I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 214: Sisters, Nicole, Nile...

The second floor of the church.

Li De looked at the familiar layout in the room and asked curiously, "Nello, where do you usually work?" It was obvious that people were cleaning this place but no one was moving in.

Nile's majestic pale golden eyes looked directly into Li De's deep eyes and shook her head.

"Your Majesty, I rarely go to church and spend most of my time spreading your glory in the city, so I don't have a dedicated official office."

Nile doesn't like the chores of managing the church, but prefers to preach to the residents in person.

The steady increase in believers during this period was largely due to this girl. No one in the City of Dawn disliked this holy girl. Even loyal believers from other sects would not rule out hearing her talk about the Dawn Sect.

Li De shook his head slightly when he heard this, "Nello, you are the saint of the Dawn Sect. When Bishop Amy is away, you are the manager here.

You should have your own office at all times, otherwise who will handle the affairs of the Dawn Sect? "

The girl suddenly became nervous, lowered her head slightly, and whispered, "Your Majesty, I am not dealing with the Dawn Sect's affairs during this period..."

Um? Li De was slightly startled when he heard this. During this period, after Amy officially managed the Dawn Master Tower, all the power of the Dawn Sect was handed over to Nile.

How could the Dawn Sect develop so well if it wasn't for this girl's management?

Not only did there not be any trouble, but the reputation among the residents was getting higher and higher, and the number of believers was increasing day by day.

Before Li De could ask, Nile told the reason herself.

"Your Majesty, it's my sister...my sister is in charge of the Dawn Sect..."

"Your sister??"

Li De was in a daze. Although he knew that Nile had a sister, he didn't expect that she would let her sister manage the Dawn Sect.

And the most important thing is that the management is pretty good.

He won't be angry about it, he's not so narrow-minded.

And he delegated power to Nile. As a saint of the Dawn Sect, Nile had enough autonomy. It was also her power to appoint whoever manages the daily management of the sect. However, he did not expect that the girl would let her sister go into battle in person.

However, judging from the development of Dawn Sect during this period, there is no doubt that this move was successful.

Li De suddenly became very interested in sister Nile. It was rare to be able to manage the Dawn Sect in an orderly manner without making any mistakes.

"Where's your sister?"

As the person closest to Li De, Nile had his spiritual imprint in her mind, and could faintly sense his emotions. After realizing that Li De was not angry about it, a light smile appeared on her beautiful face.

"Your Majesty, Nicole is still in the church."

Nile's voice at this time was very soft and cute, which was in sharp contrast to her holy appearance.

The girl at this time was completely different from the solemn saint in the outside world. It was like the radiant holy coat was quietly taken off by her, leaving only Li De's most essential side.

Li De also noticed the changes in Nile and was a little surprised. It seemed that several girls around him had two sides.

The little maid Wei Na is like this, and so is Nello.

Nodding slightly, "Go and bring her, I want to meet your sister."

It is not an easy task to manage the huge Dawn Sect, as Li De could have noticed since he first sent Amy here.

In the previous City of Dawn, only veterans like Amy could deal with these trivial matters of the church, but he did not expect that there would be a managerial talent comparable to Amy, who had been involved in the Knights Temple for decades.

There has always been a big gap in talent in the City of Dawn, and he has been worried about this for an unknown amount of time.

Even if the city hall has cultivated a number of available talents during this period, he still feels that they are not enough.

Therefore, he attaches no less importance to management talents than high-end combat capabilities.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After Nile saluted, he turned around and left the office. Not long after, he entered the room again. At this time, he was followed by a figure shorter than Nile.

Li De looked at the girl next to Nile with some curiosity, and his eyes suddenly lit up when he saw the girl's appearance clearly.

The girl is young, about sixteen or seventeen years old. She is wearing a white priest's robe and also has long black hair.

Her face is as white as milk, and her appearance is exquisite and beautiful. She is even more perfect than Nello, who is already very good-looking.

If Nilo can score 95 points, then this girl can score 98 points.

The similarity between the two has reached 70%, but the only difference with Nello is that the girl's black eyes are a bit strange, revealing an indescribable spirituality.

"Your Majesty, this is my sister, Nicole," Nile's pale golden eyes were very majestic, and she frowned at the silent girl who had been looking at Li De curiously.

"Nicole, you haven't bowed to Your Majesty yet."

After hearing this, Nicole came back to her senses slightly. When her smart black eyes saw Li De's handsome face, she felt a little shy, and a slight blush appeared on her face.

"Lord Cachar, Nicole pays tribute to you..."

The voice is crisp and clear, with a girlish charm, which is quite different from Nello.

"Nicole, are you helping your sister manage the Dawn Sect during this time?"

After Li De sensed it for a while, he discovered that this sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl was not his believer.

This is interesting.

Nile is a holy priest who has reached the ultimate level of faith, but her sister has no faith in him at all.

