I am so Accurate

Chapter 81 Going the way of others...

"No, it's you who's done."

Sun Hao replied.

He wanted to wait for this sentence.

After playing professional basketball in Europe for three years, he understood a little bit from the difference between Calderon and himself.

The best way to gain fame is to defeat someone who is already famous.

In Europe Bodi Loga was the guy, in Los Angeles Lou was the guy.

Lu froze there, almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

This yellow man is really... very arrogant!

This time, the players on the sidelines were not only booing, but really excited.

Someone dared to challenge professional players on the street court!

And he's a yellow man!

This time, Lu stayed close to Sun Hao and didn't give him a chance to catch the ball. His teammates didn't score the ball, and the possession of the ball was exchanged again.

Lu kicked off to the midfield.

This time, the players on both sides gave way consciously, giving them enough space to single out.

Lu was very cautious this time, and accelerated his breakthrough after getting closer to Sun Hao.

Compared with the previous ball, this time he really stood out.

And his speed was even faster than Sun Hao imagined.

Lu threw away Sun Hao's shot and scored!

The whistles and cheers from the sidelines have exploded.

This is what happens when you challenge the pros!

After Lu scored, he imitated Iverson and made a hand behind his ear!


Sun Hao did not expect that Lu, who was submissive by James' side in his impression, would be so high-profile in his early years.

And looking at it, Lu's idol is probably Iverson!

Lu continued to kick off at midfield.

Sun Hao opened the distance even further this time.

Lu still chose to break through, but this time Sun Hao obviously made a sudden shot, and he didn't get up as fast as the previous shot.

He drives to a pull-up throw near the free-throw line.



At the moment of emergency stop, Sun Hao gave him a physical confrontation!

The ball pops out of bounds, and the possession of the ball is exchanged again!

"damn it!"

Lu bowed his head and cursed.

After several confrontations, he found that Sun Hao was much stronger than ordinary street players.

Where did this guy come from!

Sun Hao kicked off in midfield, and the others also consciously opened up space.

The last thing European coaches like is this kind of one-on-one, but here is neither Europe, and there are no coaches on the sidelines.

In the American street court, one-on-one is the most exciting part.

The players on the sidelines have already started booing again.

Sun Hao dribbled the ball to the three-point line to slow down, and looked up at the basket.

Lu Fei rushed forward.

Sun Hao suddenly accelerated his breakthrough step by step.

His first step was quick, but Lu Qibu caught up!

Sun Hao didn't get rid of it completely, he flew to the basket after entering the free throw line.

Lu chased and blocked the block, and the two had another physical confrontation in the air.

Sun Hao was violated by the defense, but he did not lose his balance and completed the shot before being pushed out of the baseline.

The basketball slipped into the net bag after wiping the board!

Sun Hao returned Lu an answerball!

"and. one!"

And his teammates yelled right away.

This is a 2+1!

Although there will be no free throws or exchange of possessions in the street court, scoring 2+1 will make people... excited!

The most immediate excitement!

The players on the sidelines were already in high spirits.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they really wouldn't be able to imagine a man of yellow race gaining the upper hand in the confrontation with professional players!

Sun Hao looked at Lu with a smile, and then made a gesture of covering his ears.

And after putting the left hand, put the right hand again!

An eye for an eye, twice as much!

This time, the players on the sidelines were overjoyed.

"oh my god!"

Some people hold their heads in disbelief.

The first impression of Asian players is humility and weakness.

But Sun Hao, whether it's words or actions, gives people a completely different feeling!

Lu suffered from internal injuries. He is a professional player, and it is impossible for him to fight with others on the field. If he did so, he might lose his job in the NBA directly.

But really... so uncomfortable!

Sun Hao continued to kick off.

This time he dribbled to the three-point line, and the opponent double-teamed directly.

After Sun Hao scored the goal just now, he has scored three goals in a row. If Sun Hao scores again, the game will be over.

Sun Hao played the ball early before the double-team came up.

With a gold-level basketball badge, he has already seen the opponent's defensive intentions.

And the ball he passed was also in place. After receiving the ball, his teammates made three hits and two baskets and scored dunks.

4 to 1!

"Asian! Asian!"

The players on the sidelines have already started cheering for Sun Hao in unison.

They didn't know what Sun Hao's name was, and they didn't know which country he was from, but none of that could stop them from cheering for Sun Hao.

last ball.

The teammate wanted to come up to double-team, but Lu directly signaled him to go back.

He wants to defend Sun Hao alone for this ball.

Lu and Sun Hao were very close, and Sun Hao tried several times to break through but failed.

The previous 2+1 ball, and then count this ball.

I have to say that Lu's ability to play against Iverson as a surprise soldier in the future does have his advantages.

"Shoot! Shoot!"

Sun Hao couldn't get rid of it, and the booing from the sidelines became louder, and they began to encourage Sun Hao to make a move.

