Chapter 487 Lost

Video: "[Special feature of the Semi-Iceland Investigation Bureau] Get out of despair, everyone must watch!"

The name of the investigation bureau is marked on the front of the video name, and the posting account is still the official video account, which increases the authority.

However, people have become pessimistic these days, and they have no interest in watching such videos anyway.

But not being interested is one thing. As long as the video is released, people will definitely watch the video.

Half-Iceland set up a restricted area to broadcast, and tried it in a large area.

As soon as it was released, the first half-Iceland viewer clicked on the video.

The passer-by viewer was not interested at first, but when he happened to be visiting the video area, someone in the UP master he followed updated the video. He happened to see the words "special offer", and he was curious, so he clicked in.

Then he saw a bright lamp in which was shut a glowing elf, emitting a soft light.

The man carrying the lantern sat on the ground with a calm expression, and said calmly that despair is not terrible, but the terrible thing is that people do not have the confidence to get out of despair.

Chicken soup for the soul like this, one after another, talked for five minutes.

Five minutes is enough to brighten the hearts of desperate people and see the road of hope.

"So, there is still hope for Banbingzhou!" The eyes of passers-by and the audience lit up, as if they saw the hope of life.

Before, the red mist enveloped the earth, and the plight of his life amplified his pessimism, giving up on himself, unwilling to go to work, and unwilling to face difficulties, so he stayed at home watching videos and playing games.

Now I suddenly feel that life has hope.

With the appearance of the first local viewer, more and more viewers clicked on the video specially provided by Ban Iceland.

The relevant personnel of Banbingzhou also pay close attention to the audience information in the background, collect feedback in the comment area, and see how the effect is.

They also set up a temporary customer service team of investigators to listen to audience feedback.

The phone number of the official uniform has been placed in the video, as long as someone is moved after watching it, someone will definitely call to thank the Bureau of Investigation.

They waited closely for audience feedback until, a few minutes later, the phone finally rang.

The first feedback came. The respondent was very moved and felt hopeful in life, and hoped that the Investigation Bureau could release the video to other regions. He found that relatives in other regions could not find this video, and he was very anxious.

Criticism on the Internet is severe, and any comments that spread hopeless thoughts will be censored. Comments that are yin and yang will stay for a while, but they will still be cleaned up and deleted.

The general environment is not good, and the feedback is very worried, and they are anxious like ants on a hot pot. They hope that Banbingzhou can get out of the predicament.

The temporary customer service staff of the Semi-Iceland Investigation Bureau said that the difficulties will be over, which caused the respondent to cry and was very moved.

This allowed Banbingzhou to find hope to break the situation, began to expand the restrictions on broadcasting regions, and vigorously promoted the video, hoping that more people would watch the video.

Those who were greatly moved by watching the video were also very excited, crazy about Amway, and hoped that their relatives and friends around them would also get out of the predicament.

But they found that half an hour later, the effect of the video was invalid, and the viewers who came in to watch the video later were still desperate.

"That's it?"

"Hehe, do you think that some sarcastic remarks can change the fact that Banbingzhou is in a desperate situation?"

"It's really you, the Half-Iceland Investigation Bureau. Before talking about these farts, can you solve the red cloud above my head? I can't feel the hope of life at all."

As soon as some extreme comments appeared, they were quickly charged and deleted.

However, these bad reviews were backed up by the Internet monsters and sent to the customer service team of Banbingzhou, so that they could see the feedback and improve the video in a targeted manner.

"What's the matter, the video is useless?"

"Why did the previous batch of people say it was good after reading it?"

The customer service team members didn't know why, but when the leader found out, his face changed drastically.

"Quickly, contact Jinlizhou and ask if the video volunteer is still alive?" a leader of Banbingzhou urged.

Koi Island.

Where Kemeng is located, Kemeng sat next to the volunteers, took out his mobile phone to scan the video, and watched the other party’s video on the Internet.

Next to Kemon, there are several important personnel from the Whale City Branch, all sitting here waiting for feedback.

They know the video is risky, but they don't know the size of the audience to trigger a lost person response.

Therefore, several people sat next to the volunteers, waiting for the other party to lose control.

The volunteers were fine at first, their complexion was rosy and normal, there was nothing wrong with them, and they were in good spirits.

But as the video played for half an hour, the faces of the volunteers became worse and worse, and the people became dull gourds, and their eyes were so bright that they lost their minds.

Kemen put down his phone, stared at the volunteer's face, and used his own spirituality to silently feel the changes in the volunteer.

Director Lei also took a deep breath, not daring to breathe.

At this time, the volunteer's eyes lost focus, and the human aura emanating from his body suddenly disappeared.

It was as if he was not human but an empty shell, an empty shell without a soul.

Kemen frowned, this change was really sudden.

But it's not without warning. Kemen has a vague feeling that something will happen to this guy.

Within half an hour, the mental state of the other party dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye, which was very obvious.

"Lost?" someone asked.

"It must be lost." Director Lei rolled his eyes and said.

With a bang, several people got up immediately, and Kemen also got up, walked up to the volunteers, and called each other's names.


The other party didn't respond at all, like a lost soul.

Indoors, the man with bandages had already arrived, sitting in the room with his whole body bandaged up, and when he saw everyone get up, he also got up and looked closely.

"This person is gone." The man in the bandage shouted.

The bandages on the man in the bandages had already been tied back by his colleagues, so the sense of presence would not be lost, and everyone heard him speak.

The man in the bandage waved his hand in front of the volunteer, but the volunteer didn't respond.

No reply to names.

Kemen called another volunteer to come over, "Please take the lamp and guide him, see if you can call him back?"

Kermon remembered that the Lamp of the Lost could purify the soul of the lost.

Now there happens to be an authentic lost person, completely lost, to test whether the light can heal him.

A volunteer picked up the light, looked at the lost person, and said, "Zhihua, can you hear me?"

The volunteers who pick up the lamp of the lost seem to have a sacred charm, like spiritual mentors, who can guide people out of difficulties.

The lost man with completely blank eyes moved his head, and his eyes regained focus.


He had just said a word, and suddenly lost his mind again.

Everyone frowned in unison, wondering why they got lost again after it took effect.

After a while, Director Lei got feedback from Banbingzhou.

The video worked half an hour ago, but not later.

Additionally, hundreds of people are suddenly available again during the time period of the lapse.

But it soon became ineffective again, and that time point happened to be the time point for everyone to wake up Zhihua.

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