18 – This is the last one. (2)

“All right.”

This is your last chance.

It wasn’t even completely hopeless. I laughed self-deprecatingly, then spoke to her again.

“From now on, I will show you with my actions.”

“… … Yeah.”

I said that and took Adilun’s hand and led him to the ballroom. Adilun was drawn to me with a very weak appearance, as if he was sorting out his confused emotions.

In the ballroom, the feast of dancing was still going on. I didn’t want to be here because I felt disgusted by the sight of each of them hiding their ugliness and standing proudly under the light.

Because it was like seeing my former self.

“What are you going to do?”

“… … I want to rest. Will you take me?”

With a weak voice, she asked me.


As I led her to her room, I opened my mouth as if I was going to say something.

“I heard that there is a hunting competition starting tomorrow.”

“eww… … .”

She trembled with a disgusted look on her face.

“Why is that?”

“You must be tired just listening to it. How is it going?”

“Adyllun probably won’t move. I don’t know the details, but women just gather and talk… … . It is said that it is mostly men who actually do the hunting.”

“ha… … .”

Adilun’s expression changed as if he was screaming. desperate despair. I could easily see why. It must be that she doesn’t even want to be involved in the stories of the princesses.

“Are you okay?”

“no. not okay at all under… … .”

“Then, why don’t you say you’re not feeling well and take a break?”

“Nope. It can’t be. It is definitely an imperial event.”

“then… … How about moving together?”

At my words, Adilun instantly raised his head and asked me.

“You move together?”

“Yeah. I’ve heard that it doesn’t matter that even female nobles participate in hunting competitions if they want to. I heard from you earlier.”


As if realizing something, Adylune looked at me and said.

“like. We move together. I would rather be with you than spend all day with the princesses who keep asking me about you.”

“Do the princesses ask you about me?”

“Yeah. I was very interested in you because you are good-looking, right?”

“Is that enough?”

“Yeah. To be honest, you ask me to the point of being very tired.”

“this… … .”

To be honest, it was quite embarrassing. She looked at me with a puzzled look and said.

“I have no idea what to say about it. It’s not your fault that you’re good looking. but… … Don’t go around bewitched by innocent princesses. I have no intention of getting involved in a love affair.”

“I will keep that in mind.”

“By the way, do you do some hunting?”

“It’s a hunt… … I do not know. I think it’s hard to say that I’m doing well. But it’s not like that.”

“I see. I’ll go in now, and you can rest too.”

“Rest well. Adilune.”

After saying that, I was about to leave, but I suddenly felt Adilon grabbing the hem of my clothes.


“Thank you for listening to my heart without laughing. At least I should say thank you for this. And don’t forget what I said earlier. Really, this is the last time. The opportunity I can give you.”

Somehow, I thought she was cute, and I laughed spontaneously. I laughed and told her.

“Of course I think so. I will work hard, Adilune.”

“… … what are you laughing at Anyway, you can rest too.”

Feeling a bit embarrassed, I said that and quickly opened the door and hid behind the door.

Looking at that figure, I turned my back. Returning to my room, I was lost in thought.

Also, she was overly friendly. To give me, who insulted you for no reason, a chance to correct my mistakes again.

she told me He wants to walk a happy life with me. The fragments of hope she expressed were terribly heavy. can i do it

I feel a little afraid. do i deserve it Even if I wasn’t aware of my previous life, that was also me. All the things I did to her in the past year were more than the people who insulted her at the venue, but by no means less.

Trying to get weak In my previous life, even at the moment of facing death, I wasn’t so afraid.

But that shouldn’t be the case. I forcibly suppressed my fearful heart, made up my mind, and recalled a single resolution in my heart.

Such a determination to make Adirun happy.

The reason I was able to hold such a determination in my heart is probably because I am facing her in person now, unlike in my previous life, where I only faced her in print.

You don’t know how happy I am for that fact alone.

Perhaps this feeling would not be conveyed to Adyllun for the rest of his life.

But it didn’t matter.

I am satisfied with being able to witness your life and being able to face the hardships you are about to go through.

Adilun, I will surely live for your happiness.

* * *

The moment I closed the door and entered, I lay down on the bed. And… … .

He kicked the blanket with his feet.

“OMG… … .”

Feeling confused, I even said something that didn’t have to be said.

“What can I believe in you… … .”

His face was hot. What kind of embarrassing things were you talking about? On the subject of saying that I don’t trust him that much.

But even so, the inside was relieved. As I brushed off the emotions that had been lingering on me, my heart, which felt as if a heavy stone had been placed on it, became much lighter.

It was embarrassing to say, but it was what I wanted to say the most. Saying that I want to be with a companion who respects me.

I won’t be able to trust him easily in the future, but if Physis really changes, if I seize the last chance I can give him.

What should I do.

I don’t know. But it wasn’t that sad or painful. rather… … Maybe, hopeful feelings to do.

Also, I would be lying if I said that I honestly did not feel happy when I heard that it was he who punished those who insulted me. I thought you just hated me.

no. I don’t know yet. Don’t trust me easily

I tried to calm my excitement. Nothing was certain yet. It could have been that he was simply putting on a mask and acting, or maybe he was doing that to play with me.

Because he was someone I couldn’t understand, and he hated me terribly.

Don’t give faith easily.

Have hope, but don’t expect too much from hope and become the food of hope yourself.

If that happens and hope turns to despair, I will lose myself.

After sorting out all the confusing emotions I felt today, I couldn’t help but think about the hunting competition tomorrow.

hunting competition… … Would it be right to just move with Physis?

Originally, I thought of moving with Physis. However, on second thought, it seemed that it was not so.

Rather, if I go, it might get in the way. Although I can use magic, my stamina wasn’t good.

yes. In fact, wasn’t the reason why I was tempted to move with him in order to get away from the battle of spirits among the princesses?

To the subject who promised not to be swayed by them at the ball, should I use it when I run away without turning back? It shouldn’t be.

I’m not going to do anything about the subject of testing Physis by putting all sorts of conditions on it?

i have to do my job

If you’re going to be the owner of Rodenov in the future, you can’t avoid these trivial things.

yes. Adilun. Let’s face it.

* * *

Soon, it was the beginning of the hunting competition.

Each of the princesses wore a shy smile and tied handkerchiefs to the wrists of the knights, and the knights aimed for victory with determined expressions.

It was the same for me too.

This morning, Adilun spoke to me.

“I asked to move together yesterday, but now that I think about it again, I don’t think so.”

“What’s the problem?”

“no. It’s not like that. just… … I don’t want to run away.”

oh I understood Adirun’s words at once.

A battle of spirits that could happen between princesses. Even though she could get away from all those evil intentions, she didn’t make that choice and would face it.

“All right. Now that this has happened, I must work hard.”


After saying that, Adilun hesitantly took something out of his arms and grabbed my hand.


“Stay still for a moment.”

no way.

She said to me, tying a handkerchief engraved with a noble blue-white dragon around my wrist.

“Don’t get hurt.”

“Yeah. I will never get hurt Do not worry.”

“Don’t get me wrong. In my heart, I want you to get hurt badly, but… … Because you have to act as a great warrior in the Battle of Yeongji.”

“hahahaha. I will keep that in mind.”

It seemed that the ears of Adilun, who turned his head and spoke, turned a little red.

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