I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 553 The Reason for Containing Kemon

Chapter 553 The Reason for Containing Kemon

Kemon heard it very clearly. When this guy talked about the containment target, he was very targeted, as if the other party could guess that Kemon would definitely open the door of knowledge.

After the centaur finished speaking, the crow took off and flew into the distance.

The centaur sat by the door, looking up at the sky, squinting his eyes slightly.

After a while, it seemed to fall asleep.

Kemen wanted to retreat, but when he saw the sleeping centaur, he was moved and tried to activate the dream-invading skill.

In the next moment, Kermon successfully invaded the centaur's dreamland.

The dream of a centaur is a chaotic battlefield where countless people and horses are fighting.

There are people on one side and war horses on the other. The two confront each other, and the sound is like thunder.

After Kemen invaded the dreamland, a strong atmosphere of evil gods immediately descended on the dreamland, which was far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Kemon hasn't used this skill for a long time, and he knows that this skill has a strong infectious ability. Once the invasion is successful, it is very likely to leave the mark of Cthulhu in the dream of the opponent, and has the opportunity to subtly become a believer.

Or Kemeng took the initiative to control the dream and distort the opponent's thoughts through the dream.

Among the various thoughts, Kemon thought very simply, and directly became a member of the believer by remote control, and used the centaur to inquire about the structure of the door organization.

In addition, by the way, he issued a hint in his heart that he was not allowed to come to any place in Blue Star at will, and he was not allowed to spread ideas at will without consent.

In the dream of the centaur, after the will of Cthulhu descended on the battlefield, the army was defeated like a mountain, and all human lineups and horse creatures fell to the ground, trembling.

The only person who has not kneeled on the battlefield is Mr. Centaur. He stands on four legs, standing upright and very strong.

After all, he is not an ordinary human being, but a special creature whose endurance far exceeds the limit of ordinary people.

But no matter how extreme it is, it can't withstand the arrival of the evil god.

Kemen opened his eyes, and his indescribable eyes transcended the limitations of space and time, and plunged into the dream.

The soul of the centaur trembled, and the last string of reason in his heart couldn't stretch anymore, and it snapped off.

The centaur fell down, and he ran on the ground trembling, covering his head with his hands, many illusions flashed in his eyes, and many indescribable horror memories were bred in his mind.

As the mind became confused, the dream also changed drastically, the battlefield collapsed, and countless memories of life fragments were replayed in the dream, like a revolving lantern before death.

Kemon felt that the centaur's soul was entering its final madness, that it had lost any rationality, and its soul was already filthy inside.

Kemen tried to harvest the opponent's soul across borders, but failed, because there was no stable space-time channel in the local area. Kemen descended through the power of synaesthesia, not the body.

"It's too fragile." Kemon said with disgust in his heart.

The centaur died directly, and what was left was a crazy soul without any rationality. If Kemon sucked away the chaotic information in its dream, it would be left with an empty shell and nothing left.

People who are not firm will end up in such a bad situation, there is no room for turning around.

In order to prevent people from the door organization from discovering the clues, Kemen had no choice but to absorb the source of chaotic information in the dream.

Kemen then took control of the dream, weaving a fictitious dream, and restored the cause of death of the centaur in the dream. In the future, if someone uses dream synesthesia to investigate the cause of death of the centaur, they will see the false cause of death.

After finishing these tasks, Kemen quietly retreated.

The centaur's eyes fell to the ground, he didn't vomit blood, and he didn't taste foam. His facial expression was rigid, as if he had been petrified, and he didn't feel angry at all.

Kemen didn't know how long it would take for the people of the door organization to discover the death of the centaur, and quietly communicated with himself, forcing him to wake up.

After waking up, Kemeng looked at the black curtain in the Sealing Pavilion, thought for a while and didn't go in.

There will be no way to enter the door of knowledge for the time being, so he puts on the scholar's black robe again to prepare for the next stage of exploration.

Kemen returned to his residence, locked himself in his bedroom, and deduced the progress on the paper.

The person the door organization wants to take in is most likely himself.

Kemen wanted to know how the door organization judged, so he deliberately set up this game to wait for Kemen to enter the game.

Fortunately, the people they sent were centaurs, and Kermon's hunter leather boots helped Kermon pass through. Otherwise, if the net opened faster, even if it didn't fully open, it might be caught in the net.

In the state of a black robe of a student, Kemeng is very eager to study.

First of all, if you want to capture Kemeng, you must have a reason to drive them to do so. You can’t see Kemeng always posting videos of special items and just take him as the target. You must know that Kemeng is not the only one who makes special Object theme, there are hundreds of people doing this kind of theme.

The difference between Kemon and those UP masters is that most of Kemon's special items come from his own offerings.

Could it be that some sacrifices aroused their vigilance?

Kemen wrote down the main points in the bedroom. It is not impossible for some kind of sacrifice to attract the attention of the door organization. After all, there are too many "doors" in the door organization. Maybe even the game world.

Kemen's guess is very jumpy. This knowledge is of a type that cannot be shared. After all, it involves the identity of Cthulhu in the dream and can only be known by himself.

Kemen opened the diary full of world-destroying magic and recorded this.

Regarding this diary, Kemeng believes that there are more and more things recorded in the diary, and there are more and more ulterior secrets, so it cannot be shown to others for the time being.

In order to keep it secret, Kemon has already made special settings for this diary.

For example, with the addition of viewer restrictions, only Kermon himself can watch it, and others will see a haze when they see the diary.

This setting comes from a certain special item, and that special item comes from the Bureau of Investigation. It was an item carefully selected and exchanged by Kemon some time ago.

This diary is no longer readable by normal people.

"Wow!" Tangyuan barked from the side. Although Tangyuan couldn't see the contents of the diary, she could see all the draft paper written by Ke Meng on the desktop.

Ke Meng slapped the glutinous rice balls aside, took out Big Face Cat, and disposed of the waste paper.

He wrapped the dried fish fillets in paper, and said solemnly: "This is a new dish, fish wrapped in paper, you pay for it."

The dried fish wrapped in the paper manuscript was fed into the mouth of the big-faced cat, the fish disappeared and the paper remained.

Kermon took out the paper. Since the big-faced cat couldn't eat the fish wrapped in paper, it had to settle for the next best thing and set it on fire.

In Kemeng's heart, what the big-faced cat eats means that there are no clues anymore, and it has the power to unilaterally block and track.

Then, Kemon sat in front of the table and continued to think about the second possibility.

The theory of sacrificial sacrifice is too nonsense, and Kemen felt that there were other reasons that drove the door organization to contain him.

It's getting late everyone, I'll make up for it tomorrow.

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