I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter Thirty-Six Contradictions Explode

"He's the guy my dad keeps talking about? Wouldn't they just keep freezing him," Tony teased.

"He's right about Rocky, he's definitely better than us in that regard," Banner said.

Natasha walked outside the cell where Loki was held, and spoke to Loki, guessing Loki's purpose, Loki wanted Banner to transform and create chaos.

However, Loki's real purpose is to make these few people suspicious of each other and make their team fall apart.

"What are you doing? You should search for the whereabouts of the Rubik's Cube!" Nick Fury questioned Stark and Banner.

"The search has already started, and if there is any result, we can narrow the range to within 800 meters." Banner replied.

"What's Phase Two?" Tony had successfully deciphered the secret documents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Just then, Steve Rogers threw a weapon once made by Hydra on the table.

"Phase 2 is S.H.I.E.L.D. using the Rubik's Cube to make weapons. Sorry, computer searches are too slow for me!" Steve Rogers said.

"Stephen, we search for everything related to the Rubik's Cube, which doesn't mean we..." Nick Fury wanted to argue.

"Excuse me, Nick, what else do you have to say?" Tony interrupted Nick Fury, and took the information on the computer that S.H.I.E.L.D. used the Rubik's Cube to make weapons.

"I was wrong, Director! The world still hasn't changed." Steve Rogers said, looking at Nick Fury.

"Do you know about this?" Banner asked Natasha who brought him here.

"Do you want to leave here? Dr. Banner? Loki wants to control you!" Natasha looked at Banner and said.

"Don't you also want to control me?" Banner asked.

"I just want to know why S.H.I.E.L.D. uses the Rubik's Cube to create weapons of mass destruction?" Banner asked Nick Fury.

"Because of him!" Nick pointed to Thor.

"Me?" Thor, who was eating melons, said that I'm here to see if it can be related to me?

"Last year an alien came to Earth and sparked a battle. Not only did we know that there are other beings in the universe, but they are more powerful than we thought." Nick Fury said.

"My people just want to live in peace with Earth!" Thor explained.

"But you are not the only alien life, are you? You are not the only threat." Nick Fury said.

"You use the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to make weapons, and you will attract Loki and his accomplices. This is a signal to other races, announcing that the earth is ready to launch an advanced war!" Thor warned Nick Fury with righteous words.

"This is just a helpless move, we must be prepared!" Nick Fury said.

"This reminds me of nuclear deterrence!" Stark said.

"Stark, don't forget what your family does!" Nick Fury.

"I'm sure Stark Industries is still making arms, and he must be involved!" Steve Rogers also came up to join in the fun.

Several people became louder and louder, but they didn't notice the faint light of Loki's scepter.

At this moment, a combat transport plane came above the sky carrier. Inside the transport plane were the controlled Patton and more than a dozen mercenaries. Barton stood on the transport plane, opened the hatch, picked up a bow and arrow and aimed at a giant turbine engine of the sky carrier...

The Avengers continued to quarrel. At this time, the system suddenly sounded an alarm, and the location of the Rubik's Cube had been tracked. At this moment, a huge explosion sounded, and the flames rushed into the laboratory and blasted several people away.

There was a sudden chaos on the sky carrier, the alarm sounded, and the agents came to the weapon room to get the equipment.

Nick Fury got up from the ground, and Agent Hill reported, "We are under attack, and the number three engine is damaged! Lose one more engine and the aircraft carrier will crash. We need to send someone to repair it!"

"Stark, did you hear that?" Nick Fury asked.

"I'm going!" Stark walked to the weapons room, where his armor was.

"Colson activated the highest defense and sent someone to check the cabin! Natasha, are you okay?" Nick asked.

"We're all right... right?" Natasha looked at Dr. Banner who fell into the cabin with her.

"Banner, you have to hold on, don't let Loki succeed, we will be fine, I promise." Natasha said looking at Bruce Banner who was lying on the ground in great pain.

"You promise?" Banner yelled at Natasha.

Suddenly, Banner's body continued to swell, tearing his clothes and revealing his green skin. He didn't stop until he grew to a height of more than four meters.

Natasha looked at Banner's situation, broke free from the calf pressed by the oxygen cylinder, turned around and ran.

The Hulk chased after him, with a huge roar from his mouth.

Loki in the glass cell heard the Hulk's roar, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, it's done!

At the same time, Barton boarded the deck of the aircraft carrier, found a vent, and led the mercenary team into the aircraft carrier.

"Don't let the engine start, the others will follow me." Barton led the mercenaries towards the control room.

