I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 715: Rivers of Blood

Chapter 715: Rivers of Blood

"They...resurrected!" A player who was close to them trembled.

Those who were close, all looked at the resurrection point and stared blankly.

The twins' faces are tender and tender, and their eyes seem to have light. Regardless of their short legs and short stature, the pressure overflowing from their bodies is enough to suppress hundreds of millions of people, making their actions heavy.

Especially the people at the resurrection point felt that a ton of iron was added to their legs, and they couldn't even lift their legs.

"Hello, adventurers." Nora and Nina smiled, and their levels were reduced by one.

However, reducing their level by one will not affect their combat effectiveness.

At most, it only weakens one-thousandth of the combat power.

It was also at this time that the players changed their aim, and countless skills were thrown over, falling from the sky, and shooting at the twins.

The twins no longer put on a show, but tore apart their bodies, blood dripped, and horrible sarcoids grew from both bodies.

The sarcoid swelled and grew rapidly. During this period, it endured countless skill attacks. Thousands of numbers caused little damage, but when the number stacked up to more than 100 million people, the damage was still considerable.

Everyone saw the super long blood bar popping up above the boss's head, but it was only reduced by one tenth.

The BOSS's blood recovery speed is super fast, and it quickly grows back to one-twentieth.

During this period, invisible fluctuations swept out, instantly killing all players, and there was a momentary gap in skills.

The blood volume decreased and increased, and remained in a stable range.

Otherwise, the players wouldn't have spent five minutes killing the boss.

After the players were resurrected collectively, Nalanina's form had been liberated to one-fifth.

Players don't dare to waste time, they release skills as soon as they are resurrected, and put them into death.

Nora and Nina continued to bear the player's attack, and their blood volume plummeted while rising sharply.

And the sky lantern enchantment is still expanding, allowing more players to enter.

Theoretically, there are more and more players attacking Naia's clone.

Even if the twins liberate their fighting posture here, it will be difficult.

The total number of players on Orange Star's side is at least several billion.


Kemon finished his day of observation and landed in the game world on a different planet.

As soon as he entered the game, he felt a strange atmosphere.

There is a tense atmosphere in the air, like the start of a war, which affects the lifeline of the whole world.

Kemen saw an ancient tree root emerge from the ground, spiraling to form a wooden door with a misty light in the middle.

In the distance, there are also a large number of tree roots drilled out of the soil, forming a portal that can travel through the boundaries.

No matter how strong Kemon's observation skills are, besides, he himself knows how to travel through water, and he is very familiar with such things as space travel.

Looking at these tree roots, Kemon felt that this method could be called a god, but the person who used it must not be a god.

Probably a demigod player, a unique skill of the druid faction, using the world environment to connect the space.

"Through the folding sense of space, the two points are brought closer together, and there is a big battle happening there."

Numerous synesthesia images flashed in Kemeng's eyes. Through the root gate, he saw Nora and Nina who were releasing their fighting stance.

"The day of the ultimate battle has come." Kemeng was moved.

If you don't go to see this battle, you will be really at a disadvantage.

If the boss of the first week is killed by the players, the world will change drastically, and the world will start the second week of the era.

Kemon put down the idea of ​​observing the world, passed through the root gate, and came to the edge of the battlefield.

In the middle of the battlefield.

The special effect light of the skill covers the transformed bodies of Nora and Nina, and normal people can't see the whole picture of it after transformation.

Kemen couldn't see clearly either. Although there were countless synesthesias in front of him, there were too many of them, and there were too many flashing images, so it took a lot of energy to identify them.

Kemon only glanced at it and stopped worrying about it.

There is absolutely no need to pursue what it looks like after it transforms.

It is estimated to be very ugly and disgusting.

As long as he doesn't care what it looks like, Kemen will feel much more comfortable.

Now, he only stared at the super long blood bar on Nalanina's head.

The health bars decreased and increased, and it seemed that they were not injured, but in fact, according to Kemeng's perception, the health bars of Nora and Nina did not recover infinitely, but were set by fatigue.

"I haven't become a true god yet. That step is too big. The players will grind them out sooner or later." Kemeng didn't stop them, but just sat and watched the situation change.

Now, Kermon had nothing to fear.

He even went to La'laiye under the sea himself and took away the items there.

During that period, Cthulhu did not wake up, and was still a sculpture without any life fluctuations.

Countless energies burst out from the center of the field, and the shock waves swept across the players in the sky lantern barrier over and over again.

Players were harvested like straw, and fell over and over again.

But Kermon stood still, attracting the player's attention.

"Why don't you get hurt?"

"Who are you?"

Someone yelled out before dying, and then died of abdominal injuries.

The players died more than ten times, and they didn't choose to leave. Instead, they stayed and fought hard to wear out the boss.

No, Nora and Nina were eventually ground to death.

But after grinding to death, Nora and Nina came back to life again and beat the player violently.

The players slaughtered into a sea, and the warm blood filled the uneven area by a few centimeters.

"Brother, can you tell me your name? What's your name?" Someone shouted at Kemon again.

Kemen ignored them and continued to watch Nora and Nina transform and suppress players with the most powerful force.

The players were unrelenting, and more and more people noticed Kemon's non-destructive state.

Everyone was dying, but Kemon didn't die. His performance was really astonishing and terrifying.

They firmly believed that even if the NPCs from Graycastle came here, they would be wiped out.

Now there is only one being that can achieve this achievement.

That is the taboo existence that cannot mention the name - Amon!

"Among our players, it is impossible to have a player as powerful as you."

"Are you Amon?" Someone asked aloud, suspecting Amon.

It has to be said that the players guessed very accurately.

"What are you waiting for, Amon?"

"Kill them and start the second week. Our goal is to kill the boss!"

The players shouted loudly, wanting to find foreign aid, and they did not hesitate to call out the taboo name.

Kemon was indifferent, he was still thinking.

Naia's avatars will not be killed so easily. They are now the bodies of players. If they go offline and replace them with the bodies of true gods, it will be another scene.

However, Kemeng had a hunch that the players' way of stacking damage without thinking should be able to grind the True God to death.

Why did Kemon dare to affirm that gods would also be ground to death.

That was Kemon's answer based on his own growth level and comparing Cthulhu's strength.

The boss of the first week is definitely not as strong as Cthulhu, and it is normal to be grinded to death by players.

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