I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 436 Encounter at Sea

Chapter 436 Encounter at Sea


The sea is impermanent, and the waves surge.

With angel wings and an energy-gathering ring on his head, Kemon hovered in the air in a way that violated common sense of physics.

Director Lei, Director Wu, and Di Ping are also at sea. They are standing on a small warship with a place to stay.

This warship tends to be a speed type, focusing on fast support, but today the warship does not directly participate in the battle.

It only provides a place to stay before the battle starts, and when the big battle starts, it will run a little farther to avoid being sunk by the bosses.

As a hateful investigator, Di Ping naturally needed powerful protection.

Director Lei took out a sealed item from the storage props, quickly unsealed it, and handed it to Mr. Di Ping.

Mr. Di Ping is wearing a red turban at the moment, but this turban is not a special item, but an ordinary turban without extraordinary power, it is purely a decorative item.

"What is its function?" The object in Di Ping's hand is a long horn with waves on its surface.

Director Lei explained, "This is a special item confiscated from the disciples, called "The Horn of the Sea". "

The Horn of the Sea possesses the power to control the ocean. Kemon experienced it in the world behind the door last time. It is very terrifying and belongs to the level of things between level one and level zero.

The reason why it is not rated as level zero is because it does not yet have the ability to quickly destroy the land of the continent.

"nice one!"

Di Ping snorted, very excited, this is indeed a good thing.

With this thing, self-defense should not worry.

He raised his trumpet aloft, and blew his trumpet to the ocean.

"Dirty, filthy filth—"

The strange sound of the horn spread into the distance, and waves surged on the sea surface.

Di Ping somehow felt a powerful force emerging from his body.

At the same time, slight changes occurred in the entire ocean.

The undulations of the waves become smaller, but occasionally they stir up huge waves.

The dark clouds in the sky slowly dissipated, and the sun shone on the sea area, and at the same time, it also shone on Di Ping's horn.

Di Ping's body suddenly slammed, and a human-shaped spray exploded.

Immediately afterwards, the horn disappeared with him, leaving only a pool of water on the deck of the warship.

"Dipin?" Kemon asked in the air.

"I am here."

The sea water surged, forming a miniature villain.

"You turned into sea water?"

"It seems so, and I can control the water flow in the entire sea area." Di Ping said in surprise, there was a huge wave rolling in the distance, it was his consciousness controlling the sea water.

"Be careful, its side effect is to occasionally fall into a long period of silence, which means that you may sleep for a long time as the sea." Kemon remembered its side effect.

Once you fall asleep, it's a mystery when you wake up.

Big Face Cat has always been obsessed with words. Last time, the low-probability volcanic rock was judging whether it was triggered every minute. According to this statement, no matter how small the probability is, it becomes a high-probability event.

"Eh..." Di Ping was taken aback for a moment, and what Kemen said made sense.

After a while, he returned to the deck of the battleship and canceled the horn power.

"How did you just disappear?"

"I became countless water molecules, and then my consciousness flowed into the sea water through the water molecules."

Di Ping held the horn and did not let go. He will need to merge into the ocean to fight the enemy later.

The others were also ready to fight, and the S-class members on board had just arrived on board, carrying zero-level items with them.

Kermon landed and took off the energy-gathering ring above his head. It was so bright that it blinded his teammates and could only be stuffed into the storage scarf.

Shi Lao was on the side assisting Kemeng, intending to pass through the enemy with precise spatial displacement, and then Kemeng would use the shadow catcher to catch the opponent's shadow.

Of course, before you catch it, it is best for someone to use fancy attacks to attract the enemy's attention and lower their vigilance.

"The camera has captured the Internet cafe deacon leaving the Internet cafe. He is currently boarding the plane, and his target is our Jinlizhou Octopus Airport."

"The group chat Yingliujia is cold again, and no one speaks up."

There were people reporting information one after another, and the situation suddenly became tense.

Don't be nervous, there is an elder figure who already knows the password, no one knows whether he is going to Jinli Island or not.

Kemeng and the others waited at sea for more than ten hours. The reason why they waited so long was the problem of the plane. It could not fly over in just a few hours, unless it was a plane equipped with special items.

The day passes and the night falls.

When the time jumped to midnight, a plane finally passed through the sky.

The angry Internet cafe deacon did not choose to land at the airport, but when he sensed that the enemy was below, he directly used objects to penetrate the wall, penetrate the outer wall of the plane, and started a frictional falling motion.

When people had already waited impatiently on the sea, the other party also came from the sky in a rage.

Although the deacon of the Internet cafe felt that it was ridiculous that the other party was waiting for him at sea, the unreasonable hatred filled his brain, making it difficult for him to think rationally.

When the Internet cafe deacon also jumped off the plane, he found a very bright light bulb floating in the sea.

That was Kemon's energy-gathering ring. He received the news to wear the energy-gathering ring at a high place in advance to illuminate the entire sea area.

Also because of Kemen's light, everyone covered Kemen with their hands, and through the light, they noticed the deacon's figure descending from the sky.


An extremely swift and huge water column shot up into the sky, shot over, and shot the Internet cafe deacon into the sea water column.

Then, countless seawater turbulence cut that body crazily at an extremely exaggerated speed.

When the water flow reaches a certain speed, it can cut through hard objects!

It was the first time Di Ping used the power of the horn, and his skills were unfamiliar, but he was surprised to find that the local cutting water flow was moving faster and faster, and the sound of sonic boom was cut!

In mid-air, the jet of water exploded into flowers, making deafening bang bang bang bang.

The Internet cafe deacon also started to take out powerful items, broke through the sea water directly, and put on a set of extremely hard car armor.

Di Ping had an inspiration, it was an item from a foreign Autobot.

Countless supersonic cutting fluids rubbed high-temperature sparks on the Internet Café Deacon's armor. The temperature was so high that the seawater evaporated directly, and the brightness of the local cut marks was no worse than that of Kermon's energy-gathering ring.

He was indestructible, broke through the water column, and fell in mid-air.

Shi Lao and Kemeng appeared behind the shadow stream members in an instant. At that moment, Kemeng grabbed his shadow with the shadow catcher and pulled it back.

The Internet cafe deacon couldn't help but get scared, why can he catch my shadow?

Aoao yelled, but it was hard to resist.

The shadow was thus captured.

After waiting for so long and preparing so much work, the battle ended in an instant.

The investigators who were still on the warship felt empty in their hearts. Before they exerted their strength, the enemy had already fallen, and they were a little at a loss.

In fact, high-level battles are so swift that duels can be concluded in the blink of an eye.

Therefore, the speed of reaction is very important. The more advanced the battle, the more attention is paid to speed.

After Kemen caught the shadow, he immediately threw him into the forbidden wine jar, sealing his time.

"It should be time to call it a day." Just when everyone was a little relaxed, suddenly, a terrifying breath came in the blink of an eye.

Everyone felt the spiritual shock.


An inexplicable sound pierced the sky, and a giant black and red spear descended from the sky. It almost merged with the dark night sky, but the screeching sound could not be hidden.


The giant spear smashed into the huge sea water. Even if the sea water wanted to prevent the warship from overturning, it would be difficult to straighten it in a short time. Its power was too powerful.

The warship capsized.

The monkey was placed on top of the warship, and at that moment, a black shadow rushed onto the warship.

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