Sun Hao didn't force the shot, he moved to the center teammate to pass the ball, and then used the pick-and-roll to run to the baseline.

After playing almost one round, the center teammate and him already had a little tacit understanding. After getting the ball, he didn't rush to release the ball, turned around and returned the ball to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao caught the ball in the corner and was about to make a shot, but Lu bypassed the pick-and-roll and flew towards him.

Sun Hao's wide vision has already noticed him, and he collects the ball and waits for him to pounce before shooting.

Lu's reaction speed was really fast, and he stopped quickly to interfere again.

But maybe the beach court was wet and slippery. Lu's brakes failed and he slipped and fell to the ground. He could only watch Sun Hao make a move.

The ball whirled through the air in a perfect parabola.


Sun Hao made another three-pointer!

5 to 1!

He ended the game!

The players on the sidelines rushed onto the field like crazy.

Sun Hao wanted to leave and found that Lu was still lying at his feet blocking the way, so he retracted his legs and stepped over him.

He was doing it for Lu's good, otherwise the crowd would rush towards him, and it would be dangerous to step on Lu.

Sun Hao was soon surrounded by players on the sidelines, with constant cheers and whistles.

Although their skin colors are different, Sun Hao successfully conquered them with his strength.

You must know that he is facing a serious NBA professional player!

Of course, there is also his personality, which may not be easy to use in China, but here, it is so suitable!

After waiting for a while, the celebrating crowd dispersed.

The game continued on the field.

At this moment, they found that the Lu people had disappeared.

Sun Hao didn't call anymore, he was just here to see the scenery, and he was almost sweating or something.

He was going to go to the beach to see what he wanted to see.

But at this moment, a black guy walked towards him with a big smile on his face.

This person is not tall, and his appearance is very popular. Sun Hao doesn't know him.

"Are you this year's NBA rookie?"

And when the other party came up to speak, he was a little surprised.

"I'm Rich Paul, you've probably never heard of me, but just now, I'm going to be an NBA agent."

After discovering that he had successfully attracted Sun Hao's attention, Paul quickly introduced himself.

Sun Hao had an incredible expression.

This man is Rich Paul? !

James' agent, Rich Paul? !

Don't tell me, after careful comparison, it really looks like that.

It's just that Fu Paulo's appearance is too popular, it's hard to distinguish at first sight.

"I know it's offensive, but trust me, I can help you improve your stock."

Rich Paul is trying to sell himself.

"How do you know I'm a rookie?"

If it were someone else, Sun Hao would definitely feel that the other party was here to scam money, but knowing that the other party was Fu Paulo, he wanted to hear what the latter would say.

"Your confrontation is not what a street player should have, especially as an outside player, this is enough to judge."

Sun Hao nodded after listening, this is really the easiest point to see.

Many street players never lack skills, but lack physical fitness.

If the "Professor" or Ganon Baker have enough good physical fitness, they may be the next "white chocolate".

"You may think I'm fooling you, but no, I know the market is competitive, and the most effective way to improve your pick is to make the contenders worry that you'll be drafted by another team, and they'll draft you early .”

After explaining, he immediately spoke quickly again.

Sun Hao looked at Fu Paulo seriously.

Don't tell me, although Fu Paulo hasn't set foot in the broker circle, he looks very smart.

"And I only need 1% commission for the first contract, I can help you succeed, trust me."

Seeing Sun Hao's interested eyes on him, Paul Fu strikes while the iron is hot.

Sun Hao was thinking.

Originally, he planned to look for the agent matter after the trial training was over, but Fu Paulo's unexpected appearance made him reconsider.

There is a saying that plans cannot keep up with changes.

In the words of Fu Paul, although his reputation as an agent in history is not very good, he can win enough benefits for the players.

Moreover, he is also a very business-minded person. If he can be included in his team, he will save a lot of effort in investing in the future.

"How do you know I don't have an agent yet?"

Sun Hao asked.

"I didn't know, but now that I do, if you already had it, you wouldn't listen to me so much."

Rich Paul replied.

Sun Hao froze for a moment, then couldn't help laughing.

It has to be said that Rich Paul is not only smart, but also very courageous.

Such a person, even if he doesn't become his agent today, is afraid that even if he doesn't become James' agent, he will succeed.

"So, shall we go back to the hotel together?"

I got an agent by accident, and he has temporarily lost interest in those bikini beauties.

When Paul Fu heard Sun Hao's words, joy jumped straight onto his face.

On the way back to the hotel with Fu Paulo, Fu Paulo carefully asked about his draft status.

Sun Hao also answered patiently and told him about the draft promises.

At the end, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

Rich Paul was supposed to be James' agent in history, but now he is his, so what will James do in the future?


Thanks to DP1998, the Overlord Grass among the weeds, for your generous reward~(`)

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