I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 263: The Construction Maniac is online, looking forward to the alchemy bomb (7,600 words)

At this stage, with the city of Lisl destroyed and the goblins successfully taking over, he has to shift his focus to building the City of Dawn.

In Li De's vision, the scale of the second round of construction of Dawn City was at least several times larger than the first construction.

The Dawn Master Tower, breeding farms, running water, southern district expansion, etc. are all the results of the first construction, and the effects are very significant.

There will be more to be built in the second round.

But one thing that Li De needs to consider is that although this time point is already close to the winter moon, the weather is slowly getting colder.

But because of the large influx of people, he had to find a way to deal with the surplus labor force and could not keep these residents in vain.

Starting construction at this time will undoubtedly release the potential of the population and directly use the remaining labor force to create wealth.

He didn't start construction before because of the matter of plundering the population, and he was also worried that the ultimate goal of the orc army was Green City, so Li De was not in the mood to come back to start construction. After all, his own base was about to be pushed away, so how could he have any spare time? Farming.

But after passing through Lisle City, the bold conjecture that the orcs would attack Green City was greatly reduced.

It was not a blind suspicion, but a judgment based on the strength of the orc army and the information passed to him by Craig as an agent. He concluded that it was almost impossible for the orcs to launch a war against Green City.

The orc army had designs on Green City before.

But as the undead offensive in the north becomes more and more powerful, the orc prince no longer sets his sights on Green City.

Because the other party has received certain warnings.

This is an important message passed by Craig to Li De, but because of the identity of this level 16 werewolf, there is no way to determine who warned the orc prince.

Li De breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the news. Although Green City was almost difficult to break, it was better to be afraid of anything than ten thousand. It would be the best situation if the other party didn't take action now.

As for the reason why the other party was warned, it was nothing more than the undead in the north.

The undead are the natural enemies of all life, and the orcs are no exception. If the Nolan Empire's army fails to resist the undead, the orcs will not be easy off either.

The undead don't care whether they are orcs or humans, as long as they are living creatures, they will be devoured by the undead.

Obviously at this critical moment, whether it is the Orc Empire or the Nolan Empire, it is not impossible for some existence to come forward to warn the Orc Prince not to make too much trouble.

The orc prince only wanted to establish prestige so that he could inherit the throne. There was no need for him to fight with the humans, because in the final analysis he still couldn't defeat him because the gap in national power was too big.

Although the orcs are making a lot of noise now, it is because the undead in the north have restrained most of their power. If we really want to take out our hands to deal with these orcs, the strength of the three southern provinces alone is enough to withstand the attack of most of the orc empire.

Now that the target of the orc army has moved, Li De doesn't care no matter where they go to wreak havoc. Green City has too much of his heritage to allow for any loss. He is too lazy to pay attention to other human cities.

This world has never been peaceful. No one can be the savior. If you want to survive, you can’t count on anyone but yourself.

“Harrison, ordered the Department of Construction to begin building new schools in the new district.

The plundered new residents served as construction workers. The initial plan was to accommodate at least 3,000 students for classes at the same time, while leaving room for development of 20,000 people.

Divide the area around the school into a separately managed department, the Ministry of Education, and recruit knowledgeable and capable scholars to serve in it. "

After Li De recovered his scattered thoughts, he didn't think too much and directly issued the order.

Education is extremely important in any era and in any background.

Illiterate civilians account for 95% of the total population in Glory, and they can only work in the lowest-level jobs throughout their lives.

The policy of obscuring the people is beneficial to the ruler's rule, but it greatly hinders the development and progress of social productive forces.

Li De will not be affected by these backward and eliminated systems.

He has absolute dominion over the city, and no one in this land can challenge his authority.

The most important thing is that no matter how the residents of the City of Dawn develop, the best part of them will eventually become the vampires.

In the end, the biggest beneficiaries of education will only be the vampires.

After a large number of outstanding talents emerge, they will all be absorbed into the vampire clan and become their own.

This is the same as the reason why Li De opened the Mage Tower to train mages on a large scale.

These civilians are the foundation and nourishment of the Vampire Clan. The better the development of the civilians, the stronger the Vampire Clan will be.

It can be said that although the system designed by Li De has many shortcomings, it is indeed the most suitable for Dawn City at present, because the ultimate goal of the development of all residents is to become a vampire.

This forms a pyramid structure. The Vampires stand at the top, and the outstanding talents below climb up. At the top, they are the Vampires.

Those talents who have not been selected but have been professionally trained will be scattered in the City of Dawn and contribute their strength to the City of Dawn.

