I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Adjust your daily schedule

"I became the ancestor of the blood clan ()" Find the latest chapter!

I stay up late every day until 3 or 4 o'clock to update, mmp, if I can't make enough money to write a book, I'm going to die. I will adjust my schedule from now on and try to finish it around 12 o'clock in the evening.

Today will be updated at noon tomorrow.

Next is a brand new volume, which may involve magnificent plane wars and camp wars.

The City of Dawn will undergo the second phase of major development of magic technology, with various interesting buildings and tools appearing, and farming will continue.

As players become more powerful, their roles will become more important and they will truly take the stage.

Dawn City will encounter powerful enemies, and may even fight a cross-dimensional war with a certain camp.

These are just ideas. I want to think about the world after the advent of the old days...

Sleep, your life is at stake.

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