"Drive the aircraft carrier to the sea." Nick Fury ordered the aircraft carrier controller in the sky.

At this moment, a grenade was thrown into the control room and a huge explosion occurred. Hill was also knocked to the ground by the grenade. Four mercenaries walked in with guns, but they were dealt with by Nick Fury who was hiding aside. .

Natasha was still caught up by the Hulk, and she slapped her hand and hit the wall, the Hulk

The man walked towards Natasha, ready to continue attacking her.

At this moment, a person flew over and smashed the Hulk into the warehouse beside him. It was Thor, the god of thunder.

The Hulk threw a punch at Thor, but Thor dodged it, and Thor hit the Hulk in the jaw with a backhand.

The Hulk punched Thor and raised his hands to resist. The two competed for strength, but Thor was punched by the Hulk's other hand and flew more than ten meters away before hitting the ground.

Thor wiped his nosebleeds, raised his right hand, and looked at the Hulk rushing towards him. The moment the Hulk rushed to him, Thor's hammer flew into Thor's hand, and the hammer hit the Hulk's jaw, throwing He was sent flying, and the Hulk's skull buzzed from the blow.

The Hulk became even more angry, and rushed forward to fight with Thor. The two fought more and more fiercely, and the entire third floor was destroyed by the battle between the two. Thor gradually became no match for the Hulk.

"Sir, if this continues, the aircraft carrier will be dismantled by the Hulk, so we have to find a way." Hill said.

"Send fighter jets and divert fire to attract the Hulk!" Nick Fury ordered.

An F22 fighter plane came out of the third floor window where Thor and the Hulk were fighting, aimed at the Hulk machine gun and fired.

Da da da... Countless bullets were fired on the Hulk, which immediately angered Hulk!

The Hulk got up and jumped, his huge body was extremely capable of jumping, he jumped onto the fighter jet in one fell swoop, and frantically dismantled the fighter jet.

The fighter pilot saw that the situation was wrong and immediately jumped out, while the Hulk and the fighter fell towards the ground.

Everyone on the aircraft carrier breathed a sigh of relief, as the crisis had been resolved.

At this moment, an arrow shot into the control room and suddenly exploded!

The second arrow hit the computer terminal, and the arrow unfolded into two plugs, which were just inserted into the interface of the main engine. Immediately, all the computer screens of the spaceship went black, and the No. 1 engine also stopped rotating.

Barton achieved his goal and left towards the cabin.

The sky carrier with two engines turned off could no longer continue to fly, and the remaining two engines could no longer drive the carrier, and the sky carrier slowly sank downward.

Iron Man Tony Stark flew into the turbofan of the No. 3 aircraft carrier engine. He wanted to push the turbine to turn and restart the No. 3 engine.

Tony increased the thrust and successfully turned the No. 3 engine. Steve Rogers also solved the remaining enemies and pulled the idle switch to successfully rescue Tony in the high-speed rotating turbine.

And Thor just came to Loki's cell and saw the cell door was wide open, and Loki was about to come out of the cell.

He roared and rushed to Loki, but he jumped on a phantom, this Loki was fake, and Thor was locked into a glass prison by Loki.

Loki laughed and was about to activate the switch and drop Thor and the cell from a height of 10,000 meters.

"Don't move!" Coulson pointed at Loki with a huge weapon, and Loki could only raise his hands in surrender...

Coulson was about to activate this new weapon, but was pierced by Loki standing behind him with a scepter. It turned out that Loki who just raised his hands was also a fake.

"No!!" Thor was very angry when he saw Coulson who fell to the ground.

Loki walked to the console, pressed the button, and Thor's glass cell fell to the ground in an instant.

"You're doomed!" said Coulson, who was lying on the ground.

"Your superheroes are falling apart, and your sky carrier is about to crash, what else should I worry about?" Loki said that the flying dragon was on the face, how could I lose?

Coulson pulled the trigger, and instantly a mass of red energy shot towards Loki, knocking him into the air. This weapon was made with reference to the Destroyer, and this was Coulson's last attack.

However, this shot failed to solve Loki. Loki got up and went to the deck in stealth, and got on the transport plane that Barton had prepared in advance and left the sky carrier.

But Barton met Natasha who was looking for him in the cabin, and the two fought a battle, and Natasha successfully subdued Barton.

The crisis was over, Bruce Banner and Thor fell to the ground, and Stark and Steve also got the news that Coulson had "sacrificed".

Steve looked at the Captain America card Coulson had collected, deeply regretful.

And the other Avengers also realized the importance of unity. They lost badly this time, and they must act immediately!

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