But he didn't care. He wasn't really a magic stick. It didn't make much difference to him whether he believed or not, as long as he could guarantee the loyalty of the other party.

Nicole stood beside Nile in a lively manner, looking at Li De with some curiosity and some fear in her eyes. As the Lord of Dawn, his status in the eyes of the residents of Dawn City was as high as the sky.

Even though her sister was Li De's closest holy priest, she still respected Li De a little.

"Yes, Lord Cachar,"

After receiving a positive answer, Li De nodded slightly, walked behind the pure white rectangular desk and sat down, taking full advantage of the two beautiful sisters.

"Can you tell me why you don't believe in the Dawn Sect?"

He was quite curious about this. It stands to reason that Nello, as a holy priest, would have an impact on the people around her, but her closest sister did not believe in the Dawn Sect, which was interesting.

Nile's face paled slightly. She was about to apologize to Li De, but she felt relieved after sensing that Li De was not unhappy.

Open your mouth and explain.

"Your Majesty, Nicole has always preferred freedom, so she has never had any need for faith.

What she admires most is explorers who go deep into the sea. She has been out of character since she was a child, so..."

Li De waved his hand and interrupted Nile's explanation, "You don't need to apologize to me. I'm not unhappy about it. I'm just curious about what the Dawn Sect looks like in Nile's eyes."

This was the first time he discussed the Dawn Sect with outsiders. For Li De, the creation of the Dawn Sect was full of chance.

If this guy Amy hadn't gone crazy and wanted to study to become a god,

If he hadn't happened to have a fanatic,

If he didn't have a city that belonged entirely to him, no Dawn Sect would be able to establish without these factors.

He had always regarded the Dawn Sect as an ordinary force, or even just a way to create the power of faith for him, and he didn't pay much attention to it. This can be seen from the number of times he came to the Dawn Sect.

But after he felt the firmness in the eyes of the believers, he found that he seemed to underestimate the sect he founded.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Dawn Sect has deeply affected the City of Dawn and even changed the lives of many residents.

Li De was also interested at this time and wanted to ask about this girl with a special identity.

The identity of sister Nile determines the special nature of this girl. After all, Nile is his.

Nicole didn't expect Li De to ask such a question, and after thinking for a moment, she said with deep admiration.

"Lord Cachar, the Dawn Sect is a great existence. It has changed the City of Dawn and made the City of Dawn that was originally in chaos become extremely firm and unified."

oh? Li De was very interested when he heard this different statement.

"Why do you say that? The City of Dawn would fall into chaos without the Dawn Sect. How did you deduce it?"

Nicole's spiritual eyes turned slightly, and after a moment of reflection, a sound like the call of a lark on the treetops in spring sounded in the house.

“Because faith is indispensable for a city, my sister and I have traveled to many cities and met many sects.

However, because there are many sects in these cities, even the strictest laws will cause chaos.

Because each believed that his own god was the only one who existed, each despised the other's belief.

And once the ideas are not unified, it can easily lead to cliques and confrontations. After a long time, even the peaceful city will fall into chaos.

What's more, the City of Dawn is a city founded by the Holy Light Vampire Clan. If there is chaos in the city, there is a high probability that it will be directly suppressed by the Vampire Clan.

Over time, although the city remains peaceful, the cracks hidden in the dark will become bigger and bigger until they finally burst out.

But the tolerant and peaceful teachings of the Dawn Sect have effectively alleviated the ideological divisions and allowed the entire city to slowly become unified..."

Nicole's point of view was refreshing to Li De, although the girl's idea was very immature and one-sided, and this situation would never happen if he was around.

But it has to be said that Nicole's active thinking was recognized by him. In comparison, this was more important to him than her mature plan.

It is a good seedling. If it can be cultivated properly, it will definitely play a big role.

"It's a very novel point of view. Although you have underestimated the tactics of the city hall, it is indeed rare for your age and experience to see the more essential things behind peace."

Nicole pouted somewhat unconvinced.

Li De looked a little amused, "What do you think of the current Dawn Sect? What are your plans for the future of the Dawn Sect?

If your answer satisfies me, I will officially teach you how to manage the Dawn Sect, and I can even transfer you to the city hall to learn how to manage a city. "

This promise made Nicole's eyes light up, but then she said in disbelief, "Lord Cachar, you didn't lie to me?"

Li De laughed loudly when he heard this little girl's questioning. It had been a long time since anyone had questioned him directly to his face.

As the ancestor of the blood clan and the Lord of the Dawn, his status is so noble. Even the always proud Northland Valkyrie Betty, a powerful being with royal blood, has a negative attitude at most when facing him, but she does not dare to question him directly.

As if she was aware of her rudeness, Nicole pursed her lips and wanted to apologize, but she didn't know how to say it because of the little girl's face. In the end, she could only look at Nile who was watching their exchange with a smile, looking for help. .

