I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 734 Stop Thinking From the Beginning

Chapter 734 Stop Thinking From the Beginning

Kemen wandered around the Maolian mountain village to obtain historical pictures of the past.

Some things are too old, the records have become very vague, and the synaesthesia is not real enough.

Kemon lingered here for a long time, like a black ghost, with black smoke all over his body, unable to see his form, absorbing the memories of the past.

Until Kemeng saw the picture of the construction of the Maoface Mountain Village rising from scratch.

At this time, Kemeng began to reverse his memory, and saw the appearance of the village chief when the village was first established.

In human form, with a cat face and a long cat tail behind it, the cat's pupils are yellow and reflect a strange light.

As the first cat-faced man with sublimated thinking, the village head is full of energy, more energetic than all the villagers.

Kemen noticed that the spirituality of the village chief increased day by day, and the increase was quite terrifying.

The synaesthesia scene fast-forwards to a month later.

The village has been built.

The village chief brought back a cat that stopped thinking somewhere.

The village head taught the villagers how to feed the cats, and after explaining the matter one day, he left the village, claiming to go to the wilderness for experience.

Since then, the seat of the village head has been vacant. After a few years, everyone believed that the village head was dead, and elected the former deputy head to become the official village head.

After many years, the village changed from generation to generation, and the village head lived in the stories of the older generation.

The descendants have never met the village head, so they can only hear the story of the village head from the stories of their predecessors.

After the synesthesia is over.

Kemon set off to the Great Wilderness where the village chief wanted to go.

Now the Naia factor that shrouded the land has disappeared, and there will be no false history.

Kemon quickly found a story about the Great Desolation in an abandoned city.

The Great Wilderness was a forbidden area a long time ago, and now that area has become a safe place to come and go at will.

That area is called the Forest of the Nameless.

According to the player's map logo, it is a level 200 area, at least a month away from the novice area.

Kemon's speed is extraordinary, he quickly transitioned from the void, and arrived at the scene after traveling for a few minutes.


Since Kemon's understanding of the game world has increased, the speed of traveling through the void has also increased.

Those turbulent turbulence in the void seemed to hinder him.

In fact, as long as you have the heart, you can pull the turbulent currents, let the space ripples they produce help you accelerate, and realize super-speed travel.

Soon, Kemon came to the Forest of No Name.

The Nameless Forest is very dense, with tall trees and shadows, as if there are many figures swaying in it.

Kermon recalled the game data, in the data of the first week, the nameless forest is a beautiful forest bathed in the sun all day, suitable for players to date in it.

But in the second Zhoumu era, the sun was gone, and the sky was shrouded in nameless fog, making this place look very dark.

Naturally, Kemon wouldn't let these evil spirits get used to it. He snapped his fingers softly, and the magic power formed a round artificial sun, hanging above the forest and burning blazingly.

The ten thousand zhang sun shines through the four directions, causing the nameless fog to recede a little.

The shadows in the forest were illuminated by the sun, and there were bursts of blue smoke.

Not long after, the cries of evil spirits sounded in the forest, and the sound hit my ears, which was extremely painful.

Kemon walked on this land, feeling the memories of the past.

There are player's and some animal memories.

However, what Kermon wants is not these memories, but the wild period when this land was not called the Nameless Forest.

At that time, there was no vegetation here, and the hot weather could cook people.

It's hard to imagine that the cat-faced village chief with sublimated thinking would practice in this kind of place.

Unless, he discovered something.

Kemen wandered in the forest for a long time. The evil spirits avoided Kemen and hid in the shadows under the trees.

Ke Kemeng's shots were extremely terrifying, he would kill every one he saw, and take away the resistance power from them, and use them for himself.

After living in the game world for a long time, I have become more and more indifferent to life.

Kemen also knew that his situation was not very good, his human nature was gradually hidden, and he became more and more used to plundering on the way of chasing power.

But without plundering resistance, Kemon felt uneasy again.

Without the resistance to the evil god, his future would not belong to him.

He wants to control his own future and cannot be restrained by Cthulhu.

After a few days.

Kermon finally returned to the land called the Great Desolation Period.

In that land, cat-faced people with high spirituality walked through this land, leaving behind terrifying legends.

Countless wild creatures were wiped out. They belonged to the underground clan. They subconsciously came out after smelling the smell of meat. Unexpectedly, they were directly suppressed and killed by the village chief.

The spirituality of the village head is getting higher and higher, and he has reached the level of a god.

This made Kemeng secretly startled, the village chief was simply an unborn genius who transformed into a god in just a few months.

Thinking sublimation is so powerful?

Kermon thought of the Necronomicon.

No, sublimation of thinking is just that powerful!

After Kemeng comprehended the Necronomicon, his own thinking also opened up new ideas, and he looked at death more thoroughly than most people. After that, there was no bottleneck in studying necromancer magic, and he studied all the way to becoming a god.

The sublimation of the village chief's thinking is also a similar process. After breaking through the bottleneck of becoming a god, the next step is to use time to transition.

However, this is not the result Kemon wanted. What Kemon wanted to see was the past of Big Face Cat.

After becoming a god, the village head went to another place.

Kemon pushed back in the opposite direction, he was going to find the place where Big Face Cat was born, and that was what Kemon cared about.

As for the village chief, I will solve the mystery of the cat later, and then go back to see where the village chief went after he became a god.

This journey to find the secret was far longer than Kemon imagined.

It took nearly two months for Kemeng to find the first place where the village chief found the big-faced cat from the vague history.

That place was an ordinary haystack, and the cat was squatting in the haystack, looking up at the sky at 45 degrees, in a daze.

It was as if it had lost its ability to think since birth.

Facing this cat, the village head, who is not very intelligent, hugged the big-faced cat and called the cat's name.

Kermon pricked up his ears to listen.

heard nothing.

At this time, the spirituality of the village chief began to change.

Thinking sublimated!

It seems that there are colorful rays of light emanating from the big face cat.

The village chief not only gained strange knowledge, but also sublimated his thinking.

At that time, the village head was not the head of the village. After sublimation, he hid the cats, and then led the first batch of cat-faced people to build the village.

Until the village was built, he went to the wild to bring the hidden cats back to the village.

What happened after that was what Kemen saw.

It took Kemon a lot of effort to find this piece of past history.

"It turns out that you stopped thinking from the beginning."

Kermon sat regretfully on the deserted lot, which was the haystack where the big-faced cat first appeared.

Now that there is no more grass, Kermon can no longer communicate with the older past, and the investigation is in trouble.

Update tomorrow

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