I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 696: Path to Conferring Gods

Chapter 696: Path to God Conferment

Kermon noticed that the writing was not one he knew, but he could read every single one.

This is a very strong language power. The specific expression method is to write words with emotions, and various emotions of intelligent life will be included in the book, which can be understood by illiterate people.

The hiss of tearing the brain echoed in his ears, and Kemeng held his headache brain. Even with his extremely high resistance, he couldn't bear the pain.

Soon, he closed the book again, feeling that he had learned nothing.

In order to seek help, he decided to sleep with his subpersonality. As long as he sleeps, he can return to the body of the evil god Cthulhu, allowing the power of the evil god to clear away the abnormal state of the soul.

Kemen put the book into the space backpack, touched the ring while lying on the bed, and released extra hypnotic magic to hypnotize himself to sleep.

Not long after, Kemon opened his eyes and returned to La'lyeh.

In Raliyah, Kemon's main personality has taken over the sub-personality, using the body of the evil god as a convenience, devouring the memory obtained by the sub-personality, and using the power of the evil god to eliminate the negative effects attached to it.

"Although it feels like I haven't learned anything, there is indeed some kind of knowledge pouring in." Kemen analyzed.

Touching books can infect divinity, and it is also the process of divinity devouring Kemeng. However, after falling into a dream, these divinities are dead things. Facing a true god is not enough to fight, and it is crushed into scum in less than a second, becoming Kemon Meng's nourishment, help Kemen grow.

Kermon looked at R'lyeh, and layers of pictures flashed in his eyes, all of which were tacit knowledge learned from the unknown book.

That is the death of the deceased. The first picture of the deceased is sleeping in a coffin in the cemetery. There is no flesh and blood, only bones, not even a soul, but he is enjoying his old age.

The second one is a corpse that gave birth to strange insects, lying on the ground without a human appearance, the scene is very disgusting.

The third scene is also a picture of the dead, but the difference is that the face of the dead body is complete.

Black hair and black eyebrows, facial features such as eyebrows, nose bridge and chin are very familiar.

Then came the fourth pair, the fifth pair, and the sixth pair.

The appearance of the dead in each picture is changing, and Kemeng stared and recognized these dead.

These dead, if nothing unexpected happened, were all the faces he had disguised during his use of the Faceless Man.

Except for the pictures of the dead who couldn't see their faces, those pictures with faces were all faces that Kemen had disguised.

But Kemon could sense that the dead were not him.

"What does this book imply? It's so scary." Kemon felt a little terrified, but in the body of the evil god, Kemon felt nothing to be afraid of.

Furthermore, once the player dies, he can be resurrected, and no matter how bad the player's ending is, he can quit the game.

Thinking of this, Kemon wasn't nervous, and calmly analyzed these synesthesia images.

He analyzed it all night, and occasionally received sacrifices from some believers and accepted their sacrifices.

"Behind every picture in this book, there is a lot of knowledge about necromancers. If a necromancer touches this book, he can become a god."

Kemon analyzed it all night, combined with the player's experience and inspiration from the evil god, and came up with an astonishing guess.

After Kemon woke up to play, in the first second, Kemon could smell the smell that hadn't dissipated in the room for a long time.

This kind of smell cannot be smelled by ordinary people, nor can people with low spirituality.

Kemen opened the window and waved his fingers gently. The wind magic swept away the smell in the house, and the fresh air flew back into his nose.

Kermon rested for the day, and once again used psychic magic to split a safe personality.

The unknown book is dangerous, but at least it is controllable, unlike the ball of light in the memory of the ancient gods, once you touch it, you have to fully accept that memory, and you can't control the amount of reading.

In Kemeng's mind, as long as he controls the amount of reading each time, he can read the contents of the unknown book without injury, and digest the knowledge after reading.

Only by having a clear understanding of the book can we take advantage of the divinity in the book.

Kemeng's main personality is asleep, but it doesn't mean that his will is insensitive to the outside world. At least Kemeng maintains a sense of crisis. If the crisis is too great, the main personality will definitely wake up.

After a while, Kemon woke up again in Lalaieri in the sea, and knew that the secondary personality had completed the reading operation again.

Manipulate the power of evil gods, devour vice humans, and digest new knowledge.

This time, there are still a large number of memories of the faces of the deceased, and there is no repetition, each face is different from yesterday.

There are also faceless dead in these memories, and their death patterns are different, as if they are telling Kemon how to make people die quickly.

The third day, the fourth day, the fifth day.

Kemen thought that he would soon be able to grasp the Unnamed Book and read the memories of the ancient gods with the convenience of Cthulhu. Unexpectedly, after five days, Kemen still failed to control the book. Instead, his knowledge of the necromantic side became more and more more sensitive.

He has a feeling that if the speed of learning necromantic knowledge with the help of spiritual ability was 1,000 five days ago, then it would take a rocket to reach more than 50,000 now.

The road to becoming a god is at hand.

This book is really powerful. It not only contains divinity, but also gives players the opportunity to become a god.

"This book is a must-have for Necromancer players to become gods in the later stage." Kemeng sighed.

The boss of the first week has asserted that players have the potential to kill gods, and the future will be an era where everyone is a god, and gods are no longer rare creatures.

The jealous women knew that they couldn't beat them, so they decided to join them and become God Slayers.

Now, Kemeng has realized that the unknown book in his hand is one of the ways to confer gods. As long as he reads the entire book and then studies necromantics, he will definitely become a god in this field quickly.

What 999 level, are floating.

Rank is also not important before God.

In other words, this book allows players to achieve class leap.

"It's a terrible book." Kemen had already named it in his heart, and it was called the Necronomicon.

Behind every fresh death method of the deceased is the exploration of death. Once you dig deep, it is not difficult to become a god.

But Kemeng was also thinking of the words of the Great Elder of Light Element, don't be assimilated by divinity.

"No, I can't become it, because I have already eliminated the negative soul influence with the power of the evil god Cthulhu." Kemon thought of the most critical point.

Do other people have evil gods as their backers?

This really doesn't exist.

Believers may have evil gods as their backers, but others really don't have a "backer" like Kemeng.

The biggest difficulty has been cleared away, and the rest is to use one's own knowledge to step on the path of becoming a god step by step.

But the premise of becoming a god, Kemeng is still obsessed with high resistance.

Stacking the thickest armor and receiving the worst beating, Kemeng began to think about how to stack the thickest armor in the realm of the undead.

It is definitely not good to replace the body with a white bone skeleton. It is just to strengthen the body. Kemen wants to strengthen the resistance of the soul. It is best to take the route of adding points to all resistance.

Second update.

The third one is in the yard.

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