I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 480: The End of the Town

Chapter 480: The End of the Town

Outside the small town, Kemon waited for a while and saw that no drastic change had occurred, thinking that the guy might have been burned to death, so he fell asleep and went to sleep to check whether it was dead or not.

Instinctively it wasn't extinct, and it turned out to be true, it didn't.

In his dream, Kemen vaguely sensed two living humans, but was knocked out.

It's those two malicious humans!

Kemon had their perspective. In addition, he also saw the melting furnace world formed by the endless flames, and a black shadow continued to burn in the flames.

When Kemeng was peeping secretly, the black shadow in the flame had shrunk to the size of a pea.

The pea-sized black shadow continued to revive, fighting against the flames, but it persisted for a minute before finally burning to ashes.

Before Kemon didn't pay attention, it persisted for a long time, which shows how vigorous the tentacle monster's vitality is.

Besides, there was something else in the town, which was holding strong in the flames, giving off a strong, sinister aura.

But under the influence of the heart flame, all matter burns.

This is the function of a zero-level item. Even if the heart flame is not that powerful, it will become extremely terrifying after being amplified by the candle.

When the smell of the tentacle monster and the foreign matter disappeared from the flames, the flames in the small town suddenly went out.

There is nothing left to burn inside, and the boundary of the earth is divided, so it cannot be burned when it reaches the edge.

Kemon turned his attention to the two humans with different temperaments.

The two looked a little strange, and there was absolutely no tentacle monster in the shadow.

But they had the smell of tentacle monsters on their breath, so they should have been in contact with it.

Kemen observed for a while, and understood a little bit.

After a while, Kemen woke up.

Without further ado, he released the two malicious humans. When the two fell to the ground, they just woke up. When they opened their eyes, they were a little confused, but soon their faces were expressionless.

On the surface, it can't be seen that they harbor any malice towards Kermon, but the demon map shows that the two definitely harbor malice.

In reality, Kemon didn't realize that they were tentacle monsters even though his spirituality was high.

But in the dream, Kermon realized that the two were related to the tentacle monster.

It's not that the shadow of the body is parasitic, but it has a similar effect.

It was something similar to thought brainwashing, which passed on the inheritance of Shadow Stream.

The tentacle monster didn't hide in their shadow, it kept itself in the town.

It knew that Kemon's spiritual perception was at the level of an inhuman monster. No matter how he invaded other people's shadows, Kemon would be aware of it, so he simply stayed behind to resist the investigation bureau's attack.

It's dead anyway, maybe it will be reborn in the flames?

The tentacle monster died, but left behind a legacy.

The inheritance has not germinated yet, but the malice left by the tentacle monsters coincidentally attached to them and indirectly affected their subconsciousness. Even if their own subjective consciousness did not deliberately target Kemon, it was still detected by the demon map .

"Two, please bear with me."

Kemeng said, and took out the isolation hut, and the ring of King Thunder.

Kermon's hair gradually began to arc.

The angry man on the side looked haggard. Today, he has used zero-level items more than once and needs a lot of special supplements.

The angry man was eating while watching Kemeng release the thunder and baptize his faith.

"In my opinion, it's better to call all the staff, just to be on the safe side." The angry man suggested.

The residents in the small town are very weird, and the angry man suspects that the tentacle monster is not dead yet, and may be hiding among them, looking for a chance to make a comeback.

"My lightning can only cleanse faith." Kemen reminded, "They are not people with faith, but lack of faith themselves."

During the Thunder and Lightning Order, the two young men with malicious intentions showed pained expressions on their faces.

The inheritance left by the tentacle monster is very obscure. It is a kind of thought seed, which is linked to "faith", so Kemeng's lightning treatment is effective for them.

It is extremely painful, showing how deep the belief is in the process of removing the inheritance seeds, and it will even affect the character.

The angry man nodded, watching silently from the sidelines, and couldn't help but lament that the side effects of special items on Kemon were too small.

To be reasonable, he was very excited and wanted Kemeng to inherit the zero-level item of the Heart Flame Candle. With Kemeng's strength, the Heart Flame should be inexhaustible.

But he was just thinking about it. Heart Flame Candles had been passed on for at least three generations, and the first two generations had a hard time.

not for a while.

The two survived, and finally no longer felt the pain.

Kermon also put away the ring, which was a small breakthrough in stages, and dealt with the tentacle boss.

Walking out of the isolation hut, people looked nervous, waiting for Kemon's next action order.

"Check the scene and return if there is nothing wrong." Kemeng looked up at the sky, and the red clouds were blown by the typhoon and flowed into the distance.

The turbulent waves of the sea are still affecting the world, and here it has been affected by Dipin.

This guy Di Ping has become an S-class member with global influence, but the side effects are also serious. If he suddenly falls asleep, he may sleep for a long time.

Now the town has been burned dry by Heart Flame, and the tentacle monsters have been dealt with, which is a great achievement.

But this is a foreign country after all, and an investigator from the Crocodile Investigation Bureau is still on the scene monitoring and tracking.

When the other staff members heard that they could call it a day, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

All the people packed up their things happily, their faces filled with the joy of surviving the disaster, the environment here is extremely depressing, and the air of Jinli Island is still good to breathe.

Seeing that they were so happy, the officials of Crocodile Island froze for a moment, and then lost their minds.

The gap between the two sides seems to have widened unconsciously.

Others still have time to fight across borders, but Crocodile Island is extremely busy. The answer is self-evident which side is stronger.

The angry man felt it outside for a while, then opened a gap to isolate the world, and let a pet in to explore the way.

"That flame will burn everything. When there is nothing to burn inside, it will extinguish itself." The flaming man explained, then pulled the transparent rope on his hand, and pulled the pet back.

Seeing that the hair on the pet's body is still shiny, and there is no additional dust contamination, you know that the inside is completely burned.

"Go, go in and have a look."

The two returned to the isolated town, but there was nothing in the town, not even land.

There is only a void of black in front, black hole, as if the front is an eternal black abyss, without substance and without end.

Kermon's nose couldn't breathe, there wasn't even air in here.

The two came in from the outside, carrying a little air, but it was not enough at all, so the two held their breath, stood on the edge and looked in for more than a minute before exiting.

"Wouldn't it be the void over there?" Kemen had a guess in his heart, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was similar to the void.

One more. Make up tomorrow.

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