I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 107 Not in the same game

Chapter 107 Not in the same game

A few hours ago, Orange Star.

Liu Siting's hands have left the keyboard, the computer screen is on, staying in the room, the characters in the game continue to watch the little girl sleeping.

The General Research Institute has sent people to Liu Siting's retreat place to take over the control of the computer and carry out strict monitoring.

Liu Siting also expressed the plan in her heart under the brilliant words of the psychiatrist.

The purpose of spreading the nightmare content is to make the little loli in the game a new believer.

Since there are no believers in the dream world, she believes that the great existence passing by in the sky will make her a believer.

The key point is that Orange Star people can't control the freedom of little Lolita!

This game is a single-player game, and players can interfere with NPCs to a certain extent through voice and actions.

If you want to restrict personal freedom too much, you can only complete it with the support of the plot.

If the plot does not support it, the player cannot bind the little loli.

So the Orange Star official sent someone to control Liu Siting's character, keeping her in Little Lolita's room and keeping time relatively still.

The time management master of Orange Star said that as long as the protagonist does not leave the room, the next episode will not be triggered, thus realizing the bug of eternal time, which cannot be exhausted no matter how it is used.

After Liu Siting came back, her character was still staring at Little Lolita sleeping in the room, and the timeline remained unchanged.

Liu Siting was speechless about this method of card bug.

"Can we play on the computer?" The other seven Cthulhu believers sat in front of the computer chairs for a long time. They also wanted to play games and relieve their boredom.

The Orange Star executives communicated for a while, and the original computer was left untouched to ensure that there were no bugs during the time.

In order to keep these evil believers from making trouble, eight new computers were specially brought over, and eight of Liu Siting were asked to play a new detective game.

During the two hours, the little loli in the original computer turned over from time to time and kicked the quilt, sleeping like a normal loli.

All these actions are within the frame design of the program, without exceeding the original frame.

Little Lolita suddenly let out a muffled snort, her eyelids moved, and she was about to wake up.

The artificial intelligence was highly concerned, and then the top executives of Orange Star put down their work and paid close attention.

But it didn't take long for little Lolita to regain her composure, she didn't wake up, and it was a false alarm.

"Don't look at it, everyone, the time program set by the game will never be changed, unless there is a change in the game." The old director said to calm everyone down.

No accidents have happened so far, and everything is going well.

But after the second hour was over, the little loli groaned again.

Her eyelids rolled over, she stopped sleeping, and slowly opened her jewel-colored clear eyes!

The artificial intelligence found that the little girl had opened her eyes through the face image recognition system, and immediately reported it to the higher-ups.

The high-level executives received the alarm and hurriedly cut the camera to check.

Seeing Little Lolita opened her eyes, everyone gasped.

"The protagonist didn't leave the room. Theoretically, the timeline between Little Lolita and the protagonist should have been blocked."

"But the little Lolita woke up, and the time rules set by the program were broken!"

Not to mention anything else, just because of the fact that little Lolita woke up, she was shocked all over the place.

This is a stand-alone game from a hundred years ago, and the level of artificial intelligence is not high. As long as it is a dead template, the program will never jump out of the frame and run.

But the little loli NPC broke the law of time and woke up under the gaze of the protagonist.

"Are you?" Little Lolita questioned as soon as she woke up.

The NPC took the initiative to speak out, causing Orange Star's heart to hang in his throat.

"Quickly, call Liu Siting back!"

Liu Siting was called back urgently, and she was playing detective games with her companions in the next room.

Hearing that Little Lolita woke up, she dropped the mouse and rushed back to the next room.

The seven companions also put down the mouse and went back to eat melons.

Such a big mouthful of melon, it's not human if you don't eat it.

Liu Siting came back, looked at the little loli on the screen, and found that the eyes of the other party seemed to be more real.

But this is just a sensory change, not much visually.

Liu Siting also couldn't explain why her sixth sense became sharper, since she began to believe in Cthulhu in her heart.

"Hello, I'm Liu Siting." Liu Siting suppressed the excitement in her heart and said into the microphone.

The little Lolita on the screen was looking around, walking and stopping, and then as if waking up from a dream, she called sweetly: "Sister Liu Siting."

"En." Liu Siting responded, but saw little Lolita walk out of the room on her own initiative.

Walking out of the room, she saw little Lolita looking slightly confused again.

But soon, her expression showed the color of memory.

Liu Siting observed her expression secretly, and the more she looked at her, the more she felt that the other party had human nature, not the emotionless machine before.

"Have you entered the dream?" Liu Siting asked excitedly.

Little Lolita was puzzled and couldn't understand what Liu Siting meant.

When Liu Siting told the story of the dream again, she shook her head.

"However, I seem to see another sister who looks so strange."

Hearing this, Liu Siting raised hope again.

After careful questioning, little Lolita couldn't tell what that strange sister looked like.

As for the experience, I only remember a blue ocean.

Information is scant, but the evidence suggests that Little Loli may be anomalous.

In order to test whether the little Lolita is an abnormal data, the official decided to repeat the method of the Kobold's confinement, let the little Lolita bind the player, and test the BUG of the confinement time.

If there is no limit to the time of confinement, little loli must be abnormal data.

The seven Cthulhu believers reconnected to the Internet and entered the previous online game.

But there is a premise here, they are playing stand-alone games, and the network investigation can only be realized by establishing the same mission point.

At this moment, little Lolita has woken up.

The other seven connected in, but found that they couldn't enter Little Loli's room.

"Player Liu Siting is currently on a consolation mission and cannot enter."

The actual situation is that Liu Siting has already walked out of the room, and accompanied the little loli around, looking for parents, neighbors, and familiar people and things in the village. His face was gradually clouded.

"What's going on, Liu Siting has already walked out of the room, why can't I see her?" Seven people shouted.

Upon hearing this, Liu Siting glanced at their computer screens and suddenly had a sudden inspiration, and said, "This is already two games, we are not in the same game."

As soon as this remark came out, the researchers of Orange Star exploded again.

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