I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 732 Exploring the Unknown Desire

Chapter 732 Exploring the Unknown Desire

The big-faced cat was already sitting by the side.

Kermon stuffed the monkey's tail into the enlarged mouth of the big-faced cat.

The tail disappeared without any suspense, and even the lifeline disappeared together.

"The player's lifeline will disappear, so can the revived player regenerate his tail?" Kemen took out the notebook with the magic breath of the world, and wrote a line on it.

The monkeys trembled, feeling that the notebook had the power to destroy the world, and it was so heavy that they couldn't lift their heads.

Kermon looked at the monkey.

With a flick of the right finger, the lifeline of a monkey player was hit, the lifeline was cut off immediately, and he died instantly.

Kemon watched them indifferently.

On the way to be powerful, to study the power of rules, it is necessary to do various tests, and he has already looked down upon the life and death of wild monsters.

Kemon has done tests on animals before, and now even if his intelligence improves, there is no psychological barrier.

The monkey player whose lifeline was snapped turned into a corpse lying on the ground.

The soul disappeared and disappeared.

Kemeng's spirituality diverged, and he immediately put the white sugar back into the scarf to prevent it from being scared to death by his own spirituality.

Tangyuan remained on the field, Gouzi had already been fed to the full level by Kemeng, and Kemeng would suppress his spirituality again, so he wouldn't scare Tangyuan.

Synaesthesia for a while.

"Looks like it's back in the game."

"You stare here, I'll go back and look at it." Kemon put on the game helmet and couldn't wait to return to the game world.

Sure enough, at the resurrection point in Novice Village, Kemeng saw the new monkey player.

However, the monkey player's tail did not recover.

That part of the tail has been swallowed by the big-faced cat, and its whereabouts are unknown.

"The tail didn't come back to life." Kemon stared at the steel needle monkey's tailless buttocks, lost in thought.

Can the big-faced cat's mouth swallow even the protection rules of the game world?

This guy is really extraordinary.

Kermon became more and more curious about Big Face Cat.

It stands to reason that in such a dangerous world, curiosity about a powerful unknown is the beginning of danger.

The more you know, the more likely you are to put yourself in danger.

There's really nothing wrong with that in theory.

But Kemon's spirituality has not yet sent a sense of vigilance, and he believes in his own spirituality very much.

This is the spiritual scale of the true god level. If it can make the true god feel dangerous, Kemen will definitely be able to detect it.

Furthermore, the big face cat is so mysterious, if he doesn't investigate it, is he really willing?

Kermon quit the game and asked himself dozens of times.

He is really not reconciled.

Kemen wrote a line of words in the notebook of the world-killing breath:

"I found out that the secret of Big Face Cat is so deep that it can swallow even the gods and the rules of the world that protect players. I will further investigate its secrets."

No matter what difficulties you encounter, it is always right to write down first.

"If future generations are lucky enough to see this book, then I may have died on the way to investigate the truth, then please remember, don't investigate Big Face Cat, and delete all information related to it." Kemen wrote this A paragraph is equivalent to explaining a suicide note.

Of course, he himself didn't think he was going to die.

Maybe after investigating the truth, he survived, then this book may not be published.

After Kemon finished writing this passage, he used his infinite magic power to create a customized magic according to his own understanding.

Leave a little life imprint on this book.

If Kemon died, the imprint of life on that book probably wouldn't escape.

If Kermon dies, the book will be banished back to Bluestar.

After the magic design was completed, there was an extra layer of magic circuits on the notebook.


The second round of testing begins.

Take out the size changing light and shrink the monkey player down to the size of an ant.

The monkeys became very small, scratching their heads on the ground, looking at the huge master, and seeing the diary with the magical atmosphere of destroying the world, they immediately lowered their heads, not daring to look up to read the book.

Kemon started directly, throwing the monkey into the big-faced cat's mouth.

Kermon's eyes were fixed on the cat's mouth.

The monkey's lifeline disappeared instantly, leaving no residue.

Kemeng went online immediately, entered the game, and observed the resurrection point.

No monkey appeared at the resurrection point of Xinshou Village for a long time.

Even if Kemen used the monkey's spiritual synesthesia like a rampage, he couldn't communicate with the monkey, only felt that the other party's information had completely disappeared.

It's like falling into an information black hole, and any information related to it is gone forever.

With a serious expression on his face, Kemon launched a more rigorous test.

But no matter how Kemon tested it, as long as it was meat, it would have no resistance against the big-faced cat's mouth, and it would all end up being wiped out.

Non-meat items such as chopsticks will not show any signs of digestion when they enter the mouth.

Kermon tried putting a bone with meat into the big-faced cat's mouth, but the bone was not destroyed, and the meat was still devoured.

There is a limit to the belly of a big-faced cat. If there are too many non-meat things stuffed, it will not fit in.

If you want to empty these things out, just turn the cat upside down, pat the buttocks, and then pat the belly, and the garbage in the stomach will be emptied out.

The belly of a big-faced cat is like a trash can, which can hold garbage and destroy meat.

After a few days.

Kemen couldn't bear it anymore, and wanted to test whether the living evil god's body would be swallowed by the big-faced cat.

There is no need to throw the whole evil god into the mouth of the big face cat.

You only need to throw part of the evil god to the big-faced cat to devour it, and then you can know whether the big-faced cat can eat the evil god.


Nora and Nina were pulled out of the sealed item by Kemon.

Nora and Nina see the light again, eyes squinted, adjusting to the hard-won light.

At the same time, their minds flashed and they were thinking about the chance of escaping.

Being imprisoned in Kemon's hands was not free enough for them, and it was too boring.

The only way out is to escape.

It was also at this time that my sister's spirituality diverged and she felt something unusual.

"Here, where is it?" Sister Nina asked Kemon.

"This is a planet." Kemon didn't report the name of the planet, and there was no need to tell the other party the name of the planet.

"This is not the so-called game world. I can feel that the rules of the world are different." Nina's observation ability is very keen, and she discovered the difference in this world.

Unlike the half-god players, they are real evil gods who know how the game world works.

But the world here is different from the game world and is relatively unfamiliar.

Only those who have been gods know the difference.

Of course, Nina and Nora had to be fused together before they could unleash the power of a true god. Now they can't be fused together, so they can only be controlled by Kemon.

The two of them are also thinking about using their players' bodies to embark on the road of integration, becoming a true god, and getting rid of Kemon's control.

But Kemeng's life-and-death ability is very domineering, which troubled them for a while.

At this time, Kemen said the purpose of this time: "I asked you to come out this time to let you see something."

First update.

It will be updated after zero o'clock in the next update.

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