I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 694: The Era of Transcendence and Technology

Chapter 694: The Era of Transcendence and Technology

This year's special university admissions examination is slightly different. The General Bureau of Investigation has released a new document, and each branch can make detailed changes to the assessment according to local conditions to suit localization.

This is because the inventory of special items in each region is different, and the strength of investigators is also different, so the difficulty of assessment is different.

Candidates' spirituality is not the threshold. The supply of spiritual fruits exceeds demand, and no one dares to knock the fruit indefinitely like Kemeng. If he eats like Kemeng, he will only become crazy, and ten cows will not be able to pull back.

Like that kind of lunatic, it is difficult to have a talisman jade. Even if he regains his sanity, he will suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms, and he will no longer be able to be an investigator.

Mrs. Chen was driving the car, thinking about it, persuading her daughter to give up the special exam. It's good to be an ordinary person for the rest of her life. Anyway, if the sky falls, there will be an investigation bureau on her head.

"Mom, needless to say." Chen Momo couldn't help complaining, "What if the world changes, I want to pursue progress, which is different from you."

The world is peaceful now, but looking at the most dangerous era, the red mist of despair shrouded the world. As long as Blue Star is still producing special items, it will be difficult for ordinary people to truly obtain safety.

Mrs. Chen couldn't say no to her daughter, so she could only nod her head sullenly to the car radio.

Koi City Car Radio Station: "The first controllable nuclear fusion furnace in Koizhou will be officially ignited today. I invited Professor Wang, a nuclear fusion expert, to explain the significance of nuclear fusion... Hello, Professor Wang, with the controllable Does the maturity of nuclear fusion technology mean that we will enter a new era of coexistence of technology and extraordinary?"

Professor Wang: "The future must be inseparable from extraordinary power. In fact, this controllable nuclear fusion technology also uses extraordinary power to assist, otherwise we would not be able to ignite the fusion furnace this summer."

"So, superhuman strength matters, right?"

"Yes, as our research on supernatural power continues to deepen, we have discovered that supernatural power is also controllable and has traces to follow. This is also a new research direction of the special university, which is committed to civilianizing supernatural power and making it accessible to everyone. With the convenience of extraordinary power and high technology, the controllable nuclear fusion furnace is a bold attempt."

"But extraordinary power is also dangerous, right? Will our experiment kill people?"

"That's not true. Our experiments are quite strict, and we have extraterrestrial resources as a foundation. Even if it is a heavily polluted experiment, we will not do it on Blue Star. You can rest assured about this..."

The radio station talked about a lot of topics about extraordinary power, and both Mrs. Chen and Chen Momo listened intently.

For ordinary people, this kind of intangible thing that can only be seen on TV and video is so mysterious, which tightly attracts their curiosity.

Finally, Professor Wang from the radio station wished candidates across the country to pass the special exam smoothly and become a glorious investigator.

A beam of light broke through the clouds, and the light curtain swept across from a distance, illuminating the crowded traffic ahead, and the metal roof was shining brightly.

Chen Momo looked at the traffic jam and the gate of the university where only a shadow of a door could be seen in the distance. The sun shone on his face, making his eyebrows glisten.


As soon as Kemon's consciousness returned to the present world, he received a large number of invitations.

Kermon took off his gaming helmet, opened the curtains, and saw the sun shining through the clouds, illuminating the traffic.

This morning is unusually refreshing, as if there is something new.

Tang Yuan handed over the mobile phone with a black screen, turned it on, and saw that it was Luo Yuan, the chief director of the investigation bureau, and various acquaintances who called and sent messages, inviting him to participate in the ignition ceremony of the first controllable nuclear fusion furnace.

This sacred moment is extremely important to Chinese people, which means that energy is no longer restricted, and many props that rely on electric energy can be used without thinking.

Kemen also understands the importance of this technological content. Looking at the ignition time, it is ten o'clock in the morning, and there are still two and a half hours left, so there is no rush.

He didn't talk to anyone either. After all, there are too many people who have privately messaged him, and it is impossible to reply to all of them. He can only send a message in the internal group of the investigation bureau: "Add me at the ignition site."

One sentence is enough to explain his attitude.

He is still staring at the development of Blue Star, and if there is any heretic invasion, he will still stand up and save the world.

When the world is at peace, Kemeng will naturally lurk down and stop showing off.

Now, Kemon has completed the research on mind magic and successfully split a controllable and safe personality.

He was going to rest for a while to recover his energy, and then began to read the ancient god's memory light ball given by the elder of the light element.

This is not for the sake of Cthulhu, but for the words of the Great Elder, which can change fate.

Kermon wondered what his fate was.

"The boss is back!"

"Welcome, boss!"

"Boss, look familiar to me, my voice is super sweet!"

"Don't believe the words upstairs, be careful that he can fencing!"

Kemeng looked at the internal group of the investigation bureau where the demons danced wildly. The investigators and netizens were still so funny, and the familiar life was back.

two hours later.

Ignition center in the outskirts of Whale City.

A tall building stands on the ground, and countless wires can be seen connecting this area from the outside.

However, there is a hole in the interior, using strange space props, the interior space is larger than the exterior, and the nuclear fusion furnace is in this space.

When Kemeng arrived at the scene, he saw the old acquaintances Director General, Director Lei, Director Wu, Old Shi, Di Ping with a red turban, Luo Yuan, the man in bandages and others.

"I almost thought you didn't have time to visit. You turned off your phone during this time and traveled around the world?" Di Ping rarely put down the sea and appeared at the nuclear fusion ignition site.

"No, I discovered something. Recently, I have devoted myself to researching an extraordinary power." Kemon shook his head.

Everyone nodded, their spiritual perceptions all thought it was the truth.

Kemon disappears from time to time, and everyone is no stranger to it.

Since the "Spiritual Law of Entering the World" was listed as a high-secret and high-threshold learning content internally, everyone knows that Kemeng is practicing in the world to accumulate spiritual strength.

At the same time, because of reading this book, everyone is more in awe of Kemon's spirituality.

With such a high level of spirituality, his brain must have turned into a lunatic. After all, every day he hears incredible things, sees indescribable images, and may accept knowledge of other worlds beyond common sense.

But now Kemeng is still bright and energetic, without the slightest sign of losing control, which can't help but make everyone even more awed by Kemeng's true strength.

A guy who can own random items every day, accumulated over the years, has already become so strong that they can't see his back, and everyone has given up chasing Kemon.

Now everyone just wants to study an extraordinary power system that is more suitable for the growth of normal people based on the practice methods left by Kemeng.

It was also at this time that the countdown to the ignition of the controllable nuclear fusion furnace sounded on the lobby radio.

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