As for whether these residents will have additional ideas to rebel against the City of Dawn after gaining knowledge, Li De can only say that he is overthinking.

The most basic education in Dawn City must be loyalty education. Everyone will be instilled with the idea of ​​loyalty to Li De and loyalty to Dawn City.

As an absolute dictator, Li De controls the city's mouthpiece

Many people don't know what it means to have absolute control over public opinion - having absolute control over public opinion means having control over the right to interpret the truth.

He said that the devil is good, then the truth is that the devil is good.

He said that this world should be destroyed, and we should also destroy this world, then this world should be destroyed.

This is the power of having the power to interpret the truth after controlling absolute public opinion.

This kind of authority existed in the hands of European churches in the Middle Ages on Earth. People from those churches burned Copernicus to death... because the other party proposed the heliocentric theory, and the church at that time firmly believed that the geocentric theory was the truth. So that man was considered a heretic by the Church, which had the power to interpret the truth.

And countless civilians supported him crazily and clamored to burn the opponent to death himself.

In Li De's opinion, the power of public opinion is no less powerful than all residents signing a soul contract with it.

Its power is even more powerful than the magic of the legendary mage.

Because public opinion can control people's thinking.

This is a very terrifying power.

Fortunately, Li De is lawful and instills in the residents of Dawn City mostly positive thoughts such as loving the City of Dawn, supporting his own army, loving the Holy Light Blood Clan, working hard and getting rich, etc.

Otherwise, like other evil gods, he could cultivate a group of fanatical lunatics in minutes.

That's why the Propaganda Department was set up by Li De as a separate department, and no one except him and Harrison had the authority to direct this department.

He directly oversees the Propaganda Department.

Because this weapon is so powerful, in a modern society with such advanced information, there are still people who are brainwashed by vulgar information, let alone a glorious world where knowledge is lacking and civilians are short-sighted.

When this sharp blade is used well, it is the trump card among trump cards.

Li Deneng has received such firm support and admiration in a short period of time. In addition to the benefits that the residents have indeed enjoyed, the credit of the Propaganda Department cannot be replaced.

Harrison's response interrupted Li De's distraction.

"Yes, patriarch.

The Ministry of Construction has already prepared a plan for building the school.

The batch of scholars we looted have not yet been arranged. Do you think it is necessary for these scholars to participate in the construction of the school? "

Li De nodded slightly after coming back to his senses.

"There must be many scholars who understand architecture or how to build schools. These are high-quality resources. Why would we go to such trouble to bring them back if we don't use them?"

He didn't bother to care whether these people had a sense of belonging to the City of Dawn. He just worked first and talked about other things later.

He has absolute power, and even if the elites brought back from Lisle City are not convinced, they can only obey him.

Resist? Try resistance, learn about reform through labor, learn about dog-headed guillotine...

"Yes, patriarch."

Harrison immediately wrote it down in his notebook, like a serious and obedient student.

Li De sat on the soft gray sofa near the window and stretched out comfortably.

"The school needs at least one winter of construction, and it will be completed before May next year..."

Li De's thoughts continued to spin. There were really a lot of things to build when he came back this time.

"Harrison, the breeding farm is currently at full capacity. With the increase in residents, the breeding farm alone can no longer meet our needs.

I need you to expand two new farms around the farm, and at the same time designate the area of ​​the farm as a controlled area, prohibiting outsiders from entering.

This area must be reserved for the expansion of 10 breeding farms.

Three breeding farms will definitely not be able to meet our later development needs. "

This is the advantage of a spacious site. You can allocate a piece of land with a wave of your hand.

During this period, the breeding farm was not only a food source for the Magic Bats, but the meat it produced also greatly enriched the food in Dawn City.

Even in the outside world, eating meat is a luxury for common people.

However, the breeding farms in Dawn City use extremely modern management methods, and also have convenient and convenient measures such as running water. The livestock slaughter rate is very high and the speed is also very fast.

In particular, he also sent a certain number of mages to use magic to kill viruses and sterilize, etc., which greatly improved the survival rate of various domestic animals.

The current breeding farm can not only meet the consumption of magic bats, but also provide part of it for the residents of Dawn City.

But now that the population has exceeded 30,000, this farm, which was originally designed to be able to raise only tens of thousands of pigs at full capacity, is definitely not enough.

The most critical thing is that because of the arrival of the goblins, only thousands of magic bats can no longer meet his needs. To increase the number of magic bats, it is necessary to expand the breeding farm to provide sufficient food for these magic beasts.