"Your Majesty, Nicole's words were not intended to offend..."

"Okay, I don't need you to intercede, Nicole, tell me what you think." Li De didn't care at all and just let the girl in front of him start her performance.

He wanted to see if this girl could surprise him.

Nicole's face slowly returned to normal, her clever eyes turned slightly, and she spoke in a low voice.

"The Dawn Sect actually already has a good foundation, especially in the City of Dawn. No sect here can compete with us.

So no matter who develops it, it will be good.

But if we want to make the Dawn Sect more vital, we still need to do more.

The reason why the Dawn Sect is accepted by most residents is because of your existence. You are the eternal core of the Dawn Sect. As long as you are here, the Dawn Sect will be there.

The second reason is that because of the Dawn Sect’s loose rules and doctrines that meet the expectations of the residents, everyone yearns for a better life, and the Dawn Sect’s teachings are what everyone longs for most in their hearts.

The third is the sect that does not compete with the Dawn Sect. Here, the Dawn City is the only sect that can grow no matter how it develops.

These points are the most basic, and there are many more in-depth ones. I will report to you later.

Although the Dawn Sect is developing very steadily, I think this is not what you always wanted.

The Dawn Sect needs stronger vitality and the resilience to not lose even if it competes with the Life Goddess Sect.

A lot needs to be done to build the vitality of this kind of sect.

I have studied the doctrines and canons of more than fifty sects in detail, and figured out how most churches develop and control their believers.

As long as I am given a certain amount of time, I will develop a missionary model that is more resilient and more in line with the Dawn Sect. My plan is this..."

Li De stared blankly at this little girl who was no more than 17 years old talking.

Finally, Nicole talked about the teachings of the Temple of Life to the canons of the God of Death, from the gods of light using justice to spread faith to the evil gods using fear to gather believers, from the influence of angels on believers to the negative influence of demons.

The little girl in front of him was already a senior scholar of religious sects and gods. Even Li De was shocked when he heard this.

He was greatly moved by the various wild ideas and imaginative ways.

This girl is so spiritual.

After a full hour and a half, Nicole finally stopped. This was the first time the girl had spoken out the thoughts in her mind so happily.

Looking at Li De who was looking at him with a surprised expression, Nicole suddenly felt a little shy, especially the handsome face that made the girl's heart beat significantly faster. She stammered, "I, I'm done"

Li De came back to his senses at this time and took a deep look at Nile, who was smiling and looking very satisfied. "Yes, from today on, your sister is hired by me."

After speaking, he turned to look at the surprised Nicole and said slowly, "Nicole, in the name of the leader of the Holy Light Blood Clan, the Lord of the City of Dawn, and the Lord of the Dawn Sect,

Appoint you as the red archbishop of the Dawn Sect and be responsible for managing the Dawn Sect.

At the same time, you are appointed as the assistant to the Speaker of the City Hall to assist Speaker Harrison in managing Daybreak City. "

Li De is very satisfied with a talented person who has flexible thinking, is rarely restricted by the fixed thinking of glory, and is extremely intelligent and spiritual.

He decided to continue to train this girl.

The most important thing is that this spiritual girl is Nile's sister, and based on this identity, she is completely worthy of his training.

Nile can be said to be the person closest to him. The other person's belief in him transcends life and transcends good and evil. This relationship is closer than any other relationship.

"Praise for your broad mind, Lord Cachar~" The little girl's face was extremely excited after receiving Li De's approval.

After settling the matter, Li De turned his attention to Nile who was aside. Every time he saw Nile's light golden eyes, he couldn't help but become solemn in his heart.

Some small thoughts in my heart disappeared unconsciously, which was even more powerful than the time of the sage.

"Nello, did you come to the city hall two days ago to see me for anything?"

"Your Majesty, I hope you can give me some power so that I can transfer to more Dawn Priests."

Nile's expression became serious when she talked about this topic.

"The Dawn Sect currently lacks sufficient power. Even if it is absolutely safe in the City of Dawn, for the better development of the Dawn Sect, we need more Dawn Priests."

Hearing this, Li De nodded slightly. Every job change of Dawn Priest requires 200 points of faith power.

He had transferred a total of 3 Dawn Priests before. Compared with the huge power of the Dawn Sect, these three priests were simply indescribable.

Not to mention missionary work, he couldn't even manage things in the church hall.

"Give you some power? How?" Li De asked slightly embarrassed.

Although he is the master of the Dawn Sect, his management of the Dawn Sect is close to nothing, and he is also confused about the research on the power of faith.

This power is too high-end, and research can't produce anything, so he hasn't paid much attention to it for such a long time.

Nile smiled and said, "Your Majesty, if you enter my spiritual sea through the spiritual imprint in your mind, you will know how to operate."

