Chapter 432 Video

The process of erasing memory was completed quickly, and the little monkey lost its memory of today.

But it showed an astonishing amount of hatred. It still hated Di Ping without thinking, and its eyes were glowing green.

"Inconceivable hatred, doesn't it have anything to do with memory?" The people in the bureau exclaimed.

"It's inconvenient for us to use it on our own family. Even the suspect foreign investigator is only suspected. Even if he really listened to the crazy ravings, there is still a chance to save him." Di Ping frowned.

There are already a lot of items in the bureau, besides, the effect of Kermon's Dream Pillow is surprisingly good. Many crazy investigators have been brought back to normal life from the edge of madness through Kermon's Dream Pillow.

"It's better to let the Internet cafe deacon watch the Dragon King video, it's our first round of human testing." Kemeng said suddenly.

People don't know whether the video has a secondary mocking effect. Big Face Cat only said the number of people, but did not say how to use it in detail.

"The range of viewers for the password has been delimited, and it can only be viewed by people who have been in an Internet cafe in the past week, and whose shadow can leave the body at any time." An investigator came in and reported.

Surveillance shows that the deacon who likes to visit Internet cafes is playing games in the Internet cafe.

At the same time, the network beast is also monitoring the negotiation information generated by the other party while playing the game in real time. Once it chats with someone, it will report the chat record to Jinlizhou.

"But how the video is delivered to his eyes, and the direct push will definitely make him suspicious."

"Let me do it, I'm going to post a video." Kemon stood up and said.

"Speaking of which, once such a video is uploaded to the Internet, won't the Internet monsters be affected?" Di Ping worried.

Di Ping's worries were not unreasonable, Kemeng also hesitated a step after hearing this.

At present, the network monster has not yet touched the video file.

When Di Ping recorded the video, when the staff manipulated the computer to play the video, it was all done manually in a closed network. The network beast did not intervene in the network, and the beast managed the monitoring system.

"Yes, this step is necessary. If the cyber monsters are also affected, then we have to change the protagonist to play the role of the Dragon King."

In short, it's an animal with a wry smile.

Everyone discussed it several times, but they didn't intend to let Di Ping's video leak, change the protagonist, and replace it with animals.

Do animals smile crookedly?

The answer is yes!

In order to face such a situation, there are special animal trainers in the bureau to cultivate obedient animals.

After a while people arranged to put a mask on a monkey.

Why monkeys? Of course, monkeys are the closest to humans. At the same time, the spirituality of monkeys is much higher than that of ordinary animals.

The animal trainer first trains the pet to smile with a wry mouth, then puts a mask on it, then turns on the camera, stretches out his hand to make a wry mouth gesture before leaving, and then closes the door.

Not long after, the monkey's crooked mouth video was recorded.

After recording the video, Kemeng and others first uploaded it to the public network for the beast to watch alone.

The internet beast watched the video and remained silent.

"How is it, do you have a sense of jealousy?" People asked impatiently.

The cyber beast is a representative of rationality, but this does not mean that it has no emotions, after all, the other party is a refined AI.

"This monkey has a different feeling, an incredible emotion, is this hate?" the Internet beast asked in surprise.

"Then you will stop at nothing to kill the monkey?"

"Yes! I know this is the effect of a special item. The hatred I have for it is an illusion, not real. But on the other hand, I think this monkey with a crooked mouth is really hateful, and I don't need any reason to refute it." Straightforwardly.

"Tuigui, this is a bit strong."

"What about Kemon's dark cooking video, dark cooking also has a strong sense of distortion?"

"Yes, every time I watch the files of Dark Cuisine, I feel an inexplicable feeling. Maybe this is the emotion. I learned a lot of interesting things from Kemeng's video, such as the emotion of the flawless sword video, honey juice video emotions..." The cyber beast further explained.

Kemeng's expression moved slightly, it turned out that the network mythical beast had been affected.

Speaking of it, the cyber monster itself is a super large information aggregate.

It has been collecting information, and the amount of information it processes every day is enough to explode.

It didn't go crazy because it could hold that much information.

Human beings can't, because the human brain has a limit, and they can't stand it if they pretend to be too much, and eventually lead to madness.

At this point, Kemon secretly admires the inclusive ability of the top AI, which is more powerful than the inclusive ability of the small AI.

The orange mother AI on Orange Star's side is probably like this too. It survived with strong tolerance, and managed not to fall asleep.

"But we don't want you to kill this little monkey, it hasn't finished its role of attracting Shadow Stream haters yet."

"I know, I will hold back." The cyber beast once again showed strong resilience, it can hold back its killing intent.

Such a powerful killing intent stems from unreasonable hatred, which is very new to it and can be studied for a long time.

It's like a scientist who thinks calmly, suddenly became interested in the research of emotions other than calmness.

After a while, Kemeng's new video was released on the whole network.

This new video is password-locked so that only people who enter a specific password can see it.

Kemont deliberately announced the cracking dynamics, which are multiple complex puzzle-solving quizzes. I ask you to answer, and according to your answers, you can get the corresponding life code. Some life codes are wrong, and some codes are correct.

The most correct password is naturally the password locked by the password item, which can only be seen by fixed people.

In a short while, Kemeng's new video set off widespread enthusiasm around the world.

"New video for #Kermon, password video!"

"What is the new test item, and it actually needs a password to lock it?"

"Officially, the new item has incredible abilities and cannot be seen by ordinary people, so we specially set up a question and answer puzzle, and whoever answers it correctly can see it."

"Which boss has solved the password, please let me know!"

After a while, a post by a cryptography expert cracking the code appeared under the post.

Less than a few seconds after the post appeared, it was shut down by the Internet beast.

In fact, it can be deleted in seconds, but the Internet beast did not do that, but delayed the deletion for a few seconds to create a topical effect.

If there is no topic effect, how can it attract people from Yingliu to do it.

The number of views of Kemeng's video has also been fueled by the Internet beast, and it has gradually increased, from zero views to 348 people.

A total of one hour of improvement time, and this also shows how difficult to solve the problem.

"No way, only 348 people solved the puzzle in one hour around the world?"

"What kind of video is in it? I'm super curious!"

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