Once you have the goblin, the alchemy bomb will not be far away. The goblin bomb is Li De's preparation for the Dawn City Air Force.

After the formation of the air force in the future, the magic bat will inevitably become the main theme on the battlefield.

It stands to reason that the advanced form of the Magic Bat, the Daybreak Bat, should be the main air force of Daybreak City in the future.

But due to the lack of power of faith, the entire group of magic bats only has Castro, the newborn king.

Therefore, the establishment of an air force in a short period of time will still rely on the already formed magic bats.

In the future, the magic bat may be replaced by the dawn bat, but there is still not much hope in the short term. There are too many places where the power of faith needs to be used, and he cannot allocate too much energy to this aspect.

The 18th level Orc King Garp is still imprisoned in the dungeon. This guy who will spend at least more than 10,000 faith power is the key target in his plan.

"Yes, patriarch." Harrison played the role of yes-man very well. This second-generation blood descendant knew Li De's temper and would not interrupt until he finished speaking.

"Also, the current number of thousands of magic bats cannot meet the needs of our upcoming air force. After next spring, I need to see at least three thousand magic bats.

You teach Odis to handle this matter, and you must complete the task. "

If possible, Li De would like to directly explode tens of thousands of magic bats, but Glory is not a game, and it is not something that can be ignored after the troops are attacked.

It is not impossible for tens of thousands of magic bats to explode, but what to do after they explode? The huge logistics required every day can bring down the City of Dawn.

You have to eat one bite at a time, and it is unrealistic to reach the world in one step.

"Clan leader, if we develop three thousand farms, three breeding farms will only be barely enough. We might as well just build five..."

Li De looked at Harrison with some humor, "Can the construction department be busy? The construction of the school cannot be delayed..."

Harrison nodded confidently, "The first batch of mage apprentices can already be used initially under our unlimited resource allocation.

Those living mages with limited talents can participate in the construction, and they will provide us with considerable help.

Moreover, it is impossible for the more than 20,000 new residents to farm in the cold winter moon. Large-scale construction can provide jobs for everyone, and we no longer need to provide them with free food. "

Li De nodded, working for relief. This model is indeed suitable for the current situation.

"Okay, then let's build five. You can discuss with the construction department how to do the construction, but it can't affect the progress of the school." He didn't hesitate. Whether it was three or five, it was acceptable in the City of Dawn. range.

"As you wish."




After arranging the school, the breeding farm, and the magic bat, Li De still didn't stop.

"Also, Amy can start the second round of apprentice recruitment in the Mage Tower. There will definitely be good candidates among the 20,000 new residents.

It is still the same as the previous policy, training the best into battle mages, and allowing them to become preparatory vampires. "

Training mages is destined to be a long project that requires huge investment. Li De is not in a hurry and proceeds according to the established plan.

Those with poor qualifications are trained into life-style mages. These people will be assigned to work in the construction department, breeding farms, blacksmith shops, etc. to contribute to the City of Dawn.

Those with good qualifications will be trained to become combat mages. These people will undergo long-term systematic formal study, and they will become mages in the true sense of glory.

Those with good qualifications and the chance to become a level 10 senior according to the standards set by Li De can be selected.

This group of people will also be the reserves of the vampire clan, and they will enjoy the best treatment.

This competition mechanism ensures the vitality of the vampire clan and the close connection between the residents and the vampire clan.

Because from now on, most of the Vampires will be born from the residents, their relatives, friends, and even their own children, so the residents will only support the Vampires more and more.

"Yes, Patriarch," Harrison thought for a moment and then said hesitantly, "This time there are many mages among the elites of Lisle City. Do they need to be included in the jurisdiction of the Dawn Mage Tower?"

The mage from Lisle City has just arrived in the City of Dawn and has not yet integrated into the city, so this operation still has certain risks.

Li De waved his hand and didn't care.

"These mages are all taught to Amy to deal with. What kind of waves can a group of ordinary mages make?"

Amy, a blasphemer, has been in the Temple of Knights for decades, and has become the vice-president of the Dark Pact. If this old gangster can't even deal with these mages, then he will not appoint Amy as the number one in the Dawn Mage Tower. Become a manager.

"The last point is about the construction of the new city." After pondering for a moment, Li De decided to start the largest project - the new city.

Although the current population of Dawn City is only 30,000, the final carrying capacity of the southern district is only about 50,000 or 60,000. According to this progress, it will be full soon after the arrival of the Winter Moon.

At this time, building new urban areas is undoubtedly a necessary choice.

