I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 450 Expectations from the Group Leader

Chapter 450 Expectations from the Group Leader

Under the dark blood-red sky, an endless wind blows on the plain.

The shouts of countless people fluctuated like a tide, screaming crazily in this plain.

This is a special field on Blue Star, which is isolated from the outside world, and it is impossible to take pictures of it even with ultra-high-precision satellites.

Because in the eyes of the satellite, everything here is normal, and it is impossible for the bones to pile up.

It wandered around the plain, shouting loudly, uttering prayers of unknown meaning.

It is the group owner of Shadow Stream House, the real power owner of Shadow Stream House, and the first founder of Shadow Stream Organization.

It has not been easy to grow up to now, and all of this must start from the source, that is, when "he" has not become "it".

When he was very young, on the way home, he accidentally heard a whisper, and he searched all around but couldn't find the source of the voice. The voice seemed to come from the darkness, without any source.

Driven by his curiosity, he couldn't help passing by the dark and criss-crossed tree-lined path every day after school.

The whispers in the dark are real, and although they don't speak every day, he feels the pattern.

None of those voices could be understood, but he found it very interesting. This is an unprecedented foreign language, and learning this language might make you a foreign translator.

As time passed, a year later he began to hallucinate.

Even if he didn't pass by that dark and criss-crossed boulevard, he would still hear those strange and unintelligible voices.

As the auditory hallucinations became more and more serious, sometimes when he communicated with people, that kind of voice suddenly poured in, which made him have a splitting headache, and his mouth unconsciously made those weird sounds.

The friend was startled, and he caught the flash of disgust in his eyes.

Then he began to alienate his relatives and friends, and when they saw him, their expressions became more and more strange, and the disgust in their eyes became deeper and deeper.

Until one day, he suddenly understood the whispers in the shadows.

The people around them put on the expressions of murderers, like a ghost who devours people, uttering foul and stinking words, and their eyes are bloodshot.

He doesn't like, and doesn't want to use the worst malice to test the hearts of relatives and friends.

But he really can't bear the eyes of those cannibals, and his daily life is like hell to him.

In a conflict initiated by unknown origin, he broke out and killed those stinky people who breathed a sweet smell.

Blood flowed like a river!

He had already forgotten how many people he killed at that time, at least more than a hundred, and everyone who knew him died.

After regaining his senses, he was afraid of being caught by the police. He began to learn the knowledge taught by the hidden existence, and transformed himself into a shadow creature step by step, and changed his body in time before the police came to the door.

He is very grateful to that unknown existence, even if the other party did not disclose his name, he still respects him from the bottom of his heart, and calls him the great master of shadow stream, and everyone who joins the organization must respect the master of shadow stream from the bottom of his heart.

Relying on this knowledge and secretly cultivating like-minded people, the Shadow Stream organization was established.

After many years, the members of the organization have grown up, and there are organizations behind important personnel in all countries in the world.

At the same time, because the organization has developed into a world-class secret organization, secrets unknown to ordinary people have also been discovered. It turns out that there are extremely low probabilities of birthing those special items and special fields around the world.

This is how the special secret group chat was discovered by the organization. The group started with an ordinary group friend. After being discovered by the organization, he immediately took over the account of the group owner. Later, the group chat was renamed Yingliujia.

The leader of Yingliu listened to the crazy shouts in his ears, those voices evoked his memories, and he couldn't extricate himself.

At this time, a wonderful sense of peeping came from the distant horizon.


This is by no means coming from the distant horizon, rather, this sense of peeping has no specific direction at all, it seems to come from all directions, or... it comes from the void?

"Who's there!" The group leader stopped the prayer of the sacrificial ceremony and yelled, a little nervous, even a little excited.

It kept singing that existence, calling for the other person, just to meet.

What is the real body of the hidden existence that gave him a new life?

At this moment it is very excited, very hesitant, very nervous.

If it was him in the past, he would definitely not be able to bear the voice of the hidden existence, and he would not even dare to look directly at it.

But now it is no longer a human being, it has become a monster in the mouth of human beings, it has completely fallen into madness, accepts madness, and regards madness as a new existence of normal state.

Just because it regards madness as normal, its thinking is unprecedentedly sober, and it can master higher powers.

Now it can bear the guidance of that existence!

It runs wildly all the way, and its countless tentacles and bloated body do not affect its actions. According to human physics, it does not have the ability to move at supersonic speed at all.

So it denies human physics from the bottom of its heart, it is wrong knowledge, the world does not have physics, and human physics is not needed to explain the secrets of the universe.

In the eyes of physicists, it is absolutely crazy.

It is very disdainful. When it was changed to a physicist's body, many physicists criticized it as a lunatic.

It took almost a breath, and it had already run to the core area of ​​the plain of bones, where there were piles of bones, and a huge spear made of black smoke was stuck on the pile of bones.

It suppresses evil spirits, and at the same time absorbs evil spirits. Countless red lines of karma connect the distant places, and they will be implicated in the hatred and dissatisfaction of the world, and countless grievances will sink here.

"Is it you, great Lord?"

It looked away from Shadowspear and looked around, not quite sure where the Lord was.

This strange sense of voyeurism seems to be outside the world, is it the voyeurism from the void?

All kinds of distracting thoughts surged in the leader of the Yingliu group, and the tentacles all over his body flapped freely, making a wonderful sound.

This is a strange rhythm. Normal people will think that their brains are cracked when they hear it, but it is not. This is a language of a higher race. Creatures who are not at that level will definitely go crazy or have a brain explosion.

As long as it exists, it must be able to understand what it is saying.

It slapped each other with strange tentacles, and the cool wind automatically blew across the skull, blew around inside the skull and then ran out, faintly blowing out strange sounds, which was equivalent to adding background music.

It worked very hard, slapping various complicated tentacles on the pile of bones for sixty seconds, and the sounds it made were also very complicated.

But complexity is only relative to it.

In the ears of the boss, its language ability may be similar to that of a baby's cry, which is too simple.

After some patting, the emotions in my heart were expressed, and then the body tentacles quieted down, quietly waiting for the other party's response, and silently looking forward to it.

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