I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 743 Randomly Pick a Lucky Viewer

Chapter 743 Randomly Pick a Lucky Viewer

deep in the universe.

A large amount of cosmic radiation shone on Kermon, and at the same time, it also shone on the white-haired cat.

A large pot was humming and simmering, and those who didn't know it thought it was a normal cooking.

Kemon knew that what was cooked in the pot was the lifeline and meat of an ancient god.

After the death of the ancient god, the body also becomes a statue.

The statue has been disposed of by Kemon with the mysterious cooking pot. He absorbed the statue's substance and transformed it into resistance power.

The stripped air is stuffed into a dark cooking pot for secondary processing.

Looking at the black pot, Kemon was thinking about the death of the gods and turning them into statues.

This seems to be a setting in the game world, where gods become statues after they die.

Statues have a deep connection with faith.

Kemen speculates that if believers continue to export their beliefs, after countless years, the lifeline will heal itself to the point where it can be revived.

But it may also be Kemeng's imagination, this is not important, Kemeng himself does not value external forces.

Faith is too empty, it is all external force.

The strongest strength should be practiced by yourself.

Relying on people's beliefs and incense to become a god is also a way to become a god, but it takes a lot of time.

Suddenly, the dark cooking pot stopped moving, and part of the ancient god's meat was cooked.

Open the pot, and immediately saw a strange substance of the same Cthulhu style with different shapes, and it twisted quickly.

Kemon looked normal, and stuffed it into the big-faced cat's mouth.

In less than a second, the piece of meat that entered the mouth disappeared without any sense of blockage.

No matter how many times Kemon feeds the big-faced cat's powerful mouth, it won't get tired of it.


In the vast universe.

There are some hidden gods, silently watching the battle between Kermon and Oneiroi.

Seeing Oneiroi being instantly killed by Kemon, they were surprised in their hearts.

At the same time, they are more curious and pay more attention.

This attention is incredible.

Kermon took out two pots, cooked himself, and cooked the air left by the ancient god.

And he took out a strange cat and fed the ancient god into his stomach.

"Oneiroi...is dead?" The gods watched the big-faced cat and gained strange knowledge.

The big-faced cat is the village treasure of Maolianren Mountain Village. Its functions are strange knowledge and sublimation of thinking, and then it needs to be fed a little meat every day, no matter how much meat it is.

"Is this cat so easy to feed?"

"Mind sublimation? Seriously, is this still a cat?"

"This is not a normal cat. How can a normal cat digest the ancient god, and the digestion speed is so fast, even the ablation of the power of the rules is invisible!"

In the void, countless gazes meet.

Every eye contact is an exchange of high-density information flow.

Some are shocked, some are confused, and some are even more terrified.

The god, who was afraid of the big-faced cat, dived and slipped away, not daring to look at Kemeng, for fear of getting himself into trouble.

There are also some gods who look more presumptuously at Kermon and the pet cat of the Kermon family.

Their world cognition ability has been finalized. Even if they think about it every day, thinking ability is the most difficult thing to improve.

Their potential has been exhausted, and they cannot go any further.

There is also a gap between God and God.

This gap is like the gap between a top student and a bad student. When a bad student is still doing the first question and can't figure it out, the top student is already working on the next paper.

This is the gap in thinking that cannot be bridged between gods and gods.

With this level of cultivation, whoever has a better thinking mode can go further.

"This cat may have used some kind of regular power that we can't see and don't understand!"

"This kind of rule power that cannot be observed must be in your hands!"

The gods who secretly observed Kemeng were all tempted. Those who were not tempted knew how much they weighed. Kemeng was obviously a god who had half a foot in the first echelon.

If you want to defeat a god like Kermon, you have to let the gods of the first echelon take action.

In the minds of the gods, the existence of the gods of the first echelon, the three pillar gods, flashed involuntarily.

The three gods are Nayatolatip, Shab Nicholas, and Yogg Sotos.

Don't look at Nina and Nora being blown up by Kemon. In fact, Naia has countless clones, and the weak one is only the clone itself.

If Naia merged thousands of clones of the evil god into one individual, it should be able to defeat Kemon.

Or let Shabu Nicholas appear, and let Kemeng's unique move "Life and Death" be abolished directly.

Everyone is not blind, and they can all feel the power of rules contained in Kemeng's move, which is similar to the ability that Nicholas is good at.

And the life value of all things in the universe is basically inseparable from this Nicholas.

If he goes out, Kemen will definitely not win.

The other pillar god is the one who returns all things, Yugo Sotos, the incarnation of knowledge. It is said that it is the ruler of wisdom and knowledge, and it is almost omniscient and omnipotent.

However, Yuge didn't kill God many times, and he had no reason to kill Kmon.

At the transcendent state of the Three Pillar Gods, their behavior style is no longer something normal gods can guess.

Naia likes to fool intelligent creatures, has incarnated countless times, and played with intelligent creatures. His happiness is based on the pain of others, and it is very likely that he will be kicked by Kmon.

But big guys like Yogg and Shabu, if you don't take the initiative to provoke him, he won't pay attention to you.

The gods looked at the cat, then at Kermon, and thought in their hearts, even if they couldn't observe the secret of the big-faced cat, the owner of the cat should know the secret of the cat.

The silent communication in the void suddenly increased, like a vegetable market, full of noise.

Kemon felt something, felt that countless curious eyes were stained with malice.

All this is because the big-faced cat has once again successfully devoured the life of the ancient god.

Kemen had thought of covering it up, but he turned around and thought that he was not lying to the other party.

Holding the life-and-death ability in hand, one is an instant kill, and one thousand is an instant kill.

No matter how many people come, as long as Shabu Nicholas does not show up, it will be instant kill!

Then what is he afraid of.

He has nothing to be afraid of.

Now with 4 billion points of resistance, if you get a piece of meat, you will become useless if you lie down any more.

"The second pot is ready." Kemon lifted the lid and fed the cat for the second time.

He divided the ancient god's air into two feedings to kill those gods who only watched and peeped and didn't dare to show up.

After feeding the cat, Kemen took the cat away and randomly selected a lucky viewer from countless malicious gazes.

"It's you!" Kemon looked eastward.

After finding the right direction, directly tear open the void with both hands, grab the turbulent flow of the void, condense it into a ball, distort the curvature of space, and travel at extreme speed.

This way of travel, from a certain point of view, has surpassed double the speed of light travel.

Kermon could feel that the void was part of the four-dimensional space, there were no directions here, and there were routes everywhere.

If you want to draw up a more efficient travel route, you must master four-dimensional knowledge.

However, as a three-dimensional man, it is still difficult for him to gain insight into high-dimensionality.

Go directly to the gods to kill them, absorb their resistance, and digest their knowledge.

Every god has been curious about the void, and has also studied the void.

Little things add up, no matter how much you don't understand, after digesting dozens of gods, you should be able to understand the general idea.

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