Li De nodded, closed his eyes slightly under the gaze of the two girls, and connected to Nile's spiritual sea through the mark in the spiritual sea.

After his consciousness entered Nile's spiritual sea, he immediately sensed Nile's consciousness.

Admiration, kindness, adoration, respect...

Nello's consciousness was full of reverence for him, like a child facing his father, or a wife meeting her husband.

Along with the contact with Nile's consciousness, Nile's experience during this period also appeared in front of him without reservation.

Preaching abroad, treating patients, and promoting his greatness... Li De watched it very interestingly, and each picture was like a movie.

But a moment later, a fragment of Nile's life suddenly appeared in front of Li De. The scene of white flowers made him a little embarrassed, and he immediately withdrew.

Mmp, this is too unreliable. I looked at it in front of the girl...it was really a husky.

Just when he exited Nile's consciousness, Li De gained a lot of unfamiliar knowledge in vain, most of which was about how the power of faith operates.

There was an expression of understanding on his face, so that was it.

As a holy priest, Nile is the person closest to the gods and is called the Son of God in other sects.

Even the gods can directly borrow the body of the Son of God to descend to the main plane.

This is the legendary divine descent, and it is also the most powerful trump card of a sect. The key to being able to do this is the Holy Priest.

Because of the compatibility of souls, the holy priest has no resistance to the power of the gods. In this case, the gods can lend their power to the holy priest.

This was the logic behind what Nile said about granting some power. With a thought, Li De opened up part of the divine authority belonging to the God of Dawn for Nile to use.

This is a very wonderful state. Although it cannot be described, I can feel that I have turned on a certain switch in my soul to Nile.

Then he made certain restrictions so that Nile could use half of the power of faith every month in the future.

Currently, the Dawn Sect has about 1,500 points of faith power every month, and Nilo can use about 800 points to develop the Dawn Sect.

Of course, this is not too much, but it is not too little. After all, this is the power that more than 7,000 believers obtained after praying for half a month.

If you want to better develop the Dawn Sect, a certain amount of investment is necessary.

But in this way, the Dawn Bat can only be squeezed.

Thinking of this, Li De had a headache. He really needed everything he needed.

But the power of faith is not something that can be obtained easily.

After thinking about it, Li De simply gave Nile the right to mobilize all the power of faith. In the future, if Dylan wants to transform the Dawn Bat, let him come to Nile.

He may not always be in the City of Dawn. He can delegate these trivial matters as much as he can, not to mention that Nile deserves any trust from him.

When Li De exited the girl's spiritual sea, he was still immersed in the distress of the lack of faith. He didn't notice that Nile's face had a deep blush, her head was slightly lowered, and she didn't dare to look directly at him.

The girl felt that Li De had just unintentionally looked at all her memories during this period, including life... The blush on her face became a little thicker at the thought.

“Nello, Nicole, the Dawn Sect will teach you.

Nicole, the most important thing in managing a force is to establish an effective system. A person may make mistakes, but a perfect system can avoid mistakes to the greatest extent.

In the future, the Dawn Sect will become larger and larger. I need you to establish a system suitable for the Dawn Sect based on our actual situation.

I will arrange for Harrison to help you with this. If you are not sure, you can study in the city hall for a period of time to first understand how the city hall manages a city. "

Li De stood up and came to the two girls, looking at the little girl Nicole with admiration.

"Nicole, you are very talented, but talent is talent after all, and you still need to study hard to transform talent into strength.

Talents are diverse. You don't have to be a holy priest like your sister. You can do better than your sister in other aspects.

Work hard and don’t let me down.”

Li De reached out and rubbed Nile's little head with bright eyes, his eyes full of smiles.

This little girl full of spirituality gave him a rare love for talent. With a little training, she would definitely be no less than Weina who helped him take charge of the Scarlet Mage Tower.

The potential of the Dawn Sect, like the Scarlet Mage Tower, is unlimited and requires an imaginative manager to manage it.

The role of the Dawn Sect is to help the City of Dawn achieve higher development. In fact, the current Dawn Sect has also achieved this, but in order to achieve better development in the future, more efforts are needed.

Looking at that dark and deep gaze, Nicole's big black eyes flashed with excitement, and she nodded excitedly.

Lord Cachar, I will not betray your trust, Nicole will become your assistant like my sister..."

Her tone was characteristic of a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl, but her eyes were extremely firm.

After all, she is still a little girl, and to be recognized and supported by the greatest city lord in the city is unimaginable.

Although she did not believe in Li De and did not regard him as a god, in Nicole's heart, Li De, who brought her and her sister out of trouble and gave them a new life, was undoubtedly extremely important.

In addition, Nile continued to influence him, and in the little girl's heart, Li De's status was second only to her sister Nile.

Nicole, who has a deep understanding of the sect, naturally knows what the Holy Priest represents.

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