I Build an Aircraft Carrier in the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 562 This is the real plan

In the palace, Wu Changqing basked in the sun and ate the melon seeds that Concubine Shu had smashed.

Since he decided to start reforms, he naturally expected this situation.

The reaction of the ministers was better than he expected.

Except for Qian Qianyi and Liu Shijin, who expressed the need to be cautious about reform, the other ministers did not make a clear statement.

This at least shows that the opposition is not very fierce.

If all the ministers stand up against it, Wu Changqing will be in trouble.

And now, he can indeed go on.

Proposing a plan and causing controversy is only the first step of Wu Changqing's plan.

The next step is to ask the reformers to come up with new solutions.

Yes, Wu Changqing never thought about giving the landlord's land for free from the very beginning. That would be too difficult.

As the saying goes, stealing people's money is like killing one's parents. This kind of thing cannot be tolerated by a person.

No matter what the reformists say, if you want to directly rob someone else's property, you have to see blood and rely on force.

The emperor may have no problem bullying a single, ten, or a hundred landlords.

But if you want to bully tens of thousands of landlords all over the world at the same time, that's a big problem.

If those people can make concerted efforts, it will be enough for him to drink a pot and shake the foundation of the empire.

Therefore, Wu Changqing did not plan to divide the land of the landlords for free from the beginning.

He first throws out a plan that is completely unacceptable to the landlords, and then pretends to make concessions and offers a slightly less outrageous plan, so the landlords are more receptive.

This is a very simple application of human psychology. From business negotiation to selling clothes on the street, people are using this technique everywhere.

First open an overweight that the other party cannot accept, and then make concessions and tell your true price, so that the other party has a feeling of taking advantage.

Wu Changqing's real plan was to force the landlords to sell the land themselves.

The specific rules are that the agricultural tax in the future will be paid according to the land area.

For the part below 50 mu, 10% of the tax is paid, that is, 10% of the harvest is paid.

For the portion of fifty to one hundred acres, ten taxes are two.

One hundred to two hundred acres of the part, ten tax three.

For the part of two to five hundred acres, ten taxes are four.

Five hundred to one thousand acres of the part, ten tax five.

For the part of more than 1,000 mu, ten taxes are eight.

At that time, Wu Changqing can say, I didn't rob your land, I just increased the tax.

And tax increases, all dynasties, every emperor has done it. Legally speaking, it makes perfect sense.

It's just that Wu Changqing's tax increase method is enough to make the landowner vomit three liters of blood.

It is better for Wu Changqing to add taxes to others who are desperate, and directly add it to the head of the big landlord.

The current ratio of input to output per mu of land is about one to two.

That is to say, for 100 catties of grain, about 50 catties need to be paid. This input-output ratio is actually quite good.

The previous input-output ratio may even be only eight to ten.

The one-to-two output ratio means that in order not to lose money, the tax must be less than ten tax five.

Taking into account some other factors, in fact, it should be earned under the tax of less than fourteen.

This means that those with more than 200 acres of land have nothing to earn, which is equivalent to white labor for the government.

And after more than 500 acres, it is even more interesting, not only to fight the White House, but also to subsidize the government to pay taxes on grain production.

And the big landlord, the big landlord, no one in the family with 500 acres is embarrassed to call himself a big landlord.

This also means that if those big landlords do not sell off the land in their hands, they are subsidizing money to the government to produce food every year.

In this way, Wu Changqing forced the landlords to sell their land.

Then, something more interesting came.

All the landowners sell their land at this time. Is the land still valuable? Rare is precious, and concentrated selling will inevitably lead to

Land prices plummeted.

At that time, the big landowners will probably vomit blood again.

Moreover, Wu Changqing does not have to worry that someone will become a new landlord because of the low price.

After all, under this new tax policy, only those who have brains will buy a lot of land.

The land bought is not wealth, but a heavy tax burden.

Even better, this does not affect the purchase of landless people.

After all, people who have no land do not have much money in their hands, so it is impossible to buy too much.

As long as the land does not exceed 100 acres, the tax revenue is actually quite good.

Even Wu Changqing prepared a backhand.

What if the people do not even have the money to buy fifty acres of land?

Don't panic, the court provides land purchase loans for the majority of people, interest-free.

As long as you buy less than 50 acres, interest-free. Fifty acres to one hundred acres, low interest. More than 100 acres, no loan, because they are worried that they will not be able to repay.

Most people who buy more than 100 acres of land under this tax policy have a problem with their minds.

In case the big landlords are willing to pay the land tax and then abandon the land to retaliate against the central government.

Wu Changqing will also establish regulations, and the land that is not planted will be confiscated immediately.

This is Wu Changqing

Great idea to solve the land problem.

In the conception, there is no problem with this plan. As long as it is successfully implemented, the landlord can invest in industry and commerce by cashing out a large amount of money.

It not only prospered industry and commerce, but also allowed wealth to circulate.

And people can get enough land to support a family and have affluent land, increase their wealth, and enhance their spending power.

It also has enormous benefits for the prosperity of society as a whole.

The system is good.

But what about in practice?

This is impossible to say, anything can happen, and Wu Changqing is not sure.

Any perfect system cannot be perfect after it is implemented by imperfect people.

However, no matter how many problems encountered in the implementation process, Wu Changqing will not give up this policy.

He has prepared enough time and energy to follow up on this reform.

When you encounter a problem, find a way to solve it, never back down and compromise.

If anyone dares to stop him from carrying out this reform, he will make someone look good.

The reform will certainly not be smooth sailing, and the process will inevitably be accompanied by bloody events. This, Wu Changqing has already prepared in his heart.

Wu Changqing also wanted to solve the problem of land annexation that other emperors could not solve for thousands of years.

And this achievement is enough to go down in history.

This kind of achievement is Wu Changqing's pursuit.

Now that his material enjoyment has reached the extreme, he can only pursue some spiritual enjoyment.

And Qiangu Mingjun, Qiangu Yidi, is his direction.

If you want to achieve these achievements, you naturally have to do something different that other emperors dare not do.

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