I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 109 Diligent Printer

Chapter 109 Diligent Printer

Kemen turned back to his home, got into his car, took out the bone whistle, and rubbed it lightly.

Close your eyes, let go of your brain, and keep imagining the two dead faces in your mind.

No, that's not what they used to look like. Kermon was after Shadow Stream members, not dead bodies.

Kemon turned his attention to Bone Whistle, trying to capture the possible connection through finger-to-skin contact.

I keep thinking about the words of the two living dead, trying to outline the original appearance of each other from the tone.

Kemeng sat in the car with his eyes closed and meditated for a long time. After ten minutes, he vaguely felt two faint connections from the bone whistle.

It's too weak, if it weren't for the connection between life and death, Kemen couldn't find an entry point at all.

Fortunately, this entry point can be used, and Kemon immediately used his rich experience to perceive the opponent's environment.

Kemen saw the dark bedroom, the mattress was a black and red velvet bed, the windows were decorated with thick curtains, and the floor was paved with white jade bricks.

I saw the picture, but Kemon couldn't tell where it was, he even covered the curtains.

Kemeng called Director Lei and told him the result of his synaesthesia.

Director Lei was silent for three seconds. It seemed that he hadn't thought of chasing the murderer directly with Kemon. After all, he had already communicated with him personally and found no clues.

Director Lei then sent a professional painter to Kemeng's house, and Kemeng dictated the content, and then the professionals restored the picture Kemeng saw.

After drawing the content, professionals will analyze the other party's location through light and shadow information, furniture materials, layout and other things.

Professionals will do the rest. Kemeng can take a break for a while, or go to the Bureau of Investigation to evaluate the printer.

Kemeng's evaluation task has not been completed yet, and fans have started to urge him. Kemeng didn't want to waste time, so he simply drove to the investigation bureau to do the assessment.

The bone whistle can also be tested by the way, killing two birds with one stone.

In the underground evaluation room, in a small room, testers in white coats are testing the printer.

The room is full of high-definition high-speed cameras, and Kemeng does not need to bring a camera. The official will hand over the captured materials to Kemeng for processing, which was agreed at the beginning.

buzz buzz.

The typewriter was printing frantically in the hall, and sheets of blank paper spewed out of the printer.

The tester made a gesture of invitation, and Kermon would do the evaluation.

Kemeng will post it on the Internet for science popularization, so it is better for him to appear on the camera and do the evaluation.

Kermon first looked at the targeted tests that the testers had made. After having a reference, he said an opening line to the camera, and then started the evaluation.

"As you can see, the library's printers are pretty good, so the librarian asked me to test it out and see how many pages it can print in a day."

Kemen pointed to a pile of paper on the ground, made a gesture, recalled the data of the tester, and then reported a data: "Although there is no one day, its production time is constant, so it produces about 28,800 sheets of white paper a day."

"Rather than a printer, a paper machine is more in line with its positioning, because it does not need paper raw materials, and actively produces work."

Under the guidance of the staff, Kermon opened the printer cover to check the ink and other things.

"It's all full of ink, it's not printed with ink."

"In addition, it doesn't need to be charged, but what if we plug it into a charging plug?" Kemen walked around to the back of the printer and picked up the charging plug.

These tests have all been done by testers and are not dangerous.

Plug it in and the printer continues printing.

Numbers appear on the panel of the printer to show that it is in working condition.

Kermon got up and did some small tests, all of which were safety tests done by the testers.

Afterwards, Kemen asked the tester to temporarily avoid suspicion, and he was going to use first-level things for evaluation.

The tester walks out of the testing room and closes the door.

Kemen patted the scarf in front of the camera, and the big-faced cat landed on the ground, looking like he had stopped thinking.

First, I took a pack of dried fish from the scarf, and after feeding a small dried fish, I looked into the eyes of the big-faced cat.

The big-faced cat's judgment was that there were strange things around him, the radiation range could not penetrate the floor, and it couldn't be too far away from Kemeng, so Kemeng didn't know the details of many things in the investigation bureau.

After a while, strange knowledge increased.

"Diligent Printer"

"A piece of paper comes out every three seconds."

"Paper is sourced from local forests."

"Trees are made of different materials, paper is also different, and their functions are also different."

"The printer draws materials at random"

Kemen sorted out the newly acquired strange knowledge in his mind, and found that this thing is not a waste, and it is quite useful.

According to the explanation of Strange Knowledge Cat, unusual paper can be produced by using strange trees as materials.

Although it cannot be controlled by humans, the role of printers is highlighted for the entire country.

Mass-produced, the product is functional!

This is similar to the strange items that produce spirit vision glasses. In the files of the Bureau of Investigation, such items are called production items.

Kemon knew that such core functions could not be made public, so he could only test the superficial capabilities, such as making infinite white paper, and not disclose its deep functions.

Kemen patted the big-faced cat with a towel, and put the big-faced cat back into the scarf, a trace of cold overflowed, making Kemen feel the coolness of the air conditioner.

The storage scarf is a mobile air conditioner in summer, and it can be used as an air conditioner by storing something.

This coldness will weaken over time, but as long as you store something, the coldness will add back.

After taking out things, the cold will not decrease. In theory, he can take out and store infinite dolls, and brush until absolute zero.

But Kemeng doesn't want to die knowingly, and absolute zero is not something ordinary people can insist on.

Kemeng called Director Lei to inform Director Lei of the hidden function of the printer, and Director Lei was overjoyed when he heard it.

However, after hearing Kemeng say that the paper material comes from local trees, Director Lei is keenly aware of the risks of the printer.

It’s no problem to draw materials from trees, but if it prints at the speed of the printer, the woods in Whale City are not enough for it to use, and sooner or later it will be exhausted.

"Thanks, this wave of information is very important. We will immediately count the trees in the city." Director Lei said solemnly.

Subsequently, the Bureau of Investigation began to count the forests in Whale City to see how many trees had disappeared in Whale City.

After that, Kermon began to test the function of the bone whistle.

This thing is actually not very convenient to test, the function is biased towards the necromantic system, and the corpse has to be transported by the general teacher from the hospital.

However, there are still some tests that should be done.

The bone whistle test was carried out quickly, and its function was relatively simple. After Kemen blew the whistle, the general teacher woke up from the formalin, stood up, and the pungent smell filled the air.

The tester feels on the sidelines, using his sixth sense to feel whether his energy will be absorbed. The result is that there is no noticeable effect, and the side effects are only for the user.

Ask for a ticket

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