Chapter 493

The use of the infrasound weapon lasted for several minutes, even though people could not hear any sound, their eyebrows jumped, and their spirituality issued a strong warning.

Once you hear it, you will definitely die, there is no room for thinking!

This is a big killer, and everyone couldn't help but look at the investigator who took out the infrasound weapon.

This man was dressed in a military uniform, with a straight body and a resolute face. He had a military temperament, and he might be from the army.

At this point, the infrasonic weapon ceases to attack.

The sea was calm again.

Everyone looked at Kemeng, Kemeng looked at Tangyuan, and handed the sponge to Gouzi for disposal.

"Go, find a place to release your voice." Kemon spoke with his mouth, but no sound came out.

The glutinous rice balls had a telepathic connection with their owner, and understood Kemeng's meaning in seconds. They immediately squeezed the sponge with dog hair, and then rolled into the distance.

Due to the fast speed of the glutinous rice balls, they disappeared from everyone's sight in a short while.

Everyone called Di Ping's name on the beach again, but the sea didn't reply.

"The sound is not strong enough. The sea is so big, our sound can't even compare to a drop of water."

Afterwards, the investigators used various sound objects to call Di Ping's name, but to no avail.

At this time, the glutinous rice balls came back, and the sponge in the dog's fur had returned to normal.

Kemeng put away the sound-absorbing sponge, and told Tangyuan to keep it by his side.

Then Kermon left the beach, returned to his home to rest, and fell into a dream by self-hypnosis.

In the dream, the gurgling sound of sea water entered my ears.

Kemon opened his eyes and saw the silent R'lyeh.

Without wasting time, he immediately communicated with Di Ping and recalled Di Ping's deeds in his mind.

Because Kermon himself had a deep connection with Di Ping, he saw a blurry blue star after three minutes.

It was a blue planet, and the blue sea water flowed still on the planet, and everything fell asleep only because of Di Ping's will.

Kemon was careful not to use too much force, and carefully perceived the other party's state.

It's a dream, it's the breath of a dream.

Cthulhu is the god of sleep. He is very sensitive to the existence of dreams, and instantly found the entry point to invade dreams.

But Kemon didn't intend to go in, he just wanted to escape with a feint at the edge of the dream, and didn't go in.

With a movement of Kemeng's mind, he started the idea of ​​invading the dream, and the huge evil god's mind wanted to invade, so he stopped immediately.

Blue Star's will came, and powerful obstacles made it difficult for Kemon to invade.

Kemon didn't intend to invade at all, and retreated quickly.

This wave of invasion was unsuccessful, but Cthulhu's idea of ​​coming was real, and the intense sense of threat was like a materialized sharp knife, alarming and incarnated as Di Ping's spirituality.


In Di Ping's dream.

Darkness, eternal darkness.

There is eternal darkness here, and the sound of countless fish swimming echoes in my ears, as well as those weird sea creatures and sea plants swimming in the sea.

Why did the sea water not move, what happened in the sea, and other distracting thoughts echoed in his ears, but the sound was very small, he couldn't hear the content clearly, he just felt it was noisy.

There are occasional bursts of sound, but without any definite meaning.

That period of time happened to be the time when the Bureau of Investigation tried to wake him up, but Di Ping didn't understand that meaning, and took it as an empty whisper, unbelievable.

until a certain moment.

An indescribable, soul-stirring sense of crisis quietly approached.

It was a huge, irresistible force.

He didn't know what it was, but the other party seemed to have found a way in, and was about to squeeze the world.

At this moment, Di Ping's spirituality issued the strongest warning in history to his body and soul.

Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up!

The strong desire to survive urged him to wake up, Di Ping suddenly opened his eyes, and saw the endless darkness and a ray of light in the depths of the darkness.

The sense of crisis comes quickly and disappears quickly.

He had a strange idea, as long as he swam towards the light source, he would wake up by swimming out.

Di Ping's consciousness is already awake. Before he fell asleep, he still controlled the entire sea of ​​Blue Star, and he could see all places except the large land.

"Could it be, this is a dream!"

Di Ping clearly remembered that he was manipulating the sea and controlling the wind direction around the world.

The surrounding area was extremely dark, and it was obviously an isolated world, but he still heard the sound of fish swimming.

The various emotions conveyed by the panicked little fish were learned by Di Ping.

By the way, even a big whale is still a small fish in front of Di Plan.

"I should wake up, I can't sleep." Di Ping thought for a few seconds, trying to figure out his situation.

The outside world does not know how long has passed, it may be months, it may be years, decades, hundreds of years!

Sleeping in a dream for a hundred years is equivalent to a time machine to the future. For some reason, Di Ping had such a thought in his mind.

The more he thought about it, the more panicked he became, for fear that this inexplicable inspiration would become a reality.

Gulu Gulu.

He began to swim towards the light source in the darkness, while thinking about who blocked that great and indescribable existence.

"It was Lan Xing who stopped it!" Di Ping broke out in a cold sweat.

That strong intrusion aura is very scary, as long as the other party succeeds in intruding, even in a dream, it is not safe!

Thinking of this, Di Ping's consciousness of wanting to wake up completely became stronger, his swimming speed became faster and faster, and the light source was one step closer to him.

At this moment, he couldn't help but pop up some unrealistic thoughts.

After waking up, it is possible that Jinlizhou has been destroyed.

It could also be that an evil organization has taken over the new age, and the world is in a desperate time.

Or the evil cultists once again held a global ceremony, summoning a demon that even people around the world could not restrain, and then the blue star was destroyed.



On the blue star, hundreds of shocking waves gushed out on the sea surface, and the sea surface returned to a moody situation.

The staff standing on the shore to test the special items smiled and shouted: "Is Di Ping there, wake up quickly, and turn back into a human being quickly, your mission is over!"

The waves of the sea continued to be violent for two hours.

People were terrified, the sea had obviously woken up, but Di Ping hadn't returned yet.

Kemon stepped on the beach again, silently perceiving.

Director Lei asked anxiously: "What, is he awake, or is he crazy?"

Director Lei highly suspects that Di Ping is crazy, because the global ocean continues to be violent. This is not a problem of one continent, but the whole ocean is causing big waves.

Such abnormal and unsettled ocean currents made everyone feel the word "crazy".

Kemon shook his head and was about to speak when suddenly a big wave hit the shore.

Kermon looked at the sea water hitting the beach, and suddenly closed his mouth.

"Why aren't you talking?" Director Lei asked puzzledly. He turned his head to look at the sea water hitting the beach, and was taken aback for a moment.

A shirtless man was half lying on the ground, gasping for breath, like a deep-sea diver who had been submerged in the sea for a hundred seconds, trying his best to climb ashore.

Well, let's continue to drag on that 2 more.

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