I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 443: The Source of Stress

Chapter 443: The Source of Stress

The aura exuded by the other sacrifices was not very strong, so Kemen checked them one by one with the big-faced cat.

Excluding some tasteless items that are not very useful, there is one item that is very much in Kemeng's mind.

"Mask of the Faceless"

"You can freely change your appearance and slightly change your shape, but you cannot change into something that is too different from the original image. For example, a humanoid creature cannot become a dragon."

"As a side effect, it has the effect of losing oneself. The longer you wear it, the easier it is to forget your original identity, name, age, etc."

This is the legendary disguise mask, a must-have magic weapon for the protagonist of the novel. Every time he provokes a big enemy, he will change his face after killing a wave, and no one else will recognize him.

Kemeng doesn't have a big demand for a face change here. After all, he has Jinli Island as his backer. No matter how bad the situation is, he can return to live in Jinli Island.

"It's good to use it for invasion." Kemen murmured, accepting the item.

As for its side effects, use less.

Put Kemen on the face first, try the feeling, and taste the power of side effects.

After wearing it on his face, he immediately had a strange feeling in his heart that he could control his facial expression and make it the face he wanted.

With a thought in his mind, Kemeng turned into the face of a teammate Luo Yuan, and the muscles of his body seemed to have changed slightly.

Looking in the mirror, I found that the figure and face were exactly the same as Luo Yuan's, as if they were printed from the same mold.

It looked so scary, and there was a feeling in my heart that I could replace it.

Kemen tried to mobilize the resistance force, but the resistance force didn't move much. Kemon tried something, as if the resistance force couldn't find the target they should resist.

If you lose your goal, you naturally don't know who to resist, and your inner strength can only lie dormant.

Kermon took off his mask and immediately felt that his breathing was much easier.

Looking at the mirror again at this time, I felt an indescribable sense of refreshment, and said to myself, "This is me."

With this feeling, Kemon became more interested in the mask of the Faceless Man.

This is a very powerful item, side effects should be treated with caution.

Kemen recalled that this item was a sacrifice offered by the believers of the player, and it came from a level 200 rare dungeon cave, and this golden legendary item was opened by simply swiping the treasure chest.

The players thought that they would not be scolded for sacrificing the golden legendary item to the evil god. It happened that they had the space-time stone powder in their hands, and they sacrificed it directly, and it succeeded, which made them happy for a while.

The level doesn't matter, the emphasis is on rarity. Kemon can feel that its destructive power is not strong from the mask itself, but the body has a wonderful magic power, and it's hard to tell what it is.

Now recalling the side effects of the mask, he understood, this is the power of forgetting.

Kemeng hid this mask well, and when attacking Yingliu, he could change his face so that the other party would not remember him. Although he was already well-known on the Internet, it would not be a problem to attack with another face.

Kemen saw the main site of the sacrificial ceremony in his dream, and he had already made up his mind to find that dojo, destroy the core sacrificial ceremony, and prevent the sacrificial ceremony from proceeding successfully.

There is a captured Internet cafe deacon in Kemeng's storage scarf, and it is estimated that he can interrogate a wave of intelligence. Kemeng will immediately take him to the investigation bureau and sit outside the interrogation room himself.

The deacon of the Internet cafe lost his body, and was picked up by Kemeng alone. After it came out, it immediately compressed the shadow quality and launched a fierce blow to Kemeng, but in front of Kemeng who was over a thousand resistant, it did not shake Kemeng at all.

In desperation, she was educated by Di Ping's free dance again.

But Di Ping's free dance didn't seem to work. The unreasonable hatred built up by the Dragon King mask is still there.

Di Ping shrugged, he couldn't educate his opponent, that would only allow other investigators to take action.

The deacon was also very helpless, after several struggles, he finally defeated in front of the special item and opened his heart.

"I have been poor since I was a child. After the first time I came into contact with the Internet, I became enthusiastic about surfing the Internet. I had a wish in my heart, which was to play games. After changing my body, I found that the teenagers with Internet addiction had a particularly good sense of operation when playing games, and then I became addicted to it." ..." The deacon of the young Internet addict talked about the beginning of his sinful life.

Kemeng listened for a while, and couldn't help interjecting to ask: "I like to operate, so why don't you find a professional player?"

"They are very famous, and their daily practice schedule is very busy, so it is not convenient to take time to do the tasks assigned by the shadow stream organization." The deacon of the Internet addiction boy told the truth, not that he did not want to possess professional players, but that professional players were too Famous, inconvenient to do things.

Kemeng was thoughtful, it seems that famous celebrities are not suitable to be the second Wuzi of the Shadow Stream organization.

Of course, politicians are an exception, and the Shadow Stream organization has this ability to stand in, and it will definitely control the local government.

Jinlizhou has already been heavily guarded, and there is no soil left for the Yingliu organization to dominate.

It can be seen that there is no reason why the outside is so chaotic, and the Yingliu organization may use Er Wuzai to manipulate the world pattern secretly.

Kemen thought of the sacrificial ceremonies involving the whole world, and when there was no time, he asked directly: "What secrets do you know about the sacrificial ceremonies arranged by the Shadow Stream organization on all continents?"

The deacon of the Internet addicted boy is a little unclear, so he has been kicked out of the Shadow Stream House. He can't remember some mission processes at all, and only remembers some unimportant mission content. "I don't know what you said."

This is the truth, he really doesn't know, because that memory has been forgotten after he was kicked out of the group.

Kemen was not too reconciled, and asked some other questions, all kinds of insinuations.

Kemen then took out a black and white sketch of the scene. The scene drawn in it was the quagmire of bones, with a spear stuck in the middle of the bones.

Kermon's painting is so good, the body of the spear is composed of clouds and smoke, with dozens of shreds of tobacco overflowing, giving it a dynamic sense of flow.

The internet-addicted boy sighed, the painting is really good, but he shook his head, he really didn't remember.

Amnesia is the best way to fight against the spiritual realm.

Look at the bandage man's performance, he lost his memory after being hit hard, and he can't remember that memory at all.

But Kemen thinks there is still a chance. Since the Shadow Stream House can invite people into the group to restore their memories at any time, it proves that the memories have not been completely deleted.

"Your spirituality is not high enough, how about this, let you get in touch with some hidden items of Shadow Stream, maybe you will think of something." Kemen suddenly thought of a wonderful idea, which is related to the mastermind behind Shadow Stream.

"What way?" Shadow didn't understand.

"The first way, I have an old radio here, and there is a hidden voice in it, which is related to the behind-the-scenes existence of your video streaming."

"If you heard that voice, you should be able to remember something."

Kemon's method is simple and brutal, which is to clearly identify the source of stress that stimulates you.

After listening to the internet-addicted boy Shadow, after a few seconds of silence, his voice was no longer calm: "You can't do this."

Um, 2 more.

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