I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 157 The warm daily life of residents

In late April, the weather has become warmer across the board, and the residents of Daybreak City are wearing thin and bright new clothes.

Young girls put on their favorite long skirts, and young men put on spirited shorts. The whole city was full of vitality.

In a bakery near the square, several middle-aged ladies were sitting around a round table chatting. There were not many customers in the bakery because it was not yet noon, so it was not too busy.

The owner of the bakery is a fat aunt with freckles and a long red dress. Relying on her family's skills, the fat aunt applied to the city hall after arriving in Daybreak City, and finally got her wish and opened a delicious bakery. bakery.

At this time, the fat aunt was chatting with a few people around her.

"Did you hear about it? There seem to be not only pigs but also monsters in the newly built breeding farm of Lord Cachar... I dare to swear to the goddess that this news must be true."

For ordinary residents of Daybreak City, what happens in the city will undoubtedly attract their immediate attention.

The big news of building a breeding farm naturally attracted the curious attention of countless people, especially these elderly ladies.

One of them was a slightly younger lady with beautiful blond hair, with deep admiration in her eyes.

"Cachar is a great god, so the breeding farm he established is naturally different."

None of the people nearby were surprised when they heard the blond lady call Li De.

During this time, as the Dawn Sect took root in the city, it became widely known that the God of Dawn was their city lord, Lord Cachar.

Because of Li De's huge influence, the number of believers in the Dawn Sect has been growing rapidly every day, and more and more people have begun to believe in the great Kachar Crown.

Except for this blond lady, at least half of them had gone to Daybreak Church to pray.

A thin aunt in a black skirt's eyes lit up and she quickly interjected, "This topic is really great.

I heard that there is an alchemical creation in the farm that automatically flows out of spring water by just turning a switch.

Moreover, the water flowing out of the water pipe is as clean as the spring water on the mountain. As long as the switch is not turned off, the water will never stop flowing.

More magical than magic. "

The fat lady in the red dress nodded with approval.

"I heard from a neighbor's young man that this magical thing is called tap water, and it seems to have been designed by the Lord of Cachar himself.

It’s really hard to imagine how to make tap water that never stops flowing. I’m afraid only legendary artifacts have this function. It’s really great..."

"Goddess above me, that is truly a miracle."

There was a bit of yearning on the blonde lady's face, and then there was a bit of disappointment on her face with tiny freckles.

"But I heard that the breeding farm has been controlled and outsiders are not allowed to enter at will. Otherwise, I really want to see the tap water that never stops flowing... The masterpiece of Cachar's crown must be very shocking."

The fat lady in the red dress was about to speak when she saw the Cyclops cub playing on the street from the corner of her eye.

"I'm going to tease little Corso"

After saying that, he stood up with a smile, took a few pieces of white bread from the table and went out.

"Little Corso, come here and give you some bread~"

The Cyclops cub turned his head sharply when he heard the sound, and showed a somewhat honest smile when he saw the fat aunt.

The IQ of a Cyclops cub is equivalent to that of a human being around 7 or 8 years old, and it can already recognize people.

He still has a good impression of humans who often give him food.

He ran towards the bakery at a trot. Although he was still a cub, he was three blades tall and weighed four to five hundred pounds. He was extremely huge.

Every step made the ground tremble slightly.

"Thank you~"

The silly words are the standard mainland lingua franca, which were taught to this "little guy" by these residents out of boredom.

The Cyclops cub threw a few pieces of bread into his mouth in one breath, chewed it twice and swallowed it directly. It seemed that the bread that could make an adult half full was like an ordinary person eating a peanut. After eating Still looking at the fat aunt eagerly.

"Hahaha, I'm gone. Come back tomorrow and have your head touched~"

Hearing this, a bit of grievance appeared in the huge one-eyed eye of the Cyclops cub, but for the sake of the delicious white bread, he still squatted down obediently and rubbed his bald head against it.

The gray-white wrinkled skin was like tree bark and felt a little rough, but the fat aunt liked it very much.

Before, she never dreamed that one day she would be able to touch the head of a legendary creature like the Cyclops.

It was so dreamy.

Praise Lord Cachar, praise the City of Dawn!

At this time, a security team wearing neat and clean security team uniforms patrolled by. The leader was a pale-faced Holy Light vampire.

Daytime patrols had obviously degraded its condition somewhat.

The bat wings on its back spread slightly, and the fangs at the corners of its mouth were as sharp as bayonets.

After seeing the security team, the Cyclops cub obediently stepped aside and looked at the leading vampire with some fear.

