I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 395: The Way to Eliminate Faith

Chapter 395: The Way to Eliminate Faith

Not long after, the large conference hall of Orange Star's Scientific Research Institute was temporarily empty, and no one was holding a meeting.

However, this does not mean that the highest organization is paralyzed. On the contrary, they hold the party in a virtual network, and everyone does not meet each other, avoiding physical contact.

"Currently, the comrades in our meeting hall have not turned into women, but everyone must not let down their vigilance and be careful of the new disease in the Peace Prison." The elder said.

"There is still one day until the deadline for Cthulhu believers to return the warship. If they don't return the warship, shall we take iron and blood measures?" Li Shen asked.

The elder was silent for a while.

The others also fell silent, and no one took the initiative to answer.

This is a war, but I feel a little sorry for asking them to kill the fellow Orange Stars.

"I don't know if there is a way to correct the evil and return to the right in this world."

"If it's in the game, I have a way to make those believers change their ways, but there are no game items in reality." A researcher shook his head.

Li Shen didn't think about it deeply at first, until after an hour of talking, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

The evil believers in reality come from their acceptance of evil beliefs in the game.

Conversely deduced, if they corrected their evil in the game, wouldn't they correct their evil and return to their righteousness in reality?

"Who came up with the idea just now, the idea that can make evil believers change their ways." Li Shengao shouted.

The researchers looked at each other and shook their heads.

"It seems that someone went offline to play the game just now." Someone reminded.

"Please call him back." Li Shen said solemnly.

"I have his friend, I'll go."

A researcher went offline.

"Professor Li Shen, what have you discovered?" the Great Elder asked.

"Great Elder, since the beliefs in the game can affect real people, then in turn, if you remove the beliefs in the game, the real people will naturally return to normal people." Li Shen said his inference.

Once Li Shen's argument was introduced, everyone suddenly realized it.

"good idea!"

"It's feasible, the method is feasible!" The old men shouted happily.

It is a pity that they have to kill their compatriots because they believe in evil gods.

If there is a way to make them correct their evil ways, it would be great.

Minutes later, the researcher who claimed to have a solution was back in the online webinar.

"Professor Li, are you looking for me?" Ross asked.

Ross is a man with a strong physique and one of the game designers. He knows how to obtain many game props.

"Listen, do you have a way to make believers change their ways?" Li Shen asked.

"Yes, when we designed this game, we introduced belief systems."

"Faith is not an unbreakable thing. In this game, I designed a game item that clears faith."

"Other designers have similar designs, but it's just a game item and cannot affect reality."

Rose shrugged, regretful on his face.

It was also the moment Ross finished explaining, everyone was arguing and their faces were full of excitement.

"Loss, there is such a good thing, why didn't you say it earlier."

"But it's not too late to know now. Those items need to be leveled to receive them. I just recently received a small item that clears my faith." Ross said.

In the game, a large number of top-quality equipment comes from wild monster explosion equipment, and NPCs can provide clues. This information can be obtained from the design files of the game company.

"Speaking of which, why are you so excited? It can't be realized in reality." Ross was puzzled.

"Loss, have you ever cleared other people's beliefs in the game?"

"This... I haven't used it yet, because I just broke out from the field boss." Ross shook his head.

"That's fine, let's try it today to see if that item can be used." The dean said happily.

Ross didn't quite understand what everyone was happy about, but as the communication deepened, he gradually came to the key point.

Belief in games, belief in reality, these two things may be linked to each other.

Ross thought of this and became excited.

After a while, Los and others logged into the game.

In a prison, believers are asked to enter the game.

They are powerless to resist, their bodies are too weak in reality, they are forced into the game cabin by the robot, and they are hypnotized with forced sleep brain waves to make them sleep and enter the game.

Since their identities registered in the game are all recorded, the Orange Stars rushed directly to the location of the believer players.

In reality, players have firm beliefs and will not give in easily, but they are small in number and cannot withstand the swarming of orange star players.

Ross rushed forward, kicked a believer down, and took out a hat that cleared faith.

It was a pointed hat, in the style of a magician's hat, and it was white and extremely pure.

Roth puts the Faith-Clearing Hat on the head of the Believer player.

The other party opened his eyes and trembled all over.

Layers of black appear on the white pointed hat, which is the belief of the other party. The deeper the belief, the darker the color.

"Ah! Great Lord! I saw R'lyye!" The legs of the believer player straightened up, and their eyes rolled open.

"Loss, is his belief really being cleared? Why does it feel useless?" Someone asked in fear.

"Don't panic, it's just a manifestation of stress, and it will clear up sooner or later." Ross was very confident at first, but seeing that the other party did not clear his belief as smoothly as he imagined, his confidence dropped from 100% to 80%.

Ten seconds later.

"Ah, I have come to R'lyeh!" he cried.

The black cloud pattern of the white pointed hat faded and slowly faded away.

The man's screams also slowly stopped, no longer shouting and screaming, and his expression gradually became stable.

Rose breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the item took effect.

As long as the dark color on the white hat changes back to its original color, it can clear the other party's inner beliefs and become an atheist.

in a minute.

The player fainted from the pain, and his face was pale, as if the essence of his body had been robbed.

Ross took off his hat and greeted his subordinates. A magician waved his magic wand and summoned a small drop of water.

Small blue water droplets floated in the air and hit the opponent's face directly, forcibly waking him up with water.

"Ah." The player who was woken up by the water wiped his face with his hands, opened his eyes, and looked at the crowd, his puzzled expression stayed for a few seconds, and he immediately remembered what he had done before.

"Gary, what do you think Cthulhu is like?" Rose asked.

Gary got up and said awkwardly: "Sorry, I was bewitched by those NPCs before, I don't really believe in Cthulhu."

"I know you didn't mean it, so what's your evaluation of Cthulhu?" Ross asked.

"Oh! Cthulhu is a shit! As long as he dares to show his health bar, I will kill him!" Gary exaggerated.

"Very well, if you dare to scold the evil god so briskly, then you should not be a believer." Rose smiled, stretched out his hand, and shook hands with the sober Gary.

Let's update 2 today, rest.

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