intersections and highlands.

Occupying these places is equivalent to occupying Kagoshima.

Next, the Chinese army will use this as a stronghold and stick it into the enemy's chest like a nail, and then make Shimadzu Mitsuhisa uncomfortable and force Shimadzu to sit at the negotiating table.

Now the Huajun has limited energy and cannot invest too much troops into Fusang.

So, their principle is to have small battles, but avoid large battles.

Qian Sule's plan did not mean to eliminate Shimadzu Mitsuhisa. If he really wanted to do this, the entire Fusang would be shocked by it, and then empathizing with it, they would unite together to fight against Dahua.

If that happened, Qian Sule would cry.

If you want to rely on more than 10,000 people to deal with an army of hundreds of thousands, or even hundreds, it is useless no matter how advanced the weapons are.

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