I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 447 I Can Only Bite the Scalp

Chapter 447 I Can Only Bite the Scalp

Recalling the faceless tentacle monster he saw in his dream, Kemon thought of a lot.

If the tentacle monster is not very powerful, it is very likely that it will descend on Blue Star through a sacrificial ceremony.

Now at least most of the nodes in Jinli Island are gone, so there should be no major issues in Jinli Island, and I don't know about other continents.

Some investigation bureaus responded very slowly, and it was hard to say how many nodes they cleaned up.

The Shadow Stream organization started the sacrificial ceremony ahead of time, and probably realized that too many nodes were damaged, and if it didn't start, it would be a loss to grandma's family.

There is nothing wrong with starting the ceremony in advance, but there is a problem.

Can the incomplete ritual summon what they want?

This is almost impossible, how can an incomplete summoning array summon what they want.

With such a huge plan, even a slight mistake or omission will cause a huge error.

"They must have a backup plan." Kemon frowned and began to think.

When it comes to the summoning array, Kemeng doesn't understand better than others, but when it comes to the details of the sacrifice, Kemeng understands better than many unknown experts.

Offering sacrifices to the gods is a very serious matter. Once a certain point is not aligned, the error will increase infinitely. It is very likely that nothing will be summoned, and there is also a very small probability of summoning an unknown existence.

Kemon and the others didn't need to leave the node very far, they walked for a few minutes and then ran back to see what was going on at the sacrifice ceremony.

I saw a faint red light rising from the ruins, which was the scene after the bomb blast.

The red light was not bright, even a little dim. Kemeng could use his own spirituality to perceive that the red light was unstable, because the scene had been destroyed, and it was not a complete ceremony node.

"What about the rest of the world?" Kemon asked.

"I'll ask." Di Ping called with his mobile phone.

beep beep.

Can't get through the phone, the other party is in the middle of a call.

At this time, the sacrificial ceremony nodes around the world were activated, and a bunch of people were calling. Jinlizhou was the first person to warn, and the four major official organizations hurriedly called to ask how to break the situation.

The people in Jinli Island don't know either, anyway, the bombing is over, and they didn't succeed in the bombing, so it's none of their business, they have tried their best to inform the other party.

In short, the phone lines of the relevant parties are busy all over the world, and there are not many people who are free.

Kemen took out his mobile phone, but he couldn't get through, so he went to the group to check.

Kemeng watched the group chat of Shadow Stream House first, and intuitively thought that the Shadow Stream organization was so big that there should be something to say in Shadow Stream House, otherwise it would be so tiring to chat privately one by one.

Sure enough, after clicking on the chat, I saw that the group owner posted a message a second ago.

Group owner: "@All members, the sacrifice has begun, come out and pray."

This was followed by a series of repeater-style replies, "Understood!"

Kemen looked sideways and vertically, frowned for two seconds, and suddenly thought of his own believers who had to say prayers when offering sacrifices.

No way, hundreds of nodes have been destroyed and you have to continue to pray, so confident?

And aren't the people of Shadow Stream scattered all over the world, with such a long distance, does prayer really work?

Except for the full-level believers, the weak believers in Kemen all gather to sacrifice, and they won't go that far.

But Kemeng thought about it, the sacrifice ceremony held by Yingliu covers such a large area, people all over the world are in the formation, and the distance does not matter.

"Team Ke, I have a blackout cloth here. I want to try to see if it can cover the light beam." Di Ping will not call anymore, he has already seen the notice from his superiors through the Internet group.

Di Ping took out a black shading cloth, which has a strong shading effect, but it is only one meter cubic in size, so it is not very useful.

Looking at the thickness of the light beam now, the size of this blackout cloth is just right, but I don't know if it will come in handy.

"I'll ask the pet to cover it, so don't take any risks." Kemeng patted the scarf on the spot, and patted the glutinous rice balls.

Kemen gave two simple instructions, Tangyuan understood in seconds, took the black shade cloth with dog hair, and rushed towards the ruins with a rolling body.

Kemen looked down at his phone and switched to the internal group chat of the Bureau of Investigation.

Someone posted more than a dozen pictures of what was happening in other countries.

In the picture, a super thick red beam of light shot towards the sky amidst the thick smoke of the explosion, and even the clouds were dyed red, as red as blood!

The light beam split into several pieces in the clouds and shot into the distance.

In some pictures, the red light beam splits into dozens of pieces and scatters all over the place.

Kemen was surprised. The light beams in other people's pictures were thick and bright, like a column of flowing blood, while the red light beam on Kemen's side was very dim, with a feeling of being green and yellow.

"The red light is sealed!" Di Ping shouted.

At this moment, Kemen looked up and saw that the beam of red light was covered by a black cloth, and no light could pass through the black cloth.

Tang Yuan pressed the black cloth to the ground, and now Hong Guang was buried under the ruins.

The sky also returned to normal in an instant, and there was no longer any red light grazing into the distance.

It's just that this didn't solve the problem. There was constant vibration in the group, and many people released more news. It was a scene map sent by investigation bureaus from all over the country, and they wanted to ask Jinlizhou for advice.

Kemen immediately took a picture on the spot, and attached the text: "The special item shading cloth can cover the red light. If you have similar shading items, you can also try it, or use other special items to block the red light opening."



The investigators in this bureau thanked each other, and then hurriedly dealt with the affairs.

But within a minute, another staff member replied: "Overseas, there is not only red light, but the place where the sacrificial node is located has strong spiritual pollution, and all investigators are in a half-mad, half-demonic state, making it difficult to approach the node. "

Kemen was stunned for a moment, which Kemen didn't expect much.

Speaking of which, when the believers offered sacrifices, the pressure on the scene of the sacrifice was astonishingly great, and the mental state of the believers was extremely unstable.

Even their own believers can't stand the atmosphere during the sacrifice, and the spiritual pollution of non-believers will be even more serious.

Kemen walked back and forth on the scene, unable to think of a good solution for a while, so he could only type and ask: "Then what about the nodes in our bureau, are you all busy?"

"Huike team, we are fine here, there is no mental pollution."

"I don't think it's so scary, maybe it was weakened by us in advance."

"Back to the Ke team, the same, it doesn't feel scary."

Colleagues in the bureau replied that it was okay, and Kemen was a little relieved.

Jinli Island was discovered early and dealt with quickly. Fortunately, those nodes were cleared in advance, so that the sacrifice ceremony was no longer complete.

The foreign side got the news a few hours late, coupled with the international chain of suspicion, it takes time from receiving the news to truly believing that the situation is bad, so the foreign side is facing a big bad situation.

"This kind of thing, we can only bite the bullet and let the people abroad try their best to seal the node." Kemen had no other choice but to reply like this.

This chapter is a supplementary update, and there will be 2 more updates later.

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