Chapter 440 Node

There are victims on every continent. They are scattered and seemingly irregular, but after they are connected into a network, they form strange symbols.

This symbol is still not clear, and it hasn't even formed yet, but the S-class members with extremely high spiritual perception saw the picture and immediately felt that something was wrong.

The S-class members who participated in the sea battle saw the picture and directly triggered the stress trauma reaction, with a little headache, and once again wanted the giant spear that fell from the sky.

After reading the properties of the mecha, Kemeng found that it was basically an indestructible material.

After coming out of the isolation room, Kemen received the latest news from the Bureau of Investigation. The death of each victim was most likely planned by Yingliu, which contained a big secret.

Kemeng glanced at the world map after the connection of the network mythical beast. The lines are connected by multiple points. The first impression gave Kemeng a strange feeling, a strange sense of familiarity.

What is it like?

As the number of successful retrievals of the mythical beasts on the Internet increased, more and more victims' information was found out, and the current residence data was updated to 500 people.

At this time, there are more connections around the world, and Kemen realized at this time that this strange sense of familiarity is the sense of sacrificial ceremony.

This is not a ceremony to sacrifice to Cthulhu, but a ceremony to sacrifice to an unknown person.

Kemen secretly speculated that it might be the mastermind behind Shadow Stream, but the sacrificial picture is not complete enough, and Kemeng has not yet felt the breath of the mastermind from the picture.

"Amon, what do you think?" someone asked.

"I thought of the sacrificial ceremony, probably the Shadow Stream organization wanted to summon something in a sacrificial way." Kemen speculated.

"Sacrifice!" The colleague was surprised, and after the surprise, he showed a serious expression, "I know, I will report it now."

Regardless of whether it is true or not, report it first.

Kemeng's spiritual perception is the number one existence in the Bureau, and no one is higher than him for the time being.

"Why is it a sacrifice?"

After a while, the person in the colleague's headset started to direct again.

"Intuition." Kemen sealed the other party's inquiry with two words.

Don't ask, just intuition.

The investigators also nodded, agreeing with Kemon's reason.

Investigators often have a flash of inspiration and ask them why, half of them can't answer, anyway, it's just their intuition.

Kemen continued to draw portrait drawings. In the quagmire of corpses in the dream, there were definitely more than a few hundred victims, at least thousands, or even tens of thousands.

The more portraits Kemon draws, the more intense the big data retrieval of the mythical beasts on the Internet is, because some people have profile pictures on the Internet, which are easy to search.

Those who did not leave files had to hack into the file networks of other continents.

Those archive networks are not completely closed networks. After all, they are not military materials, and they can still be found if they want to hack.

The workload is huge, but for the safety of the world, the General Administration has released the maximum authority, allowing the network monsters to invade all computer data without thinking, and hack anyone who can hack into the data.

On Kemon's side, the real-time connection maps received are becoming more and more dense, but they remain the same. The connections between each continent are thick and dense, forming a tight continuity.

There is vaguely a pentagonal structure, but the five corners of the pentagon are in a very complicated configuration, not a neat connection.

There is chaos in order, isn't that true, Kemeng thought.

"People from Shadow Stream are doing a mysterious sacrificial ceremony, and they want to summon something." Kemeng looked at the completed picture, and the feeling in his heart became clearer and clearer.

It is definitely a sacrificial ceremony circle, it is bigger than the sacrificial ceremony of the Frog Club, and the degree of doing things is more terrifying than that of the Frog Club.

Compared with Washe and Yingliu, it is nothing compared to the big witch.

The people in the bureau also attached great importance to it, and sent someone to urgently seek advice: "How can such a sacrificial ceremony be interrupted?"

Kemen thought silently. It was easy to say that the sacrificial ceremony should be interrupted, but the scale of Kanyingliu was at least at the global level. To be honest, it was already difficult for him to stop it.

"I don't know about foreign countries, but in this country, we can at least find the reason in the place where the victim lives. Maybe we can destroy the ceremony after changing the environment." Kemon is not sure how to destroy the other party's ceremony.

Even if Kemen was peeping hard in his dream, because of Blue Star's protection, he would definitely not be able to interfere with the sacrificial ceremony.

Wait, Blue Star has a large filter membrane, so worry too much. Even if he summons the evil god, he probably won't be able to make it through. Thinking of this, Kemen felt a little relieved and no longer so nervous.

Blue Star is very powerful, it is more powerful than any original zero-level items, those extraterrestrial visitors who are too powerful will definitely be filtered out, after all, it can compete with evil god-level power.

Kemen didn't get a full night's sleep today, but it doesn't matter, let's find a nearby victim's current residence to check.

If you have inspiration, it’s okay, if you don’t have inspiration, go back to catch up on sleep, and wait until the full version of the connection map is released to see how to break through.

Kemon looked at the map and found the nearest point - Whale City, which is the city.

In the past few months, Shadow Stream members had been active in Whale City. At that time, two Shadow Stream members were sent to perform a sacrificial ceremony on the spot, but the sacrificial ceremony failed at that time, and Kemen woke up the dead with a whistle.

Back then, people didn't know what the Shadow Stream organization was doing in Whale City, but now Kemon understands. At that time, the ceremony with the whole world as the sacrificial area had already begun. The failed sacrificial ceremony was probably part of the sacrificial ceremony arrangement plan ring.

As for their failure at that time, whether it was planned or not, Kemon didn't know.

"Let's go!" Kemon made a decision and set off, and once again drove to the original street.

The building has already been sealed. After all, there have been deaths and connections with the Shadow Stream organization. The local investigation bureau has no intention of selling it. This empty building is just so empty.

The bodies inside had been cremated long ago, and it was impossible to stay indoors.

Kemeng revisited the old place, and the feeling was different.

This time, Kemeng had peeped at the shadow spear and touched it with his own hands. With the truth behind the scenes, he had an extremely deep connection. When he saw the murder scene again, he had a different feeling.

Kemen stood in the empty bedroom, the doors and windows were closed, and the bloody liquid inside had been cleaned up, so there was no smell of blood, but Kemon thought of the blood-stained book in the room.

Whale County Travel Notes, at that time, this special book was stained with blood. The reason was that the people from Shadow Stream planned to bring bloody disasters to Whale City, but was stopped by Kemeng later.

When Kemen recalled the quagmire of bones, bloody thoughts filled his mind, but he was quickly cut off by Kemen.

"This is one of the nodes..." Kemen secretly speculated.

Today 2 is later

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