But he couldn't really wait until the southern district was filled with people before considering the new city. It had to be started in advance. Otherwise, it would be too late if it was really overcrowded before starting.

Harrison, who was in high spirits just now, suddenly turned bitter. He knew that Li De was going to make big moves when he came back, but the city hall couldn't bear such an exaggerated construction method.

"Patriarch, is it too early to start the construction of the new city now? The southern district has a population of 50,000, and there are still 20,000 to be filled, and it can even accommodate 60,000 people at the maximum.

The scale of the new city is too huge. I am afraid that our strength is not yet able to support the construction of so many buildings at the same time. Unless a breeding farm or school is parked. "

Li De shook his head.

"No, the breeding farms and schools must be built, and this cannot be delayed."


Li De interrupted Harrison, who was still about to explain, and said bluntly, "For the new city, we can first ask the Department of Construction to come up with a plan.

We will wait until the spring of next year to start construction. The new city is destined to be a very huge project. My plan is that the construction of Daybreak City throughout next year will revolve around the new city.

The new urban area must be able to accommodate at least 150,000 people living in it. "

Harrison took a breath when he heard Li De's words.

Build an urban area that can accommodate 150,000 people a year.

Isn't this too exaggerated?

This scale is at least three times that of the current Dawn City, and the actual construction area is probably even larger.

This plan has to be said to be an epic task for Dawn City.

It may not be possible to complete it in a whole year.

Seemingly noticing Harrison's hesitation, Li De was a little amused, "No need to look so surprised.

The construction of new urban areas will start sooner or later.

The City of Dawn is too small to accommodate more inhabitants.

It is better to build early than later. When the breeding farm and school are completed, I believe we will be strong enough to support this project.

And this winter is not over yet.

We can also plunder more people back, and these people will also be an important construction force. "

Harrison was slightly relieved.

Li De is the captain at the helm of the giant ship in Dawn City. He only needs to give orders to lead the direction of the ship, but Harrison needs to actually execute it.

If Li De's mission is set too high, the pressure on City Hall will increase dramatically.

In a new city with a population of 150,000, this is no simple task. It is not an exaggeration to call it an epic mission.

All aspects of clothing, food, housing, transportation, food, drink, sewers and drainage pipes, street distribution, house construction, etc. must be taken into consideration. It is not just about building a house. This is an extremely complex systemic project.

It can be said that if you want to complete the construction of the new city, you must use the power of the entire Dawn City to complete it.

After this tone is set, all focus next year will shift to this.

Of course, starting the construction of new urban areas now is also because Li De has enough confidence.

After more than a year of development, the current City of Dawn is no longer what it used to be. There is sufficient food, sufficient funds, and abundant human resources. There is no problem in leveraging this project.

When the new city is completed, he believes that Daybreak City will undergo earth-shaking changes.




After explaining these important matters, Li De thought of the group of goblins that he had spent a lot of effort to capture.

The arsenal of the future City of Dawn.

When he thought about the scene of bombs washing the ground, he couldn't hold it anymore.

Why did he go to so much trouble? Don’t you just want to master the art of explosion yourself?

"Harrison, you go down and make arrangements first. Also, bring me the leader of the goblin clan."

Harrison saluted solemnly and turned to leave.

Li De's tasks have been assigned, and now it's time to get really busy.

However, Harrison was very happy with it. He had personally grown a city from scratch to what it is now. The sense of accomplishment was almost unspeakable.

Half an hour later, a goblin with a height of 1.3 blades, green skin, two large pointed ears, and a long green stick in his hand walked into the city hall.

Many residents who came to the office looked at the goblin with great curiosity. Although all kinds of alien races are often seen in this city, this is the first time they have seen such an ugly green-skinned monster.

After the guard opened the door to Li De's office, Moore Huishan stepped on the soft carpet with an anxious expression and entered the office.

The gray velvet carpet collapses slightly when you step on it, feeling very soft and comfortable.

The orange sunlight shines into the house from the window in the afternoon, bringing a bit of warmth in the cool late autumn.

The room is very spacious. On the left side against the wall is a long oval table with more than ten blades. Around the black table are more than ten chairs with exquisite carvings. It is obviously a place for meetings.

In the middle, four soft gray sofas surround a round table, which is simple and luxurious.

On the right is a square wooden desk with wet quills and many unprocessed official documents placed on it.

The owner of this room is currently standing in front of the window next to the sofa. The elegant back wearing a black mage robe makes people feel that this figure is extraordinary at a glance.

