45 – get drunk

Reactions that were completely in line with my expectations raged inside the duchy.

First of all, in the case of His Excellency Johannes and the Duchess Claudia, they looked at the scaled Adiluun and made a puzzled expression.

His Excellency Johannes also said that it went well and that it was really fortunate, while holding Adilyn by the shoulder.

In particular, His Excellency Johannes was quite pleased because Adilun looked so much like the Duchess of Claudia in her youth.

The reactions of the employees of other duchys were not much different.

The knights began to tear me apart as they watched Adirun take off his scales and reveal himself.

In the end, everyone in the Duchy was happy that Adilyn had escaped, and Sir Johannes gave additional compensation to those who had assisted Adilyn and held a dinner party for the Duchy.

The servants of the castle rejoiced while eating rare and high-quality food, and Adirun also laughed at their joy.

“it is a nice day. Isn’t it?”

“Iknow, right.”

There were also many funny scenes. The knights drank and made all kinds of bets, but there were also scenes where servants and maids looked at it as good.

In the end, it wasn’t long before a mess broke out, but the Duke, who was already in a high mood, rather encouraged the mess by placing money on their bets as if it was okay.

Adilune was no different. Isn’t it like helping out in the mess and drinking wine nonstop?

I tried to stop her as much as possible and told His Excellency Johannes, but His Excellency Johannes also gave permission to drink on a day like today, and because of that, Adyllun ended up getting drunk.

Even she, who had never drank alcohol, must have been happy about today’s work to the extent that she enjoyed drinking.

“Adilon. Are you okay?”

“Ah, um. swimming. Yes. It’s okay, it’s okay.”

Seeing his twisted tongue and his staggering smirk at his faltering steps, it seemed that he was already drunk.

“this. You’re drunk.”

“Nah, I’m not drunk! see. You walk well!”

It’s very unsteady to walk for something like that. Eventually, she hit the side of her head with a thump in the hallway of the castle.


Apparently it was hit with a horn, but there was no damage to the horn. It looks pretty solid.


I let out a deep sigh and tried to hold her hand, which was holding her head against the wall.

“Yes? Let go!”

She suddenly started rejecting my hand. On the contrary, he suddenly grabbed my hand, which was reaching out to his own, and bit it.

“Ouch! Why are you like this!”

“lol. I hate it.”

“Yeah? What’s mean?”

“You look so pretty!”

What kind of nonsense is this again?

“What are you talking about again? You look pretty.”

“I used to look like a monster, but you look prettier than me, to the point of hating me! Especially dancing! When I dance with Princess Lobelia!”

Adilun said: She says she always hated her monstrous appearance, and her self-esteem fell to the bottom, especially because I insulted her externally.

This was something I’d heard before, so I just hung my head in disdain to see her.

she goes on to say

The way I danced with Princess Lobelia suited me so well, he said he hated that too. The fact that the reactions around her were different from when she danced with me seemed to ignore her efforts.

I was the one to kill just.

“I’m sorry.”

When I said I was sorry, she shook her head in amazement and smiled bashfully.

“Yes. That was before and it’s fine now. I’m prettier now lol.”

“Is that so?”

“yes. So from now on, be good! Because there is still some time left… … .”

“I will keep that in mind. Adilune.”

The period she spoke of must be a promise she made with me. About 8 months left now.

Anyway, I grabbed Adilun’s hand again. This time she also took my hand obediently, but if there is a problem.


her leg was loose. I quickly took her body into my arms.



“Are you okay?”

“lol. Yes. it’s okay.”

Perhaps she didn’t even know that she had almost fallen, she smiled at me as she suddenly hugged me.



“I have no strength in my legs.”

“I see.”

“hug me.”


“Just hug me like a princess from a story!”

“oh my… … .”

It seemed that he could not even predict what kind of flow the alternative injection would lead to.

“hug me!”

“Okay, okay.”

Supporting her back and the inside of her knees, I lifted her up like a so-called princess. It seemed to me that this was much more comfortable than supporting her for nothing.


She put her arm around my neck and smiled as she just showed me, as if she wasn’t used to the momentary sensation of her body floating.

In an instant, my heart beat loudly.

“Hey, can we go to the bedroom now?”

Because of that, I couldn’t help but raise my voice in bewilderment.

“No. I want to see the garden!”

“Then you catch a cold again.”

“It doesn’t take!”

At all, she seemed unwilling to give up her stubbornness.

However, if I went out to the place where the snow wind blew like this, it was certain that the cold would come back, so I put her down for a while and wrapped her in my coat.

