"What's your name, is your life experience as the person said just now?"

Wu Changqing asked.

"The little girl's surname is Luo and her name is Min. She used to be the daughter of Luo Yun, the official of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. After the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, her father died unjustly. I fled to Nanjing with my family, and joined an opera troupe in order to make a living. Later, Boluo came to Nanjing. , call our troupe over to sing for him."

Luo Min replied cautiously, she also knew that the person in front of her was the supreme commander of the hundreds of thousands of troops, and the power was monstrous.

When she was answering, Wu Changqing was staring carefully, wanting to see if she had any signs of lying.

He is in this position now and needs to be always on guard against others taking his own life. Although Luo Min is a weak woman, the possibility of wanting to assassinate him is extremely low.

However, it is still necessary to keep an eye on it.

Not seeing any obvious flaws, Wu Changqing relaxed his vigilance and waved to her.

He is about to start enjoying the benefits of the times again.

You don't need to have feelings, you don't need any pursuit process, you don't even need to know each other. He can vent whenever he needs to.

And Luo Min not only will not resist, but will try her best to cater.

For a wealthy lady like her, who has lost her family, being favored by Wu Changqing is the best destination.

Otherwise, she can only continue to sing, and then be seen by others and become a plaything for others.

In short, it is all about being reduced to other people's things. It is always better to become a plaything of a big man. Don't worry about being transferred to others after being tired of playing.

After the incident, Luo Min was taken down and placed in another place. Wu Changqing did not dare to share the bed with her until the details of the other party were thoroughly investigated.

When he was awake, weak women couldn't do anything about him, but when he fell asleep, he might not be able to.

The next day, Wu Changqing officially entered the city.

The streets were crowded with people, and everyone wanted to see the legendary General Wu.

Nanjing is not near or far from Suzhou, and Wu Changqing's name has long spread in Nanjing. In the military, he won the name of the God of War, and in the people's livelihood, he was also known as loving the people like a son.

Fortunately, there are many taboos in this era, otherwise, with Wu Changqing's invention of soap, perfume and mirrors, the titles of women's friends will definitely not escape.

With the passage of time, the people finally saw Wu Changqing's true face.

The first impression of the people is that there is a sense of majesty in the delicacy.

Delicate is because Wu Changqing's beard is still short, and he can't see it from a distance. And if a man has no beard, he looks delicate.

The majesty is due to Wu Changqing's status. His illustrious military exploits and monstrous power can easily give people an invisible pressure, making people feel that his majesty cannot be offended.

"Wow, so handsome."

On some attics, some wealthy young ladies have secretly chosen their positions and come to watch the legendary heroes.

"He's so handsome, and he's also the Governor-General, Lord Guo, if only I could marry him."

Some girls couldn't help but say what was in their hearts. In the south, they are looking for a better man than Wu Changqing, but it seems that they can't find it.

"The one who has won many battles and invented the mirror perfume? It doesn't look anything special. Why is he so talented?"

There is also a more reserved young lady who pays attention to her inner talents, and is also looking at Wu Changqing curiously.

Wu Changqing walked all the way to the gate of the Governor's Mansion, and then stopped to give a speech.

"Fathers and fellow villagers, I am Wu Changqing..."

The content of Wu Changqing's speech this time did not incite national sentiment, nor did he even say much about the military. What he mainly said was that he would lead the people to eat well and live a good life.

This kind of speech naturally won the cheers and love of the people. Compared with any major national affairs, the people are more concerned about their own food.

And Wu Changqing's guarantee made these people burst into tears.

After all, no official has ever made a promise like Wu Changqing.

The common people have never even expected the official to lead them to live a good life. As long as the official does not collect taxes arbitrarily, they will thank God and regard him as the master of the sky.

"Master Qingtian."

When the people heard the words, they knelt down and kowtowed. If Wu Changqing was telling the truth, then they would really be able to live a little easier this year.

Seeing these people kneel and worship him spontaneously, Wu Changqing was quite proud.

Although he knew that kneeling was a bad habit, he never thought about forcibly abolishing it. Anyway, people in this era have no humiliation for kneeling to big figures.

Being bowed down by others can greatly satisfy their desire for power, and it can also produce an extremely strong sense of superiority, which is very comfortable.

After getting the people up, Wu Changqing stepped into the Governor's Mansion, and the people gathered in front of the gate were also persuaded to retreat by his own soldiers.

"I heard that Wu Guogong loves the people like a son, but I still don't believe it, but now it seems to be worthy of the name."

Some scholars listened to Wu Changqing's speech and admired it.

"I heard that Wu Guogong opened a university in Suzhou, and those with excellent grades were directly awarded to the fifth grade. I don't know if a university will be opened in Nanjing to give our students in Nanjing a chance."

A well-informed scholar sighed with emotion.

Immediately, someone who was not clear called Brother Chu and asked him to talk about it in detail.

That is a fifth-rank official. What academy can have such a good opportunity to be awarded a fifth-rank official without even taking the imperial examination?

Chu Xiongfei smiled and said ostentatiously: "That is a new school founded by Wu Guogong in Suzhou. As long as you pass the examination, you can enter the school for free, and even the school will be covered. And as long as you have good academic performance in it, you can directly become an official.

There have been two assessments in Suzhou, and a total of eight people have been awarded official positions, among which is the fifth-grade Langzhong. More importantly, there were less than 200 students in that school, and after only two assessments, 8 of the 200 students were middle officials. "

Although there are imperial examinations these days, it is actually very difficult to become an official. Thousands or even tens of thousands of people take part in the imperial examinations every year.

However, how many places can the court vacate every year?

To become an official through the imperial examinations was a life-and-death experience, and it was extremely tragic. But anyone who can pass the jinshi examination is not an ordinary person, at least the IQ is far beyond that of ordinary people.

This is why they obviously do not have the professional knowledge of being an official, but they can still be an official directly. Because their learning ability is very strong, as long as someone gives a little guidance, they can quickly master those professional knowledge.

"Hmph, it's just a sideshow. Now that the old capital has been restored, the supervisor will definitely return to Nanjing, and the imperial examination will also be held at that time. It is difficult to say whether the imperial court will recognize the official position conferred by Wu Guogong in the great hall."

Some people saw that Chu Xiongfei admired the Great Hall and immediately refuted it.

In the eyes of these so-called orthodox students, only the imperial examination is the right way, and going to a university to learn that kind of bizarre knowledge is an anomaly.

"Don't recognize the official position granted by Wu Guogong, hahaha, you look down on the court too much."

Chu Xiongfei laughed and said, in the chaotic world, the power of military generals is overwhelming, if the court dares not to recognize the official position granted by Wu Changqing, Wu Changqing will dare not to recognize the court.

It will be clear at a glance who will suffer more at that time.

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