I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 524: The Fisherman Behind the Scenes

Chapter 524: The Fisherman Behind the Scenes

The eyes of everyone still haven't changed much, because the Wuxia Sword has firmly attracted everyone's attention.

What little brain power they have left, they can only use it to think about the danger of the dark cooking pot.

But they know that the dark cooking pot is disgusting, but they have no time to consider the danger later, they can only passively fall in love with the beauty of the Wuxia sword.

Director Lei was sitting on the stage, and with his strong rationality, he had already realized that something was wrong. Once the dark cooking pot was cooked, it would not be a joke to destroy the world.

But after reading the spiritual knowledge materials submitted by Kemon, he thinks it is still necessary.

Only by allowing people to experience the most authentic and extreme collision, can they experience the mysterious and mysterious place between the body and the soul, and thus understand what spirituality really is.

While talking, various seafood ingredients were put into the pot, and the pot was covered, and rumbling noises rang out in the audience.

Kemen sat on the stage and observed every student in the audience.

Although the flawless sword is beautiful, it is also a challenge to reason.

If you can't remain rational in the face of extreme beauty, then your growth potential may be a little hard to say.

All investigators who can sit in high positions are basically people with very strong inner qualities, otherwise they would have fallen into madness long ago.

"Keep your heart and don't be disturbed by external objects." Kemen reminded.

Within a few minutes, some students struggled one after another, wanting to deny the beauty of Wuxia Sword.

Kemen nodded slightly, which was a good sign, daring to resist proved that their rationality was not broken, and they were not completely fallen.

After the dark cooking pot was finished processing and it stopped roaring, there were more than 200 students in the audience who showed struggling faces, and the rest of those who were completely immersed in it, Kemeng didn't make any comments.

Things like rationality are not inherently fixed. It all depends on personal experience. In the later stage, you may be fully enlightened and understand everything, and your rationality may be full.

"I'm going to open the pot."

"Students, carefully appreciate the changes that have taken place during the period of increasing spirituality."

Kemen said solemnly, "I'm driving."

After the words fell, Kemen opened the dark cooking pot.

A cloud of black mist rose from the cauldron, like a mushroom cloud, which brought an indescribable stench, like a century-old stench.

On the lecturer's platform, the bald Tangyuan appeared, eyes closed, grasping a corner of the dark cooking pot with one paw, slowly lifted the legs of the pot, and turned the mouth of the pot to the audience.

The students were sitting in the auditorium. The students sitting in the low position could not see the contents of the pot at first, but as the glutinous rice balls took the initiative to help lift the legs of the pot, all the contents of the pot were exposed, and it was difficult to see.

At this moment, the beauty of the Wuxia Sword and the indescribable things in the cooking pot all emerged together, shocking all eyeballs and nerves.

Shock the brain!

Everyone felt a shudder and their throats rolled.

The body is uncomfortable, but on the other hand, I feel the spring breeze. The two extremes affect people, making them unable to describe the fluctuations in their hearts and the abnormalities in their bodies.

"Focus on yourself, don't just run away." Kemen's voice rang in the students' ears again.

There is no doubt that spirituality is growing, as long as you grasp this feeling, next time you watch the video, because you have experienced a stronger feeling, you will be much more adaptable, and you can analyze it slowly by yourself.

When everyone experienced this mysterious and mysterious feeling, Kemeng began to explain.

From the human body to the soul, and in-depth analysis from the five senses of audio-visual, it explains the increase of spiritual perception at this level.

Because the content is relatively large and very profound, Kemeng could not finish the lecture in one class.

Two hours later, Kemen was talking dry and tongue-tied. After drinking a sip of water, he called everyone out of the meeting and continued talking tomorrow.

Kemeng put the lid on the pot, and everyone was still feeling the ultimate feeling. When they recovered, there was no one on the stage, and the door was unsealed, but the people from the investigation bureau were still there, and everyone who went out would be Investigators insist on the principle of confidentiality and cannot disclose at will.

The students did not go out, and continued to stay in the lecture hall to experience the aftertaste left in the air.

This class is full of energy, but the inspiration and growth brought to them are very obvious, and they need time to digest it slowly.

Outside the teaching building, Director Lei and Kemeng were walking together on the avenue in the campus. The sun was shining through the gaps in the leaves, and the light spots were shaking, as if there was some kind of visible hope walking.

"This class is very good, Kemeng, I thank you on behalf of the Investigation Bureau." Director Lei took a deep breath, but he didn't know how to reward Kemeng. The item library can be picked up at will.

"How about I apply to you to be the director?" Director Lei thought for a while and said.

It's just that he feels that Kemon will not agree, because Kemon is not the kind of person obsessed with power.

"No, it's fine for me to sit here." Kemen shook his head.

Director Lei hesitated to speak, Kemeng's position was equal to that of S-class members, but after today's lecture, Kemeng's position can completely surpass them and become the only designated chief director.

But Kemon didn't have this kind of thought. Sitting in that position, he was too busy with daily chores.


After January, the market for whales is calm.

Abroad, various places are catching blood clans, and almost everyone shouts and beats blood clans.

The remnants of the Frog Club were not dead, but they still jumped out to act as demons, announcing that a certain terrorist incident was done by the Frog Club, and then encountered a network monster to locate the physical address and exposed it to the local investigation bureau.

If the local bureau of investigation has sufficient manpower, it will send people to arrest.

The werewolf Jin Huiying had already gone to the General Administration to undergo various psychological examinations, followed by a detailed physical data test.

On the surface, she is serving, but in fact she is being watched by the bosses, who will not let her escape.

At the same time, Kemeng submitted a new video plan to the Bureau of Investigation. The video plan involves multi-party cooperation, and the relevant documents have passed the final review by the General Bureau.

Kemon didn't look at the file, but checked his own system first.

As more and more special videos are shot, the information of special things is spread to countless viewers, and countless viewers' likes and feedbacks have also been received.

Kemon's resistance point has risen to a terrifying level - more than 4,000 resistance points!

The resistance point gain of each video is stable, the serious evaluation increases the resistance point by 50 points, and the daily small video increases by 25 points.

It is not difficult to grow to more than 4,000 points, all that is required is time.

Pile up to more than 4,000 resistance points, which also means that Kemon is more fleshy.

Because it is more meaty, Kemeng's confidence is also sufficient. For example, the plan in the hands of the investigation bureau was launched by Kemeng, sent to the headquarters, and then let the headquarters release people back to Whale City.

Jin Huiying is a werewolf, and Kemeng plans to make a werewolf-themed evaluation video with her, taking the opportunity to attract werewolves from all over the world to come to her, and Kemeng will be the fisherman behind the scenes.

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