And when he picked her up again, Adilon showed a satisfied expression. I resigned myself and decided to do as she wished.

It was the first time I had ever seen her flirt like this anyway, so I thought it would be better to just accept it.

but. Considering all the mental pain she must have suffered, it might have been the first time she had been able to relax like this.

“ruler. Where shall we go like this?”

“Hey, go to the Winter Garden.”

I took her in my arms and went out into the winter garden.

Even in winter, colorful flowers were blooming in this place, a garden that Duchess Claudia took care of with great care, and it was a place where Adirun visited whenever his feelings were complicated.

I had often seen her stop by the Winter Garden while living in Rodenov.

Anyway, why did the winter garden suddenly want to come?

“The winter garden… … What did you ask to come for?”

“It’s just because the winter garden view at night is pretty… … . And I have something I want to say to you.”

she mumbled.

“You mean to me?”


“What do you want to say?”

“earlier… … when i asked how about my face… … . You didn’t answer properly.”

You should have answered correctly then. That you are more beautiful than anyone else

However, it seemed that that alone was not enough for her castle.

“I answered clearly.”

“I didn’t!”

She spoke to me in a voice full of anguish.

“I didn’t… … . Me, I always imagined that. My scales will come off one day… … If I become prettier than Princess Lobelia, to the point where my eyes widen, then I’ll show off to you… … Imagine that. Then you can’t get your head around my face anymore. You, who just called me a disgusting monster.”

yes. It did. She was also an ordinary person.

Sometimes he’s sad, sometimes he’s happy, and sometimes he fantasizes about strutting on someone who’s been mean to him.

How harsh and painful were the words I said to such a person. Moreover, to her at the time, that was my sincerity, so it must have hurt her even more.

But now… … yes. now.

Maybe my sincerity can heal her wounds a little.

“Is beautiful. Not empty words… … Much more than Princess Lobelia.”


“Yeah. I’m not lying. You’ve even danced with Princess Lobelia before, right? You are much more beautiful.”

“You’re not going to tell me I’m an ugly monster anymore, are you?”

“never. It won’t happen. Because you are more beautiful than anyone else.”

“really? Can I trust you?”

“Yeah. There will be no ifs. Haven’t you always said that lately?”

“lol. Thank you. Please get off now.”

She smiled lightly and asked me to come down.

With both feet on the ground, she took off her shoes and stepped into the middle of the winter garden. The garden was made up of very well-kept grass, so walking barefoot wouldn’t hurt. She wandered freely in the garden, and beckoned to me.

“Fishis, take off your shoes and come here!”

“All right.”

Why does that innocent-looking figure look so pretty? I also followed her instructions, took off my shoes, even my socks, and went barefoot to the middle of the garden.

In front of me, she abruptly stretches out her hand.

“Dance with me. Just like I danced with Princess Lobelia on National Foundation Day. no… … nicer than that. Didn’t I just say I had a funny imagination? This is an extension of that. I wanted to dance a more beautiful dance than the one you danced with Princess Lobelia back then.”

Under the soft moonlight, dark blue hair resembling the night sky shines. The bluish-white horn boasts an elegant figure with just that, and now it has completely shed and regained its original shape… … She, who is more beautiful than anyone else, invites me to dance.

how can i refuse

I held her hand as if possessed.

Bare feet gently walk through the garden. music? I didn’t need those things. Just the sound of the wind blowing under the moonlight was enough. A cold or something, it didn’t matter now.

Our eyes meet as we hold hands.

The sharp eyes gently bend and smile lightly, making me an idiot in an instant. How can an impression that looked so sharp change so mildly?

And that’s not all. Why does it look so pretty when I see myself in those drunken, slightly hazy eyes?

Something thrilling begins to flow from the place where you hold hands. It’s a feeling I’ve never felt before in my life.

What should I call this?


yes. You could call it ecstasy.

A silent dance without music unfolds in the winter garden. Bare feet intertwined, and each other’s breath intertwined. Even when she was drunk, she sometimes stepped on my foot, it was as light as if a feather had stepped on it. His playful smile whenever he stepped on my foot was so mesmerizing that I couldn’t take my eyes off him.

My heart beats, and under the moonlight I finally realize.

That I was in love with that girl right away.

The reason I wanted her to be happy, the reason I wanted her to smile… … All of which could be explained by my crush on her.

What fills me up is that I want to make her mine… … A somewhat selfish desire.

I realized.

Now that this feeling is irreversible. The fact that this desire will grow bigger and bigger.

Please let this desire go in the wrong direction… … don’t make her unhappy

I smiled at her, hiding that wind in the calm but cool wind.

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