"Your Majesty Iroh, Mor Gray Mountain, I send you my humble greetings."

Li De did not turn around when he heard the lingua franca spoken in mainland China, and looked through the open glass window at the busy streets below.

The tone was somewhat emotional.

"Moore, can you imagine? This prosperous city only had 200 vampires living here a year ago..."

He turned around and looked at the short goblin clan leader. The look on his face that was destroyed by the dragon's breath was so ferocious and terrifying.

"There were no humans, no dwarves, no cyclops, no orcs... not even the slightest hint of prosperity."

“I spent a year rebuilding the city.

Now, I spent a year building this prosperous city..."

Li De looked at Moore, who had a somewhat puzzled expression, and smiled slightly.

"Are you curious why I'm telling you this? It seems like this city had nothing to do with goblins a year ago."

Moore smiled awkwardly, "No, Your Majesty Iroh, your honor is enough to keep the goblins in the highest respect. I..."

Li De waved his hand to interrupt the old goblin's glib words.

The tone slowly became heavier.

“I’m telling you this to let you know.

The moment you step into the City of Dawn, the fate of the Gray Mountain Tribe is closely linked to the City of Dawn. "

Moore's expression changed greatly, although this smart goblin had already guessed that this scene might happen - after all, no one would spend a lot of energy to go to a battlefield to rescue them, there must be a plan.

But Li De's unabashed words still made him very uneasy.

"Your Majesty Yiluo, goblins are not good at fighting. We cannot provide you with enough power..."

Li De laughed.

"Fight? No, the Gray Mountain Tribe does not need to participate in any battle."

Moore's face froze, and he looked at Li De inexplicably.

"Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

"Alchemy bomb", the word Li De spat out instantly made the wise old goblin suddenly realize, but after the sudden realization, his face became more and more bitter.

"Your Majesty Yiluo, it turns out that your target has always been the alchemy bomb..."

Li De nodded and said matter-of-factly, "Of course, if you didn't know alchemy, what would I do to you goblins?"

I... Moore opened his mouth to say something, but closed it depressedly.

Because he found that it made sense.

If it wasn't an alchemical bomb, what could they do?

It seems like nothing can be done.

fighting? Don't be kidding, one human soldier can easily kill dozens of goblins of the same level.

Farming? They don't even know how to use a hoe.

That is to say, they have unique talents in alchemy.

In every other respect, it seems that goblins are first-class trash.

Moore looked a little embarrassed at the thought.

"No need to think too much, Moore, are you willing to merge the Gray Mountain Tribe into the City of Dawn and truly become a part of the City of Dawn?" Li De's expression became serious.

“After Goblin becomes a member of the City of Dawn, you will receive the protection of the Holy Light Blood Clan and the protection of the Army of the City of Dawn.

Until this city is breached, you will live here safe and sound.

I promise you in the name of the Lord of Dawn that your property and life will be protected by me, and no one will discriminate or harm you. "

Moore looked at Li De's serious expression with some bitterness in his eyes.

The weak never have a choice. From the moment the Gray Mountain Tribe was frightened by the Bone Dragon, their fate was no longer in their own hands.

The old goblin who knew the current affairs no longer hesitated and nodded firmly.

"Your Majesty, the Gray Mountain Tribe is willing to become a member of the City of Dawn. We will defend your glory with everything the goblins have."

"Ding, the Gray Mountain Tribe joins the City of Dawn..."

Li De nodded with satisfaction after hearing the system prompts. These guys were really easy to control. The goblins' character flaws were too obvious - they couldn't withstand threats at all.

They are completely different from the dwarves, a race whose brains are made of stone.

If he threatens the dwarves, he will definitely be laughed at by those dwarves. Dwarves are never afraid of death.

"What raw materials are needed to make an alchemy bomb? What is the daily production volume of your entire tribe? What is the most powerful explosion power of an alchemy bomb?"

Li De stopped talking nonsense and asked a few of the most critical questions directly.

Now that the goblin has been obtained, the alchemy bomb he has been coveting for a long time must be put on the agenda.

He was looking forward to the day when the Dawn City Air Force would take shape.

The emergence of alchemy bombs is definitely a huge compensation for the current extreme lack of combat power in the lower levels of Dawn City.

Daybreak is currently in a head-and-shoulder weird mode.

He does not lack high-end combat power, but he only lacks middle-level and lower-level strength.

Once the alchemy bomb enters mass production and the magic bat can be armed, this shortcoming will be filled.

He no longer has to face the embarrassing situation of having only a few hundred vampires available every time he goes out to fight.

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