I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 672: A New Day

Chapter 672: A New Day

Kemen's heart skipped a beat. He didn't know what he had done in reality, but when he heard this name, he didn't feel very good.

Beginning a few months ago, after he fell into a dream, he found that he lacked some real memories.

This is the intuition of the spirit, but also the alertness of the self.

Intuition told him, don't get too entangled, there is no harm.

Because there is no harm, Kemon would not be too entangled in this matter in his dream, but he did not expect to hear the term Amon today, and his heart skipped a beat.

This heartbeat sound is not a good sign.

This name seems ominous, if you hear it, bad things will happen.

But is this really the case?

Kemon listened to the player's words and was on guard against the possible danger, but the danger never happened, and R'lyeh was very quiet, only the sound of bubbles rolling.

In the joint dream, the player Colin and the antler player drink and play billiards. They just want to relax and have fun in their dreams, but thinking of the recent strange things, they can't help but talk to their colleagues about Amon.

When the name was mentioned, Colin looked around first, and no one continued:

"The reconnaissance team found a strange land. When they walked into that land, they would hear a voice calling Amon's name. I don't think it would be difficult to know. It was a terrible experience."

"That piece of land has been designated as a forbidden area. Anyway, I don't want to hear that person's name again. It's too scary." Every time Miss Antlers thought of that taboo name, her whole body trembled.

Amon's poison is not an easy poison. It not only poisons the body, but also poisons the soul, making people feel uncomfortable all over.

If it wasn't for the automatic removal of that negative effect after rebirth, Miss Antlers felt like she was going crazy.

"What's scary is not that there is such a situation on one piece of land. The team that pressed forward to inquire about the news found seven pieces of land, all of which had that weird calling sound." Colin sighed.

Colin and Antler are both Liver Emperor players. They recently accepted the 24-hour game plan and are currently sleeping in the game world, automatically dreaming into the joint dream.

"If the land after the 950th level has his name, then we will be in big trouble, which means that we will not be able to resist his poison after the 900th level." Colin said in a deep voice.

While listening, Kemon wondered if the name Amon had any deep meaning, and it was so powerful in the game world that it became a taboo name.

On the other hand, his spiritual perception was vaguely worried about something happening, but the crisis never happened, as if his unknown worry was unnecessary.

The two top players didn't chat for too long in the dream, and the dream disappeared after a while.

However, Kemen paid attention to the term Amon, which sounded like the name of a big boss behind the scenes. Judging from the attitude of the Orange Star people, Amon's name was awesome behind the land of more than 900 levels.

The more he inquired, the more information Kemon obtained.

Kemen learned that the Orange Star people knew that Amon was a taboo name and could not spread it, so they issued a banning order. People who don't know it just don't know it. They only know that it is a name that cannot be said. Knowing it will be risky.

People who know Amon's name, when they say Amon's name, look around first to make sure there is no one, and then say that name.

Kermon has come to understand that this is a terrible memetic infection, as unspoken as a nightmare disease.

Kemon, who was curious about the name, couldn't stop his inner curiosity, wanting to know who Amon was.

Kemon had a hunch that this guy might be an acquaintance.

Afterwards, Kemon used the power of Cthulhu to start synesthesia.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Tens of seconds later, Kemen saw a young man lying on a chair with a needle and a helmet on his head.

Looking at that face, Kemen suddenly felt a sense of horror.

Then, he woke up instantly.

Yes, Kemon is back to reality.

Looking at the white ceiling, Kemeng's forehead was dripping with sweat, and he wiped it lightly with his hand, and the sweat came out.

"Amon is actually me?" Kemeng murmured.

Glutinous rice balls stood next to it tumbling, and it had already completed the task of digging the tiankeng, and took out the memory bottle with its dog hair.

Looking at the bottle, Kemon felt his mind again, and a few pictures flashed, which were the historical pictures he had extracted from his memory.

After receiving the crystal bottle, feeling the sense of awe exuded from the bottle, his intuition became more accurate, and there were traces of use.

Not once, but many times!

"No wonder, I lost that memory for so many days, so I did it." With a thought in his mind, Kemeng entered the soul battlefield.

The crystal bottle automatically gave up the battle and returned the memory to Kemon.

Kemen closed his eyes, quietly savoring the lost and regained memories.

Experienced in dreams, met twins, cheated people, all kinds of pictures came back.

After that, Kemeng looked at his resistance, which was 130,000 points.

These resistance values ​​include the increase of 769 levels, but do not include the increase of equipment.

Only when you return to your dream can you enjoy the increase brought by the equipment.

"I'm fine, Cthulhu really didn't do anything to me." Kemon's dream this time was actually risky, but before the dream, Kemon's spirituality gave a hint that there was no danger.

However, even Kemen himself doubted whether this kind of hint was accurate. After all, it was too difficult to predict the evil god's movements.

He spent ten days in the game world before returning to sleep in reality, thinking about a lot of miscellaneous things, and finally believed in the power of rules bestowed by Blue Star.

Once in a dream, if you say that you control Cthulhu, you are in control of Cthulhu.

Even if the other party has any unruly thoughts, Kemen is the one controlling him in the dream, not the one being controlled.

What Kemen is afraid of is that once he wakes up, he will be disconnected, and some strange things may happen in reality.

Nora and Nina, who are stronger than the first week, secretly gave him the Shadow Grabber, and he felt that Cthulhu could also do some tricks.

Kemen stood up and opened the curtains. The sunlight outside the window was quite dazzling, and it instantly shone into the bedroom, dispelling the low-pressure atmosphere.

This is Blue Star, too strong power will be blocked by the big filter membrane.

Furthermore, Kemon has also prepared resurrection props, if he dies, he will be resurrected, so prepare with multiple hands so that there is no way out.

"It's good to be alive." Kemon closed his eyes and breathed out the air in Whale City. He had never felt that life was so good.

Downstairs, the convenience store had already opened, and Mrs. Chen sprayed alcohol and water with a disinfectant spray, which wet the floor.

As if she heard the sound of drawing the curtains, Mrs. Chen stroked her hair and looked up, just in time to see Kemen standing on the edge of the window, taking a breath.

"Morning, President Ke!" Mrs. Chen laughed.

The "total" actually means the boss.

"Morning, Mrs. Chen, it's another new day."

"That's right, it's another new day." Mrs. Chen returned to the store to clean up after disinfection.

On the way, student parties have appeared, chasing and fighting each other in twos and threes, full of youth.

The calm office workers are also wearing uniforms, carrying briefcases and breakfast, and watching short videos with their mobile phones in one hand, in a hurry.

Everyone has their own life trajectory, most people's life is the same, only a few people take a different path due to accidents.

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