The scorching fireball that destroyed the world in the Giant Valley left a deep shadow on him, so he has always been a little afraid of the vampires.

Moreover, vampires at work are often extremely strict, and the naughty Cyclops cub is often beaten up by the security team, which makes this huge little guy a little afraid of the security team.

"Lord Honey..."

"Good day, Lord Honey..."


Residents passing by said hello to the vampire who led the team.

"Little Corso..."

The vampire who led the team smiled slightly after seeing the Cyclops cub, and was about to say something.


The Cyclops cub shivered in fright, screamed like a child who was caught doing bad things, and ran away in the blink of an eye and disappeared without a trace.

The scene fell silent, with only a few people looking at each other awkwardly.

The fat aunt showed a smile and said politely: "Good day, Mr. Honey, do you want to come in and taste our newly made bread?"

"No, thanks"

The vampire who led the team raised his chest slightly, then glared at the snickering security team members behind him, turned around and left.

The security team members held back their smiles and followed up with neat steps.

The fat aunt smiled sincerely when she saw this scene.

Humans and vampires patrol together, and Cyclops and civilians live in harmony. This is a dreamy scene that even a bard would not dare to make up. It can only be seen in the City of Dawn.

Praise the great city of Dawn!

The fat aunt waited until the security team left before turning and walking into the house. Just as she sat down and was about to continue chatting with other people in the house, a young and energetic young man walked in from outside the house.

The young man was wearing a black short shirt and had short blond hair, looking very energetic and handsome.

"Aunt Mary, I'm here to buy bread."

Hearing this voice, a group of women turned their heads and smiled a little when they saw the person coming.

"Jamie, the breeding farm doesn't get off work until noon, why are you running back now?"

"Is this Old Jayne's son? It's really surprising. You are much more handsome than Old Jayne."

"Haha, if old Jayne hadn't said it back then, I bet no one would have believed that such a spirited young man could be his son..."

A few aunties were fine at first, but then they went off topic while chatting.

"Does Jamie have a girlfriend? Ask Aunt Lina to introduce you to a young girl..."

"What kind of girl does a young man like? There is a girl from my neighbor who is very beautiful..."

"There are many girls who like such a handsome young man, right?..."

Jamie was sweating profusely under the questioning of these aunts, and looked at the fat aunt Mary for help.

"Okay, don't make it difficult for Jamie"

Ma Li looked at the few people with some humor, stood up with her red skirt, took out some white bread dipped in honey from the counter of the bakery and handed them to Jamie.

"The bread was just baked and the honey was just bought from the store yesterday."

After he finished speaking, he seemed to remember something and asked curiously.

"Jamie, don't you work in a breeding farm? Is there really tap water in the breeding farm that is more magical than magic?"

When several other aunties heard this question, they immediately shifted their attention from Jamie's love problem to the breeding farm.

"Did the Lord of Cachar City tame a powerful monster inside?"

"Is there really an alchemical item that always flows out of a spring and never dries up?"

"How is the tap water constructed? When using it, can only the Master Master use it?"

Jamie quietly breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"The running water in the breeding farm was designed and built by the Lord Cachar himself, and it was put into use just a few days ago." After saying this, there was a bit of admiration in his eyes.

"The tap water is just like the legend. All you need to do is turn on the switch and spring water will always flow out. There is no need for a mage to operate it. I turned on the tap myself."

Jamie's face was full of pride.

It was a great honor for him to work for Lord Cachar on the breeding farm.

Moreover, tap water is indeed magical and convenient. Even though he saw the birth process of tap water with his own eyes, he still found it incredible.

Lord Cachar is so great!

After hearing this, everyone became more interested.

"It's amazing. How is this alchemical creation made?"

"Jamie, tell us quickly..."

Half an hour later, Jamie, who was chatting happily with a group of aunties, seemed to remember something. He suddenly slapped his head and said with annoyance on his face: "Damn, that's too bad, I actually forgot to go to the blacksmith shop. Get the spare faucet.

Mr. Randy will definitely kill me if he knows it. Ladies, I’m leaving first.”

After saying that, he picked up the white bread and ran directly out the door. He accidentally slipped on the ground and fell hard.

A beautifully dressed young girl happened to pass by Jamie, and the big boy suddenly turned red, which was so embarrassing.

Everyone in the bakery burst out laughing when they saw this scene.

The air was filled with joy.

The daily life of residents seems to be very ordinary, but in this world, joyful laughter is a luxury for the common people at the bottom. Perhaps only a magical city like Dawn City can make these low-class common people so relaxed.

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